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The Battle for Hellfire

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Level 2
Feb 23, 2010
The Battle for Hellfire
The Battle for Hellfire is a Spawn based strategy map in the Hellfire Peninsula in Outland. The main dominator of the peninsula is the Fel Horde, led by Kargath Bladefist in his fortress of Hellfire Citadel. The Fel Horde is now fighting to remain dominate of the area against the invading forces of the Alliance and The New horde. The Burning Legion whom the Fel Horde have defected from, have came to the Peninsula to reclaim the once lost Dark Portal, and the recapture the burning world!.


The Alliance
The Fel Horde
The Burning Legion
The New Horde.

The Fel Horde
The Fel Horde, once known as only the horde. are a corrupted and demon-frenzied abomination of the proud orcs. Though the Fel horde received their fel 'gift' from the demons of the burning Legion, they are no longer bound to the pacts that held the orcs to them, instead willing to steal their demonic energy directly from the demons themselves with Magtheridon locked away beneath Hellfire Citadel, with his demonic blood being drained froom him. The fel Orcs of Hellfire fight to regain their world from the invaders that have come forward to confront them, and many enemy's the fel Horde has. The ever stalwart alliance has clinged onto Honor hold for years and is now being re-built and reinforced, The New Horde led by Thrall has also come to Hellfire to re-take their ancestral homeworld. and last but not least, the Burning Legion now have a personal interest in riding Outland of the traitor orcs. The Fel horde has many enemy's but from their vast and almost impregnable fortress of Hellfire Citadel, the Fel Horde will put up a fight!.

Player 1 - Shattered Hall Orcs
Heroes - Warchief Kargath Bladefist
- Vazruden
- Grand Warlock Nethekurse
Bases - Shattered Halls (Upper Hellfire Citadel)
- Hellfire Ramparts (Middle tier of the citadel)
-The Shattered Hall orcs are one of two players that own wings of Hellfire Citadel, the shattered hall orcs are the main melee and shock troopers of the Fel Horde, They have a choose of attacking the alliance at Honor hold, or the orcs at Thrallmar as they pose the most immediate threat.
-Once the alliance and horde are dealt with the Fel Horde can concentrate of taking down the Burning Legion from their Throne from the North.

Player 2 - Blood Furnace Orcs
Heroes - Kel'Dan the Breaker
- Drill Master Zurok
- O'Mar the Unscarred
Bases - Blood furnace (Highest Tier of the Citadel)
- Shattered Hand camp (Outside the citadel)
-The second player who owns the four wings of Hellfire Citadel, The blood furnace orcs own most of the warlocks and engineers of the Fel Horde, but they have their own melee to compensate.
-The Blood furnace orcs shoud indeed help the shattered hall orcs, but they can go harrass the demons of the pools of agonar, or the dreanai or elfs.

Player 3 - Bleeding Hollow Clan
Heroes - Grilok 'darkeye'
- Warlord Morkh
- Worg Master Krussh
Bases - Zeth'gor Stronghold
- Raider's Barracks
-The orcs of Zeth'gor's most immedate threat is the player in control of Honor hold, as they have a base outside the walls of Zeth'gor, though this base will not be able to hold out forever, if it is reinforced from honor hold, it may prove to be the downfall of Zeth'gor.

The Alliance
The Alliance has had a foothold in the burning world for quite some time now, they have been locked in a state of consant warfare with the various fel orcs/demons and other monstrosities that lie within Outland.
The main stronghold of Honor hold has now been reinforced massively with the arrival of the alliance in Outland, also a new ally has Shown its face. The Dreanai hae pledged full support towards the alliance to beta back the enecrouching fel horde and burning Legion.

Player 1 - Human Expedition force
Heroes - Force Commander Danath Trollbane
- Arator the Redeemer
- Marshal Isildor (Demi)
Bases - Honor Hold (Main)
- Expedition Point
-The Player in control will be battling the Orcs from Zeth'Gor and from the Hellfire citadel. though the player has a base outside the walls of Zeth'gor, it cannot hold up long without reinforcements and back up from Honor Hold.

Player 2 - The Dreanai
Heroes - Amaan the Wise
- Anchorite Alendar
- Elsana (Demi)
Bases - The Temple of Telhamat (Main)
- Ruins of Sha'Naar (Capturable)
-The dreanai's main goal at the start is to take control of the ruins of Sha'Naar which will give them access to the Broken Dreanai of Outland.
Though soon after they will need to attacj the elfs from fFalcon watch before they kill them themselves.

The New Horde
Upon the realization that the dark Portal to the horde's old home has been re-opened. The New horde immediately sent forces to the burning World to re-take what they can of their old home, from the corrupted Fel Orcs. Though the New Horde, now under the leadership of Thrall. Made a tenuous pact with The Alliance at the dark Portal itself, This peace does not transverse all of Outland and the horde is now facing the Demons, the Corrupted orcs, and a possible invasion of the alliance to rid them from Outland.
Player 1 - The Horde Expedition forces

Heroes - Nazgrel , advisor to Thrall
- Magister BloodHawk
- Shadow Hunter Ty'jin, Ears of the warchief
Bases - Thrallmar (Main)
- Reaver's Fall
-Thrallmar, much like honor Hold, Will be in battle with one of the teams that controls Hellfire Citadel as well as demons from the north and quite possibly the east. Thralmar has much enemies that would want to see it burned to the ground, but the Might of thenew horde shall see them through their incursion inot Hellfire.

Player 2 - Falcon Watch Blood Elf's
Heroes - Ranger Caption Venn'Ren
- Magistrix Carinda
- Apothecary Azethan
Bases - Falcon watch
-The Blood elf's of Falcon Watch main enemy are the dreanai from the temple of Telhamat. With the draenai rid of the elfs can concentrate on helping the orcs from Thrallmar more directly.

The Burning Legion
The Demons are infact the ones who re-opened the dark portal, and because of this act, Doomlord kazzak received great powers from the burning Legion Masters and was charged a task of capturing The Dark Portal, and the eradication of all threats to the Legion, off the face of Hellfire. Kazzak has now a large army of demons at his call, and is constantly calling more into the field. The Legion is a strong threat to everything on Hellfire, and is growing more so by the day.

Player 1 - Kazzak's Demons
Heroes - Doomlord Kazzak
- Arazzius the cruel
- Doomwalker (Yeh he's technically in shadowmoon valley, but w/e)
Bases - Throne of Kil'Jeadan
- Pools of Aggonar
-The demons are quite versatile in what they can attack, they could harass and possibly free Magtheridon from Hellfire, or attack the orcs at Thrallmar and rid them from Hellfire. or even take out the dreanai while they are weak.

Player 2- Dark Portal assailants
Heroes - Detromath The Pit Commander
- Aggonis
- Warbringer Arix'Amal
Bases - Murketh Gateway
- Shaadra Gateway
- Invasion Point: Annihilation
-The Main Goal of the dark portal assailants is to capture the Dark Portal fom the tenuous alliance of orcs and Alliance at the Portal, once that is done the demons can attack either Thrallmar or Honor Hold or even zeth'gor, and all of them need to be dealt with.

The Dark Portal Vanguard

Player 1 - The Vanguard
Bases - Portal to Orgrimmar
- Portal to Stormwind
The dark portal vanguard is a joint effort of Horde and alliance members. There mission is to fend off the Assailants of the burning legion who want to take control of the Dark Portal for there own nefarious means.
If the Vanguard manages to destroy both of the Demon portals owned by the Assailants, they will then be able to decide which team to join (Horde/Alliance), picking one side will loose the units from the other. so if Alliance is picked then the Horde units/Heros will not be able to be controlled and vice versa.

The Mag'har Orcs
Player 1
Bases - The Mag'Har Stronghold
- Mag'Har Grounds
Heroes - Gorkan BloodFist
-Garrosh Hellscream
-The Mag'Har will start out as a solo race, battling the demons from the Pools of aggonar, the dreanai from the Temple of Telhamat, and possibly the Fel Horde from Hellfire Citadel.
After a Time has past, the Mag'har will reach out to the New Horde for assistance from all the threats that are posed against the Mag'Har. But, if the Fel Horde destroys the stronghold of the Mag'har, they will be forced into servitude and will be signifcantly weaker than if they manage to survive and contact the New Horde.

- The player in control of the Dreanai can capture a neutral/hostile base almost directly south of them to receive broken dreanai units.
- The orcs of the Mag'har can be captured by the Fel Horde and forced into servitude, but if the Mag'Har survive a certain amount of time, they will join the New Horde.
- If a Burning Legion Player destroys a certain wing of Hellfire Citadel(Blood Furnace), they get Magtheridon
- If Doomlord Kazzak makes it to the Dark Portal(the Vanguard would need to be destroyed) he then uses the portals energies to call forth more and stronger demons onto the field.

One feature i am intent on doing is a sort of variation on the PvP system in Hellfire Peninsula currently in WoW. Basically there will be four defensive areas placed around the map.
Each base when captured, will give a global-team wide buff that increases damage by X amount for every unit owned by that team. The buff is stacked for each point captured giving a very decisive buff to the team who controls them all, So it is in everybody's interest to make sure that not one team has control over all of these bases.
Each base will have so many towers placed in it and other certain defensive capabilities, and upon player change of the base so will all of these defenses change.
-Falcon Watch (Blood elf place)

-Honor Hold

-The Throne of Kil'Jeadan


-Mag'har Grounds

-Mag'har Stronghold

-Alliance side of Dark portal Staging Area

-Horde side of Dark portal Staging Area

-The Dark Portal Staging Area (Full View)

-Zeth'Gor + surroundings

-Cenarion Hold
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Level 3
Nov 20, 2008
The project looks quite nice, but the fact that each player seems to control very little at times worries me a bit. I don't think people would want to play it when they only control a very small base. And maybe you should add some more info, like is it spawn based or do you train the units yourself? The terrain looks ok, but in my opinion there are to many squares and lines. Otherwise i think it looks good, but why are they called the new horde?

Anyway keep up the good work, this has great potential.
Level 2
Feb 23, 2010
Huh, guess i should have been more clear, my bad.
It will indeed be a spawn based strategy map. I haven't fully started to work on the triggering for it, but i am hoping to implement some systems that will try to make it more unique.
Level 6
Sep 5, 2009
Like the other peeps said. The terrains awesome, lil heavy on doodad for my taste, but this ain't my project. Keep the work up.
Level 2
Feb 23, 2010
I have gone over some of the bases and redone them slightly, though i haven't uploaded the screenshots of them, mostly had a reduction in doodad count etc.

but why are they called the new horde?
Thrall's Horde can be classified as a 'New Horde'
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