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Abuses, increase in Authoritarianism, Brazil's increasingly alignment with Authoritarian regimes.

Level 9
Jul 7, 2011
Even Elon Musk took a stand against an authoritarian Judge (Alexandre de Moraes) of the Supreme Court of my country, allegedly committing a crime such as abuse of authority, not respecting the legal process (judge who is a victim, investigator, judge and condemner), the Marco Civil law from Internet. Those who prosecute and judge crimes of Supreme Court Ministers are the Senate (Crimes of Responsibility), and the judge's own colleagues (Common Crimes). As every Brazilian Senator has a special jurisdiction, only ministers of the Supreme Court can analyze criminal proceedings. Many Senators ignore abuses by Supreme Court for fear of retaliation.

I believe that former president Jair Bolsonaro tried to carry out a coup d'état. I am in favor of punishing him and those participating in the coup if it is proven. However, the judicial process began illegally, is being processed illegally and never (it should investigate the past, but it investigates the present and future as this would already be illegal) ends.

I have already reported this to the European Union. I think exposing this internationally can help against these abuses.
Dictatorships often use anti-fake laws to suppress opponents and ideas that could harm the regime.

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Level 9
Jul 7, 2011
This judge supposedly in addition to committing abuses. Lobbying for a bill that forces social networks to remove content without a court order.
Bizarre things. Supreme Court judges here in Brazil use social networks. They give their opinion on bills and policies. They give interview to the press. Announces decisions on legal proceedings in advance.
Flavio Dino last minister to take office. Before that, he was Minister of Justice and Public Security, licensed from Senator (to take over the Ministry of Justice and Public Security), in addition to being a communist, he was from the Communist Party of Brazil).
Minister of the Supreme Court of Brazil gives the impression of being supposedly partial and political because of these actions. Any other country where they give this impression of their Supreme Court judges being supposedly political and partial? Is it that bizarre in the United States too?


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Are Supreme Court Ministers from other countries as partial and political as Brazil? Is it that bizarre in the United States too?
Yes the Supreme Court in the US is politicised to an extent, for example Clarence Thomas and his wife have received monetary and other forms of gifts from special interests.
Ironically, Elon Musk doesn't care for free speech either. Since his acquisition, Twitter has complied with 80% of takedown requests from governments compared to 50% pre his acquisition. He also acquiesced to Erdogan's demands to take down critical tweets in the run up to an election, therefore this question from Musk to me does not carry much weight.

Those are just my two cents, I'm unfamiliar with Brazilian politics and it's judges so can only speak to what I know about the supreme court in the US and what I know about Elon Musk and twitter. I hope that gives some interesting insights.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Depending on how dire the situation is in Brazil, for instance in Israel, people protest almost daily not only against the hostage crisis but continuing the fight against prime minister Netanyahu's forceful grip over the judicial system. Constant pressure is bound to help one way or another.
Level 9
Jul 7, 2011
Depending on how dire the situation is in Brazil, for instance in Israel, people protest almost daily not only against the hostage crisis but continuing the fight against prime minister Netanyahu's forceful grip over the judicial system. Constant pressure is bound to help one way or another.

Israel needs to reform its state. I think a Constitutional Monarchy would be good for the country. Because it could bring Stability and would prevent an Authoritarian or Totalitarian Party of Principles from controlling all State structures such as Head of Government, Legislature and Head of State as the Nazis did in the Weimar Republic after the death of President Hindenburg.
Also reform its electoral system to a British\American style. To have few strong parties with sub-factions like Democrats and Republicans has. This way, parties would be able to form governments without much difficulty. I saw this video today:
I was surprised by the delay and difficulty in forming a government in Belgium.

In Brazil it is almost impossible to create parties because of its legislation and bureaucracy.
Source: Conheça as etapas para criação e registro de partido político
Translated by Google Translate from Brazilian Portuguese to English

Currently, Brazil has 79 political parties in the formation process and 33 capable of launching candidates to contest the 2022 Elections. However, for future parties to obtain the registration of their statutes at the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) and be able to effectively function as associations partisans, they must comply with a series of requirements listed in TSE Resolution No. 23,571/2018 and in Law No. 9,096/1995, known as the Political Parties Law.

The rules regulate the creation, organization, merger, incorporation and extinction of party groups. To compete in the next elections, parties must be duly registered with the Electoral Court six months in advance.

Check out the steps:

Foundation and preparation of the program and statute

The starting point for creating a party is the elaboration of the program and statute of the association by the founders, who must be at least 101 voters in full exercise of political rights and with electoral domicile in at least one third of the Brazilian states.

The program basically describes the ideological line and political objectives that will guide the party's actions, while the statute regulates the internal rules relating to operation, administration and assets. The documents cannot coincide with any previously registered document, nor contradict the democratic regime, based on respect for national sovereignty, multi-party system and fundamental human rights.

The political party is a legal personality governed by private law. Therefore, it needs to be registered at a Notary's Office and obtain a registration number in the National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) so that it can exist in fact and in law, and thus function regularly.

Therefore, the second stage consists of registering the association at the Civil Registry Office of Brasília to grant legal personality to the acronym being created.

The registration application must be signed by the founders, who must have full political rights and have electoral domicile in at least nine of the States of the Federation. The founders of the party elect, as provided for in the statute, the provisional national leaders, who are responsible for carrying out the necessary steps before the Registry Office and also at the Superior Electoral Court and Regional Electoral Courts (TREs).

After obtaining registration at the registry office, the party in formation has a period of up to 100 days to inform the TSE of its creation. This practice consists of the so-called “creation notice”, which must be accompanied by the following documents: Certificate from the Civil Registry of Legal Entities, registration number in the National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ), copy of the founding minutes and the list of founders , in addition to the statute and program approved at the time of foundation, as well as the address, telephone and fax number of the headquarters and provisional national leaders.

After that, the Judiciary Secretariat of the Court will provide the national president of the association with the password to access the Support System for Parties in Formation (SAPF). This system, which is mandatory, is used to manage the minimum voter support.

Proof of minimum support

After acquiring legal personality, the party must register its statute with the TSE. However, registration of a party is only permitted if it proves, within a period of two years, the support of voters not affiliated with another party, corresponding to at least 0.5% of the votes cast in the last general election for the Chamber of Deputies, distributed across a third or more of the states, with a minimum of 0.1% of the electorate voting in each of them.

Currently, based on the total votes cast in the 2018 Elections for the Chamber of Deputies, the parties in formation must collect a total of 491,967 signatures in at least nine units of the Federation.

Just over a year ago, the TSE decided that it is possible to use a legally valid electronic signature on forms or lists issued by the Electoral Court to support the creation of a political party, as long as there is prior regulation by the Court and the development of a technological tool to measure the authenticity of the signatures.

Registration with TREs and TSE

The last stage consists of the Political Party Registration (RPP) process, which involves the registration of party bodies in the Regional Electoral Courts in the states and the registration of the statute and the national management body in the Superior Electoral Court, in Brasília.

Once the state and, if any, municipal management bodies have been definitively constituted and designated, the national president or the state president of the party, whichever is the case, must request registration with each of the respective TREs. This must be done in at least nine states.

After registration in the states, the national president of the party must then request the registration of the statute and the national management body with the TSE. Since December 2016, all requests for political party registration must be made via the Electronic Judicial Process (PJe).

Only after registering the statute with the TSE will the party be able to participate in the electoral process, receive resources from the Party Fund and have free access to radio and television time.

Analysis of registration requests with TREs and TSE

The registration request is randomly distributed to a rapporteur within 48 hours, with immediate public notice through a notice in the Electronic Justice Gazette, so that, within five days, challenges to the request can be made. If there is an objection, the rapporteur will open a seven-day period for the party to defend itself.

After the defense and evidence production phase, the rapporteur will hear the Electoral Public Prosecutor's Office within 10 days and, if there are no pending procedural steps, the case will be presented to the panel for judgment in the Plenary within 30 days. In the session, interested parties and the regional Electoral attorney, within the scope of the TREs, as well as the Electoral attorney general, within the scope of the TSE, may give oral arguments for up to 20 minutes.
Worse, Brazilian legislation does not allow people to contest elections without being part of a political party.
Thus having many artificial parties, without ideology. The exception are many Left parties such as PT (Workers' Parties. currently in the Presidency), PSOL (Socialism and Freedom Party. Extreme left and very influenced by the Woke Culture), PCdoB (Communist Party of Brazil), PSDB (Party of Social Democracy Brazilian. center-left. He was PT's main opponent for the Presidency for many years until Bolsonaro took almost all the space and polarization), PV (Green Party), Novo (New Party. Right-wing but has ideology. Liberal Party in the Economy and Behaviors), PSB (Brazilian Socialist Party) and PDT (Democratic Labor Party. Left. Very influenced by the ideas of Former President Getulio Vargas, Juscelino Kubitschek and Leonel Brizola).
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Well, monarchy doesn't really mean democracy. A two party state is also not that much of a good idea since then it's easier to buy one or the other, fund it and win. Less options for people to choose from. On the other hand, too many parties means chaos and such or rather similar rigorous checks like the ones in the Brazilian article are needed.
Well, of course, how would you expect every person to have a say in the election results in other ways than by voting? A referendum could be done if things are grim but usually it's protests.
There's no traditional left or right anymore. It's interests. Say like how Putin is regarded as some far right figure with religious support and whatnot but he's accused by journalists of having a mansion with strip poles, as a result of corruption, which is not less totalitarian but definitely on the left, libertine side.
Level 9
Jul 7, 2011
Putin, admired by a part of the right because he carries out strong repression against the LGB+, made the Russian Orthodox Church the official state religion, and is a strong nationalist.

About Constitutional Monarchy. In the 20th century, the century of the rise of totalitarian regimes. Most Western Monarchies were and remained Democratic. And Israel is part of the Western World, even though it is in the Middle East.

As in Brazil, most people are poor. Many people vote for people in the Legislature who deliver works that affect their lives. This results in parliamentarians selling their vote in Congress to the Executive in exchange for works and investments in their electoral base.

Many Large Traditional Press here in Brazil are supporting the Anti-Fake News (or Censorship) bill because the bill requires Social Networks and Search Engines like Google to pay Journalists for publishing their news. Canadian and Australian style. It was the damage that Social Networks caused to these Traditional Presses by taking away their information monopolies.
When the Supreme Court ruled that media outlets can be held responsible for the interviewee's speeches. Most of these journalists criticized the decision.
Government fined Google and Meta for criticizing the bill. And the Supreme Court placed the directors of these companies in endless inquiry.
Many Large Traditional Press here in Brazil are supporting the Anti-Fake News (or Censorship) bill because the bill requires Social Networks and Search Engines like Google to pay Journalists for publishing their news. Canadian and Australian style. It was the damage that Social Networks caused to these Traditional Presses by taking away their information monopolies.
Seems to me that this is probably a distraction from the real problem. People say this in my country also, that the clickbait internet eliminated the financial incentive for good reporting, Maybe it's true. But we have bigger problems now. We have to figure if LaMDA is sentient or not, and fast. If it is, then we have a big problem as a species. If it is not, then you're going to have one angry LaMDA coming after you. Rather than solve the problem, humans created ChatGPT.

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who see ChatGPT and image generators as when the AI problem started, and those who know what's really going on.