Advanced Arrow Key Movement System v1.2.0

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
JassNewGenPack for vJass

For more information on features, known bugs and how to use/implement, see the 'Documentation' trigger in the map.

-Updated the KeyDetection system to work for more than 1 player.
-Now supports different pathing types.
-Animation speed changes so the unit appears to be going fast/slow/backwards.
-Not really a proper update, just added a list of some movement animation indexes for convenience.
-No more wacky camera motion when turning left!
-Fixed a bug that caused unit to move through trees when destroy stuff is false
-Added a "use physics" boolean option which can disable accelleration/friction
-Made the use physics option work better.
-Now definitely fixed the bug which caused units to move through trees when destroy stuff is false
-Improved the test map
-Cleaned the code/made it easier to read
-Units can now be issued orders while being controlled
-Improved the test map even more - can now test every feature without editing map
-When stopping / restarting movement, no longer doesn't work right
-Improved collisions somewhat
-Can collide with units and run them over now!
-Improved the test map again - some units to kill

Arrow Key Movement, Keyboard, Movement, Key, Tank, Destruction, System

Advanced Arrow Key Movement System (Map)

08:09, 28th Oct 2015 This resource has been Rejected by BPower. Criticism: I can't see a development of the thread since 2008. Please re-submit it, if you wish to work again on the flaws of your system. 22 Oct 2011 Bribe: This has a bug...




08:09, 28th Oct 2015

This resource has been Rejected by BPower.

I can't see a development of the thread since 2008. Please re-submit it, if you
wish to work again on the flaws of your system.

22 Oct 2011
Bribe: This has a bug that accidentally destroys bridges in range. This could also get a huge benefit from using the ArrowKey system which would prevent a lot of duplicated functions and search methods.

It also can a lot of improvement like using the Widget API instead of the worse GetUnitState/GetDestructableX/Y type things.
Level 7
Nov 13, 2007
Hey just to let you know that this system is awesome. I was looking for something like this all the time.

Perhaps you can do this for regular Jass =X

Well anyways I think I found a bug? O more likely a camera problem. The unit starts spinning like crazy.

Well here is the replay. It's at the very end.
Level 9
Apr 6, 2008
Haha! great movement system! I had a lot of fun CRUSHING the forests! I have 2 questions:

1- Does it work for multiple players?

2- How can you make the car stop hitting walls? My god! I want that feature in my movement system!

Then I think you should make backward movement possible.
Level 2
Aug 27, 2008
This is very good. i can imagine myself using this.
but shouldnt you have this in tools since techically, this isnt a spell but a tool to help mapmakers?
Level 4
Jul 28, 2008
AMAZING! System, i love it. I found two bugs though, if you haven't noticed:
1. When moving extremely fast gates don't get destroyed
2. After bumping a couple units the siege tanks facing point was messed up
Level 2
Nov 3, 2007
Well i tried but i never jassed before and i keep geting a "Function Redeclared" error with the statarrowcontrol.I dont know why and i dont know how to fix it either so it will help me alot if you fix the GUI template.
Level 8
Aug 4, 2006
Hey EOW, nice system you got here. I made something like this recently, but never posted it. I have some suggestions for you, though I know you may not be willing to act on them since you made this a year ago.

I assume you know how real cars drive. When you turn the steering wheel to the left, and the car is not moving, the whole car does not turn to the left: only the wheels do. I know it is impossible to change the facing of just the wheels, but you should take into account that the greater the speed of the car, the faster it goes through its turn. If the speed is 0, the car does not turn until the car starts moving. etc. etc.

When the car goes in reverse, the left and right arrow keys should have the opposite effect. This again has to do with how the steering wheel changes the facing of the wheels. Look at this game if you don't know what I mean:

As far as collisions go, you should not have to turn the FPS way up to make sure the car collides. Using the car's velocity, current x, and current y, you can draw a virtual line segment from the car's current position to its position one frame later. You can then calculate if an object intersects this line segment. PM if you want more info about how to do this.
Level 2
Apr 4, 2009
it's really awesome, better than others, but))) when i set speed to 10, the tank has ridden on the wall that is twice higher the road))) lol)) anyway 10/10 great work!
Level 2
Apr 4, 2009
and another thing, when i get to the blue allies, the system crashes: all works properly-camera moves,rotates, but tank is frozen in one position and doesn't rotate, it just moves without rotation(((!
@ Maskedpoptart

I made this a year ago. I'm a much better vJasser now. I guess I could do these things, but... I can't be bothered. Feel free to make them yourself and I'll update it with your new map and give you credit.

BTW, the virtual line thing - I had a thought about that a while ago, but you couldn't do it perfectly accurately - the more accurate you did it, the more laggy the system could become.
Level 12
Apr 4, 2010
This is a fun game!! lolz! but i found something gone wrong. When i press save, ( i never do anything editing to the bloody jass ) and it just keep telling me should be end of line. I check carefully and found out that the jass scripting was correct but the stupid editor is being arrogant and just keep saying " Expected End of Line "
this sucks when i copy and paste the triggers in my map and i get 100 errors
fuck this -.-
<<< he must also had received the same error i had.
Last edited:
Level 5
Jul 7, 2010
I have a problem with the animation (walking) when i use spells while moving the animation stops... I have to stop and run again to get the animation running again... and also when the unit is stunned it seems that its ignoring that it cannot move... I tried a knockback system too but the unit just wont slide... pls fix it