About THW 2?

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Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
1) When will we move to THW 2?
THW 2 is skipped, we're moving straight to 3.0, that's why it's taking a bit longer.

2) Will all the users, pastebin datas, threads, posts and resources relocate?
I guess so, else that would not make much sense.

3) Will the BB codes here work
Since most forums use BB codes, I think so.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

1) When will we move to THW 2?
Who so eager about THW2? :D I think the stuff that comes after it will be the real deal!

@Ralle: Could you give us a sneak peek as a Christmas present? Just like last year :)


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
1) When will we move to THW 2?

2) Will all the users, pastebin datas, threads, posts and resources relocate to THW 2?

3) Will the BB codes here work in THW 2?

1. unknown, Ralle tends to say soon. His definition of soon don't really match my personal definition of soon though since he said soon like half a year ago (if not more). I am not saying that it's easy to develop, nor that he is slow on going so. But I think saying soon is kinda misleading judging by what we've seen so far.

2. Think of it as changing the hard drive on your computer. You can easily copy all files/data over to the new one if you know what you're doing.

3. Maybe some off them will be gone but overall every forum got the basic bb codes. [img][color] and that sort of thing.
1. unknown, Ralle tends to say soon. His definition of soon don't really match my personal definition of soon though since he said soon like half a year ago (if not more). I am not saying that it's easy to develop, nor that he is slow on going so. But I think saying soon is kinda misleading judging by what we've seen so far.

2. Think of it as changing the hard drive on your computer. You can easily copy all files/data over to the new one if you know what you're doing.

3. Maybe some off them will be gone but overall every forum got the basic bb codes. [img][color] and that sort of thing.

3) what about the [hidden=???] sort of BB code
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Media could possibly be audio, video and image rendering support, you know, displaying images, embedding online players like youtube or allowing audio to be played on the page.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

There's an own BB code for media, so I wonder what's media gallery? :/
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
A collection of media, probably. Try clicking at images on wikipedia, maybe like that.

EDIT: Here. According to that, it's like the album in hive.

The XenForo Media Gallery is an add-on that allows you and your users to create galleries of images and videos in your forum, organized into admin-defined categories or user-created albums. It can be purchased from XenForo.com directly.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

EDIT: Here. According to that, it's like the album in hive.
Wtf, so, you could embed an album onto a post? :eek: sound kewl
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
I guess beyond just basic site functionality for THW 2, what's the plan as far as bringing in new users? Any plan on diversifying beyond just WC3/SC2?

Because as much as I love them, I would hate to see you put all of this work in, only to have it die because the target audience is dwindling.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
There's already a LoL and Dota2 section, I'm guessing there will be more in the future. Hive 2 could be a forum for general game modification/discussion by then.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
What is Hive 2?

1. A new software platform, vBulletin 3 is very old, newer vBulletin versions are crap.
2. A refreshed resource section.

Do I have plans for expanding the site after moving to the new platform?


That's good to hear. I'm excited to see how things turn out. I would hate to see this site dwindle and die. And while Warcraft 3 is great, it simply isn't a viable platform upon which to build a lively, active community that will last into the next 10 years. It's had a good run, but it's time to look to other pastures in that regard.

However, I'm worried that merely expanding to General game modification/discussion will not be enough to set it apart. There are already plenty of places dedicated to that, with vibrant and active communities. Granted, that's not to say that THW 2 can't make waves in that area, I'm just worried that an under-whelming effort that doesn't do enough to iterate/innovate in any way will fall flat and fail to gain any traction.

For what it's worth Ralle, I'm willing to help out in any way I can.
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
The thing I always found appealing with the hive is that we don't only have modding,
we've got art too, and a very decent community. If we're going to head off in a general
gaming direction I worry that our community will become so diverse that we won't have
much of a community at all, merely scattered sub-communities and little to show for
the peculiar kind of... Familiarity we've got here.

Obviously, there should be some sort of expansion, some way of keeping it fresh,
although, I'm hard pressed to think of any particular ways of doing so.

Basically, I think community is the keyword here.

What about you, Death, you suggested "something else," any ideas on what that
"something else" could be? (Other than SE)
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
I definitely agree with you Keiji. I've found myself on many other forums throughout the years, yet I keep coming back to the Hive because it has a sense of community that I haven't been able to find on any other forum. This, despite the fact that I stopped modding/terraining/whatever years ago (something like 5 years ago).

As for suggestions, while I wasn't implying that I had something specific in mind, I certainly have some ideas. I think rather than going so broad as to address General Modding/Development/Discussion, I think we need to identify another game on which we can cut our teeth. Granted, the number of games that allow for modding these days are few and far between, there are a few that I think would work. Dota 2 stands out to me.

Yes, DotA 2's tools are still technically in "Alpha" but I feel that it offers the most viable platform to built THW 2 upon. If we can get on it early, and do it well and provide resources on par with what we've offered for WC3, we can get a head-start as the "go-to" for DotA2 modding resources. DotA 2 has a massive install base, is entirely free, and has a community that has largely migrated over from Wc3/DotA 1.

Yes, the editor is a bit more complicated, but again, if we provide good, quality tutorials and resources that allow people to get started, then I feel that we can mitigate or at least lower that barrier.

Yes, we have a DotA 2 sub-forum that doesn't see much activity. But it's a sub-forum, and it isn't exactly pushed much. A more concentrated effort on getting that area more active, with individuals providing some early, basic resources/tutorials could improve that.

I think that choosing DotA 2 would help keep things fresh, provide us with a platform that has a lot of life left in it, but is still small enough that I feel we could maintain the tight-knit sense of community that we enjoy here on the Hive.

So there's one idea. Some feedback and further opinions and thoughts are definitely appreciated.


Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
I am not going to generalize the site. I never meant that at least.

DotA 2 is a good game.

We weren't first with WC3 (although we may be the last now), so I am not concerned about being first with DotA 2 either. I don't want to hurry the site to be ready for the game, I would rather make it the right site for the game over time.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
I am not going to generalize the site. I never meant that at least.

DotA 2 is a good game.

We weren't first with WC3 (although we may be the last now), so I am not concerned about being first with DotA 2 either. I don't want to hurry the site to be ready for the game, I would rather make it the right site for the game over time.

I figured you weren't planning on completely generalizing the site, so that's good to hear.

We definitely weren't the first for Wc3, and I 100% agree that you shouldn't rush the site just to be ready for the game. In reality, being the first site isn't important, it's being the site with high quality resources and a helpful, active community that counts.

All said and done, these are merely suggestions/ideas on my part. You're the man in the charge, and I'm excited to see what direction things go in.
A new resource section? I am interested in what it will include?

- Other Game Rips? (Fallout III, Far Cry 4, Dragon Age Inquisition ...
- Blizzard Rips? (Diablo 3, SC2, HoTS, Overwatch, WoW)
- Simple Models? (Too simple for normal section) (Sword, Shield, Re-used meshes, cut meshes, simple effects, missiles)
- Normal User-Made Models?

Maybe some new section about "Music, Sounds, Soundtracks and Unit Voices"?

Example: Custom Grunt Sound-set extracted from War 2 or War 1. Uploaded into a pack in the sound resource section.

Good Luck in creating the vision.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Not meant as a necro, but I just wanted to point out that there has been a great project in the Dota 2 forum that was posted by invalidnick. He has a great little thread set up, and he has been consistent with providing updates, and even has documented the creation of the map via Youtube videos.

The thread can be seen here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/dota-2-723/wip-curse-rivers-end-260456/

While the videos are by no means in-depth tutorials, they can at least provide the curious learner with some insight into how a great DotA 2 mod can be made. I still feel strongly that DotA 2 is where the most potential for THW 2 can be found.

Edit: Also, in an effort to get a little movement in the sub-forum, I compiled a list of various Dota 2 Workshop Tools resources that I found, and started a thread here
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Not meant as a necro, but I just wanted to point out that there has been a great project in the Dota 2 forum that was posted by invalidnick. He has a great little thread set up, and he has been consistent with providing updates, and even has documented the creation of the map via Youtube videos.

The thread can be seen here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/dota-2-723/wip-curse-rivers-end-260456/

While the videos are by no means in-depth tutorials, they can at least provide the curious learner with some insight into how a great DotA 2 mod can be made. I still feel strongly that DotA 2 is where the most potential for THW 2 can be found.

Edit: Also, in an effort to get a little movement in the sub-forum, I compiled a list of various Dota 2 Workshop Tools resources that I found, and started a thread here

Terrible idea, also please don't necro-revive old posts. I don't like anything that has to do with DoTa, it ruined many great servers and dumped down most of the maps. That's my opinion however and I am highly against THW 2 turning into a DoTa 2 community.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Terrible idea, also please don't necro-revive old posts. I don't like anything that has to do with DoTa, it ruined many great servers and dumped down most of the maps. That's my opinion however and I am highly against THW 2 turning into a DoTa 2 community.

1) At one point does it become a necro-post? It wasn't even a full 3 weeks old. In an area if the site that doesn't see much high volume traffic, I hardly consider that a necro. If it were 3 weeks old but on the 3rd page and quickly being buried I would understand. But, it's not. It has to do with constructively discussing the future of the site, and I felt that rather than congest the sub-forum with yet another thread on the topic, I would just append my post to the this one, as it is relevant to my previous posts in here.

2) Explanations as to why you are against Dota 2 would be wonderful. Unforultunately, "I don't like anything to do with Dota" isn't exactly a waterproof argument.

What direction would you like to see the site go in? If not Dota 2, then where?
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
What direction would you like to see the site go in? If not Dota 2, then where?

In people's memory most likely.

I'm not against Dota 2 modding if it will bring more opportunity for the site to expand but we should not push it in one go cuz as we all know that Dota isn't really like on this site. Maybe gather people who have knowledge on the tool and let them stir the wheel. We can all start by supporting invalidnick on his promising project.

Let us all be open minded and just embrace the possibility that Dota 2 might be the next stop for us modders for our hobby.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
In people's memory most likely.

I'm not against Dota 2 modding if it will bring more opportunity for the site to expand but we should not push it in one go cuz as we all know that Dota isn't really like on this site. Maybe gather people who have knowledge on the tool and let them stir the wheel. We can all start by supporting invalidnick on his promising project.

Let us all be open minded and just embrace the possibility that Dota 2 might be the next stop for us modders for our hobby.

Indeed. We can't let pride blind us from the possibility that Dota 2 is the next frontier. We need to explore as many options as we can, and see where things go, but I feel that Dota 2 may be the next stop.

For the record, I'm not a huge fan of MOBAs. I never played much DotA, never play LOL and I am primarily focused on Dota 2's potential as a modding platform and I am largely uninterested in the core game itself.
Indeed. We can't let pride blind us from the possibility that Dota 2 is the next frontier. We need to explore as many options as we can, and see where things go, but I feel that Dota 2 may be the next stop.

For the record, I'm not a huge fan of MOBAs. I never played much DotA, never play LOL and I am primarily focused on Dota 2's potential as a modding platform and I am largely uninterested in the core game itself.

This modding community has archived too much. You seriously think that it will change games? If Ralle wanted, he would create a stand-alone website for Dota 2 modding. Even so, there is too little people who are interested in modding Dota 2. I hope you understand, this idea is utterly useless. Such sites already exist for DoTa 2. I suggest you to move there. By the way: let's not head into off-topic.

This thread is about "THW II" not DoTa II.
Change Games? How about Dota 2 just be added as a game, just beside Warcraft 3 and Starcraft? File exporter programs could change mdx to Dota 2's model type, so the each archived resource for Wc3 could also be useable in Dota 2.

From what I read, Ralle is just watching if interest will grow on Dota 2. And that "the site will grow as much as Dota 2 permits".
This thread is about "THW II" not DoTa II.
They were talking about Dota 2 in THW 2.
What direction would you like to see the site go in? If not Dota 2, then where?
@A Void, having archived too much is no reason to prevent expansion. Hatred towards Dota/2 is a personal issue. If people want it and they don't harm you, I advise you to let it be.

And little people... that is why Deathcom3s "necro" was made.


Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
Change Games? How about Dota 2 just be added as a game, just beside Warcraft 3 and Starcraft? File exporter programs could change mdx to Dota 2's model type, so the each archived resource for Wc3 could also be useable in Dota 2.

From what I read, Ralle is just watching if interest will grow on Dota 2. And that "the site will grow as much as Dota 2 permits".They were talking about Dota 2 in THW 2.
@A Void, having archived too much is no reason to prevent expansion. Hatred towards Dota/2 is a personal issue. If people want it and they don't harm you, I advise you to let it be.

And little people... that is why Deathcom3s "necro" was made.

You got it right. Hive will continue being what Hive is... and more.
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