[Altered Melee] A World of Demons

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Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
World of Demons

Enter a world of demons, where nothing is what it seems...

Welcome to World of Demons (WoD for short), a 12-player altered melee map in which the races have been changed dramatically. Choose from the Alliance, the Horde, the Silver Hand or the Burning Legion and slaughter all in your path!

World of Demons is a 12-player map designed for 3v3v3v3 play. Three players sit in each corner and expand outwards towards the centre of the map, navigating through hordes of nether creatures and amassing the spoils of war. Player-versus-player combat is situated around the Marketplace and Goblin Merchants in the centre of the map. Resources are scarce, so conserve them and expand outward.

World of Demons consists of four heavily altered races: the Alliance, based off of the Night Elves, the Horde, from the Orcs, the Burning Legion, from the Undead, and from the Humans came the Silver Hand. Each race has three tech tiers and four Heroes.

The Legion's invasion of Azeroth was defeated at much loss of life, and the demonlord Archimonde was slain. Yet Azeroth was not safe, as they faced threat after threat, from the reopening of the Dark Portal to the awakening of the Lich King, the re-emergence of Deathwing, Aspect of Death, and finally to a bitter war between the Alliance and Horde which has only just been resolved. The Draenei Prophet Velen, however, has had a vision of death, and has gone to the paladin Tirion Fordring with a warning of a possible Legion invasion.
The Prophet's fears were realised when portals to the Nether opened above Stormwind, Orgrimmar and the Maelstrom, and hordes of demons poured out, hellbent on destruction. The Alliance and the Horde fought desperately to survive, while the Silver Hand reacted decisively, striking at the Maelstrom with all their might. Joined by the Priestesses of Elune, they managed to carve a bloody path through the demons and shot through the portal to battle the threat at its heart. Emerging on a hellish world where the laws of physics did not apply, the Silver Hand set about establishing a foothold.
Meanwhile, the Legion's forces had retreated from Azeroth to defend their world. The Alliance and Horde seized this opportunity, and followed them through the portals. Now, the four factions must battle for control of the portals, for whoever controls them, decides the fate of Azeroth...

Why Should I Play World of Demons?
Good question. One thing that makes a map good is how unique it is. World of Demons is quite unique in that the races are vastly different, and while other maps have done that, I'd like to think WoD has a lot more attention to detail. The setting, too, is unique, with terrain, lighting and use of doodads giving off an alien atmosphere of suspence and the promise of violence. The map also uses a lot of user-made models (who will definitely be credited in the finished product).

Alpha 1.1 is now available, with 1.2 coming fairly soon.
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Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
Alright! I've just finished the Burning Legion, so I put together a quick mini-battlefield and set up things to go down. Try to avoid going outside the tree wall, as there is quite literally nothing there. Designed for 1v1 only at the moment. Enjoy, and please give feedback!


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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Perhaps it would be better if you add screenshots. Some questions, hopefully you can add this to your description.

1) Symmetrical Altered Melee or Strategic/Objective Altered Melee (map style)
2) Blizzard Map(s) or Custom Made Maps
3) Terrain and Layout
4) Techtree system (traditional or custom, not just units, upgrades, and requirements)
5) Economic system (Gold mines, lumber, food, bounty, etc)
6) Unit System (How the game focuses on Health, Mana, Damage, Armor, Damage Type, Ranks, Evasion, etc)
7) Background story

Hoped that helped.
Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
Ah, right. Well,

1) Symmetrical altered melee. It's a melee map with a different techtree.
2) Custom made map
3) Terrain is not finalised yet. I'm thinking of 4 in the corners and 2 each side for 12 players total, with the fighting ideally concentrated on the marketplace in the centre as well as a couple goblin merchants elsewhere.
4) It's a traditional techtree, pretty much like the current one but with a lot of changes.
5) economic system is the same.
6) unit system is the same as standard. I'm pretty nooby with really advanced stuff.
7) There isn't really a background story - just a Legion world got invaded by Azeroth's forces, and the Alliance and Horde reverted to old ways.

Also, I just discovered a massive flaw with the Burning Legion techtree, so this is a better version of the map that hopefully fixed it.


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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
#3 12 players is very hard to start a map with. If you are confident enough, go for it
#5 so some units will cost G and Lumb, and all buildings will use G and Lumb aswell? I prefer different currencies for different purchases. I suggest a large foodcap, but it's all up to preference
#6 Exactly the same? It doesn't have to be complicated to make an altered unit system. Mana can = energy, or ammo. Units can have non-clickable spells that shows how well a unit can do, along side with passive abilities. So many possibilities.
#7 No background, nothing to lean on.

One tip before I log out, make sure some can tell you how good your terrain is. Are you aware how raise tools, rivers, lakes, and hills should be made? Those are important questions. Also, do not spam doodads unless necessary.
Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
#3 12 players is very hard to start a map with. If you are confident enough, go for it
#5 so some units will cost G and Lumb, and all buildings will use G and Lumb aswell? I prefer different currencies for different purchases. I suggest a large foodcap, but it's all up to preference
#6 Exactly the same? It doesn't have to be complicated to make an altered unit system. Mana can = energy, or ammo. Units can have non-clickable spells that shows how well a unit can do, along side with passive abilities. So many possibilities.
#7 No background, nothing to lean on.

One tip before I log out, make sure some can tell you how good your terrain is. Are you aware how raise tools, rivers, lakes, and hills should be made? Those are important questions. Also, do not spam doodads unless necessary.

Terrain's the easy part of it all. As to the rest, it's supposed to be a melee WC3 map with altered techtrees, following the same mechanics of health and mana. There are some odd gimmicks though, like Burning Legion units having two different builder units. I haven't done the terrain yet though, because it will take a long time. The end result is intended for 3v3v3v3.
Level 6
Mar 9, 2013
I have tested your map (the second one):

The races are still quite basic. The units are ok, but the heroes all have slightly modified, boring Blizzard spells. Most of the Legion's units are very simple and need a bit more work. As the map is still in early development, there is not really much i can give feedback on.

My suggestions:
-Add special abilities for all of the heroes-i can help you give ideas.
-Add nice models for all of the units- like these:
-Make both of these races near-perfect before doing any of the other races.

Good luck with your project.
Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
Thank you very much for the feedback, it's very much appreciated. Spells are my weak point - of all the Heroes, the only one I'm really happy with is the Warlock and his multidotting. I'm still familiarising myself with the Spell Editor, so any ideas would be terrific. I like those custom models, will make sure to use them.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
I like your effort in this map. +rep to you.

Rep = a small reward for helping other users, or doing something good for the community, or just working hard on Hive. You'll find on below the avatar (profile picture) of every users post.

Just a small opinion, I prefer no heroes in RTS. Small opinion.
Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
Ah, and also, does anyone know any holy-looking town halls I could use for the Silver Hand? I'm thinking of Cathedrals or churches or something along those lines.
Level 6
Mar 9, 2013
The food cap can be changed by going to Advanced in the world editor, then Gameplay Constants.
for some good town halls, check these:

Here's a list of suggestions for unit abilities:
Pit Archon (hero): Defensive melee hero.
Howl of Terror: Causes nearby enemies to run in fear for X seconds. Feared units run around randomly and cannot attack and cast, but damage over a treshold of Y will cancel the Fear effect.
Fel Blood: The Pit Archon cuts itself to spill its demonic blood. Deals X damage to himself, but enrages nearby demons to gain +Y damage and +Z life regeneration.
Great Endurance (passive): The Pit Archon becomes incredibly resilient when wounded. While at or below X% health, The Pit Archon has Y bonus armor and Z bonus magic resistance.
Power Overwhelming (ultimate): Unleashes a great shock which rips the earth. Pushes all enemies near the Pit Archon away for X range, damages them for Y, and stuns them for Z seconds.

Warlock (hero): Powerful spellcaster.
Bane of Agony: Deals X damage per second to a target for up to 60 seconds. Has a low cooldown.
Corruption: Reduces the damage of a target unit by X% while dealing Y damage per second for Z seconds.
Soul Tap: Sacrifices X% of the target's health into Y mana for the Warlock. Can target self and allied demons.
Ritual of Doom (ultimate): Channels for up to 10 seconds, then summons a Great Demon at the cost of the Warlock's life, which has X times the channeled duration as timed life.

Succubus (hero): Agile spellcaster.
Dark Strike: Deals X damage to the target unit and reduces its armor for Y seconds. Must be cast at melee range.
Shadow Shift: Charges to the target location X range away while damaging all enemies in the Succubus's path for Y.
Charm: Disables the target unit for X seconds. When the target is attacked, the attacker takes over the Charm effect.
Finger of Death: Deals X damage to a target unit or building.

Shadow walker (hero): Stealthy damage hero. (nathrezim model)
Phase Out: Change into a state in which the Shadow walker is invulnerable and permanently invisible, but cannot attack and cast spells other than Phase out. When the spell is cast again, The Shadow Walker returns to its normal form.
Ravaging Strike (passive): The Shadow Walker's attacks deal X damage per second to the attacked unit while healing the Shadow walker for the same amount per second for Y seconds.
Cripple: Reduces the target's movement and attack speed by X and damage by Y for Z seconds.
Nighthunters (ultimate): Summons a swarm of Nighthunters for X seconds. These flying units are immune to physical damage, have a high-damage melee attack and a weaker version of Ravaging Strike. However, they take triple damage from all magic and spells and rapidly lose health during the day.

Eredar (first caster): Powerful summoning caster.
Nethershock (initiate): Deals damage to a target enemy. Nearby lesser demons are encouraged to attack the target.
Rift (adept): Summons a rift for up to X seconds that spawns a weak demon every Y seconds until the rift times out or is destroyed. These weak demons can not be commanded directly.
Blood Pact (master): The targeted allied demon gains +X% attack and cannot die for Y seconds. After the Bloodpact times out, the demon dies. Cannot be cast on heroes.

Nathrezim (second caster): Versatile damaging caster.
Soul Gem (innate ability): Allows the Nathrezim to store one Soul Gem. The Nathrezim can only regenerate mana while a Soul Gem is active.
Claim Life (initiate): Deals X damage to the target enemy. If the enemy dies because of this damage or up to 3 seconds thereafter, a Soul Gem is activated. Can also be cast if the Nathrezim doesn't have enough mana, but it will then cost life instead.
Demonfire (adept): After a X second casting time, the target enemy takes Y damage and Y additional damage over time. If a Soul Gem is active, the Soul Gem is deactivated and Demonfire deals Z% extra damage.
Soulstorm (master): Deals damage to the target unit and 3 nearby others. Requires a Soul Gem to be cast. The Soul Gem is consumed when cast.

I can give suggestions for the Humans later c:
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Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
I have no idea how to make most of those spells :p

I like most of them, but I think the Pit Archon should be more offensive than defensive and that the Nathrezim should be more of a control caster than a damage-dealer.

I'm also planning on re-doing the Succubus sound set, as the standard WC3 one annoys me for some reason.
Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
Alright, little bit of an update. I've got a bunch of models for Silver Hand and Burning Legion, still looking for a couple though, and have nerfed Felguard considerably, they just had too much health and damage. I still have a feeling the Legion is overpowered though - those chaos attacks are nasty!
Hello, I decide to take a look on your project and want to give some suggestion to improve it.

First, the description lacks some designing for the presentation, improving the presentation is a good thing as it will attract more people. some notable project that I can recommend to take a look at are Tides of War by Forsaken and Rise of Blood Elves by Tomoraider also, some notable ways to make a good description are BB Codes, Map Description Template and Map Description Generator

Second, Take some screenshot of the project, project with screenshots are more enjoyable to look by users, There's a notable tutorial for Uploading Screenshots to Hive Workshop

That's all for now, feel free to contact me if you need any help.

PM Daffa the Mage
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Level 1
Aug 22, 2013
what races are gonna play in this map and pls add more buildings and change the main building to a demonish style and these are my races suggestions

Chaotic night elf(from the campaign)


and forggoten one
Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
what races are gonna play in this map and pls add more buildings and change the main building to a demonish style and these are my races suggestions

Chaotic night elf(from the campaign)


and forggoten one

If the latest map doesn't have altered unit textures, then it's out-of-date and I'll upload a newer version.

The races are the Alliance, the Horde, the Burning Legion and the Silver Hand. I'm working on the Alliance now and would like to finish them before the next upload.
Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
Alpha 1.1 is ready for testing! In it is featured a whole host of new models for units, rebalancing, a couple unit overhauls, bug fixes, spells, and the beginning of the Alliance faction.


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Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
Sorry for the long time between updates, my uncle was sick and I've been visiting him in hospital.

With this update, you should be able to see how most of the map is going to look. The Alliance is nearly finished, and after them I'm going to do the Horde.

Also, I *really* need some help with the AI... volunteers?


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