[Strategy / Risk] A Kings Feud

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Level 14
Oct 16, 2010

I've got a concept of a map in my head but I'm not sure whether it's any good or not and have some concerns before I attempt to create it.

So basically the idea is that it would be something like a 5v5 map where each player fits a specific role (either chosen in-game or in lobby position). The primary role would be the ruler, who would get income depending on their allies and would spread that across their allies. This would allow them to focus the money on specific areas in need, or not if they are a bad ruler.

Some other ideas for roles would be:

- Military: Primary focus is attacking enemies or defending the castle.
- Resources: Primary focus is to generate resources which would generate income, which the ruler then spreads across to the other players.
- Constructor: Primary focus is to build structures for the castle; such as walls, towers and other more simplistic structures. The constructor could build all basic structures for other players?
- Researchers: Primary focus is to research different technologies which could aid their castle. Researches could range from simple attack damage to finding crops (grown by the resources player) which could then be mixed to increase hit point regeneration (for example...).

The idea is that the ruler would put focus into Military if they want to attack, Resources if they want quick income (probably early game), Constructor if they want to build up their castle or want quicker production, and researchers if they want to quickly improve their technology.

The map idea is that it'd be mostly blank so that you have the freedom to build your castle as you please.

Anyway that's my general idea, my concern is that the ruler would take advantage of their 'power' and would cause players to leave.
I guess I could create some level of a 'strike' mechanism when people are giving short money?
Level 4
Feb 26, 2015
Sounds like a cool idea to me, maybe have a vote from other players to see if the Ruler is being fair or not?




Basically a great idea as a specific role forces teamplay, but there already exists a similar map called 'Sim City Wars'.
Nonetheless, it is a pretty old map and your idea has some big differences. Keep going, could become a great game !
Level 14
Oct 16, 2010
Thanks for the comments guys.

Is this "Sim City Wars" on the Hive? Want to get more of an idea of how it could be done before I start.

Other concern is testing of the map, given that it would involve 5 players on a team.

I am working on another project but I need to gather some more ideas for that before I continue really. And a bit of variety in map-making is good right? :D
Level 14
Oct 16, 2010
Thanks for the map, haven't had a chance to look at it yet though.

I've been brainstorming ideas for the map and I want to see what people think of them, so here goes!!!

Fire - A fire system which would allow fire to spread through buildings, to terrain and to units themselves. Units would be able to walk into water to instantly extinguish the flames (not sure how to do that tbh... maybe check for boat pathing?). The fire would increase it's power (damage and chance to spread) if it burns more flammable things such as weak structures and trees. The fire could be on a random chance with certain buildings (swordsmith for example) or could be made by an enemy catapult.
Bank - Gold could be stored inside it and would gain interest over time up to a cap. The cap could be increased somehow? (Bigger banks?) Also if the bank was destroyed by an enemy the enemy would then take the money from that bank?
Mines - Gold would be mined over time. Maybe mines would become less effective after being used for too long (they would run out of gold). Expanding mines would make them more efficient (upgrading them). Or I could just make mines have a set amount of gold in them that changes depending on where they are placed?
Food/Farming - Food would replace lumber but would not be used to build anything. Instead food would be used to feed your people, if you are low on food then people will begin to starve, taking damage. I thought that farming could either be a case of building mills (or something like that) which produce food or complicating it to having to create crops/farm animals which would probably be more interesting for the resources player.
Diseases - This idea kinda goes hand-in-hand with the farming idea. Basically different diseases could appear which might hurt only animals, only humans or both. Then the researches player would have to try creating a cure (mixing crops etc?)
Weather effects - This idea would allow the weather to change in-game (maybe in specific areas) which would have effects on your units and things. So for example if it rains then crops could grow quicker, but if it snowed then crops might die and your units would move slower (and maybe require more food?). Maybe if it were snowing at night time temperature could become a threat?

Basically what I want to do with this map is make the actual running of the castle itself much more complicated than a simple map, which when it comes to attacking could allow people to target certain weakspots.
Level 15
Nov 30, 2007
Sounds similar to the map where you are a crew pitted against another battle cruiser.

Instead of having specific roles, maybe make it so you can take and leave jobs. The king can order certain players to a specific task and also punish them.

Farming could be to work as an overseer, basically you have a bunch of workers standing around, you go get them from their sleeping quarters and order them to start working somehow, after a random amount of time they slack off and you have to hit them to make them start working again. If you leave the area they stop working (lazy bastards!) Also, if you hit them too many times they might die so watch out for that... ;)
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Pinzu said:
Instead of having specific roles, maybe make it so you can take and leave jobs. The king can order certain players to a specific task and also punish them.
There already exists a game that works exactly the way you describe. I think it is called 'Fantasy Life' or similar.
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