If there are any AUS/NZ players looking to play Warcraft 3, come hit up the Wc3 Australia Discord server here: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers
People play all types of Wc3 on the server including ladder, fun custom games, TD's, RPG's and DotA. So far there are 70 members on the server, with games happening every night.
Currently there are 2 clans on the Discord server Clan PASS and Clan AUS, who both play on us.west battle.net. Both also have access to hosting bots which provide most AUS/NZ players with less than 30ms in-game (way better than what the ping used to be when wc3 was in its prime). All players who join the Discord server can request access to the hosting bots to use in-game, and any map can be uploaded to them.
Come say hello and play some games! =)
People play all types of Wc3 on the server including ladder, fun custom games, TD's, RPG's and DotA. So far there are 70 members on the server, with games happening every night.
Currently there are 2 clans on the Discord server Clan PASS and Clan AUS, who both play on us.west battle.net. Both also have access to hosting bots which provide most AUS/NZ players with less than 30ms in-game (way better than what the ping used to be when wc3 was in its prime). All players who join the Discord server can request access to the hosting bots to use in-game, and any map can be uploaded to them.
Come say hello and play some games! =)