Adventurer's Boon Single Player Campaign - Brainstorm

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Level 7
Mar 9, 2008
I have had the idea for a story or campaign or something for a while now, and even drew a map and some characters. But all that fails when I think get to the following:
  • I know what needs to happen, but not how.
  • I keep wanting to add extra-dimensional crap like time travel and mysterious enemies from beyond. It'd probably be in my best interest to keep it to a ghost ship and leave it at that.
  • I was wanting to do an explorable single player campaign focusing on one or more of the above characters (two of which could fit the silent protagonist role quite well), but I am Mr. Fail when it comes to the Game Cache. What am I supposed to save? How do I load? How do I teleport the heroes to the correct part of the map without cloning them? argh! Bad Idea. Too complicated.
  • I could do a standard campaign like Blizzard does... hmm... Hmmmmm... I'll save this Idea and capitolize the first letter of the word Idea for no reason. Edit: A linear campaign should do nicely.
  • I... really can't name characters and places all that well. Miranda Desagry was easy for me because most of the *cough* female characters I use in MMOs have the Desagry surname (ex: Alecta Desagry, a level 20 Ranger/Mesmer from Guild Wars Prophecies).
  • Currently the countries on the map are Red vs Blue vs ???(grey)... Blue being the biggest/wealthiest/let'sputourprotagonistsherewhynot.
  • I was planning on Miranda Desagry, with sidekick Allen Greenwich, scouting to the east, then dissappearing, sparking blue to explore the unexplored territory that direction. Is that the best way to involve the avians/lizardmen native to that region?
  • I've got an idea for explody arrows (I love 'splody arrows, they're so useful!). Perishable charged items that have an autocast ability that does splash damage to ground units. Hmm, would that work? I mean, it'd be Allen Greenwich's "secret item", which he'd have in a crate until just when you are about to lose control of him. He's a good shot, but there IS magic in the world, and he'd be about to face his first instance of it... (science vs magic omg!)
  • I don't think I want Red to get involved anymore... I mean, they DID get their rear handed to them... hmm, yeah, I'll just leave the Red country out of this story for now... for now... FOR NOW... F- *shot*
  • Ok, last thing. I don't get out very often, and when I do, I'm awful shy. I don't think my baseball cap and glasses help, but that's beside the point. ... What I'm trying to get at, is that I'm not very good at mono, or even dialogues.

I guess I'll edit this post with a link to the post(s) that resolve each of the above. Sorta like a chain.

Hmm... maybe it's about time to update my sig as well...
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Level 4
Apr 10, 2010
A lengthy single player map would be easiest to start out with. You can just keep adding things in when you get ideas and not have to worry about game caches yet. Don't worry about adding in actual voices either... they seem like a pain to do an entire campaign/RPG with, not to mention the fact that it makes the map(s) much larger in file size when they're not really needed. You can always add them in later after you finalize the cinematic dialogs.

Anyway, nice drawings. I hope someone is able to make models for the lizardmen, because they're awesome. You could write the story out in actual storyline form and build your map off that much easier with more structure. I hope you do, because this sounds like an interesting campaign theme.
Level 7
Mar 9, 2008
Alright, I'll take that into consideration.
A lengthy single player map would be easiest to start out with. You can just keep adding things in when you get ideas and not have to worry about game caches yet.
I've already put the map in a campaign file so that it can share resources across other maps, though I may go ahead and import map-specific stuff anyway. Yeah, I guess a simple single player map would be best for me for now.
Don't worry about adding in actual voices either... they seem like a pain to do an entire campaign/RPG with, not to mention the fact that it makes the map(s) much larger in file size when they're not really needed. You can always add them in later after you finalize the cinematic dialogs.
Ah, so voices are actually end-development things. Good to know.
You could write the story out in actual storyline form and build your map off that much easier with more structure. I hope you do, because this sounds like an interesting campaign theme.
I... don't know what a storyline form is :cry:. Though I have the basic plot down in my head, the how and the why isn't on paper. I need to do that, but I'm not sure... and stuff, and things... gah, I'm terrible at excuses...
Anyway, nice drawings. I hope someone is able to make models for the lizardmen, because they're awesome.
Thanks! I was actually thinking on doing a thief like mission where they'd split up and two of them would steal a different item (like one would be into some noble-lizard's gold, and the other would steal avian eggs) while the other one got groceries legitimately for some odd reason, then meet up somewhere.

And I haven't actually drawn in a while, I'm so rusty that no amount of WD40 can help me now! :sad: (...stupid scanner/printer combo refusing to scan the picture to a .jpg due to low ink...)
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