Ability/Buff that can drain health to zero

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Does anyone know any ability/buff that can drain unit's health to zero?

My goal is to make something like burning effect where hero's health decreases when the hero has a (custom buff) fire buff. I tried using Slow Poison ability given to the dummy unit that targets the hero but it doesn't kill the hero (it always leaves 1HP because it's a poison). I want the hero to burn when there's a (custom unit) fire units nearby and I can do that by using "Unit - Unit Within Range" Event but I can't find an ability that can give the hero a fire buff.

I also tried using Burning Fuel and Flame Strike - with the use of dummy units targeting the position of the hero - but those are "Target Ground" abilities and when the hero leaves the target AOE the buff disappears, and the Immolation ability that targets self instead of the units around the hero but the ability only works when activated.
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Warcraft Moderator
Level 69
Aug 10, 2018
Permanent Immolation sounds like the ability that you want. Give it to the Fire units.

Otherwise, Acid Bomb is a damage over time effect that has a buff. You could apply it using a Dummy.

Additionally, you could use both of these in conjunction with a Damage Engine to create a Permanent Immolation effect that applies a visible/continuous buff.

You would detect when Permanent Immolation deals damage, set it's damage amount to 0, and then apply the Acid Bomb effect to the damaged unit.
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Level 13
Feb 5, 2018
My goal is to make something like burning effect where hero's health decreases when the hero has a (custom buff) fire buff. I tried using Slow Poison ability given to the dummy unit that targets the hero but it doesn't kill the hero (it always leaves 1HP because it's a poison). I want the hero to burn when there's a (custom unit) fire units nearby and I can do that by using "Unit - Unit Within Range" Event but I can't find an ability that can give the hero a fire buff.

Envenomed weapons should have a "kill" box in the stacking effects. Did you try that out already?
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