I shall never understand why people will always chose a shitty mouse to draw like crap on the computer instead of drawing with a pencil on paper, which confers you an insanely huge amount of control over the mouse.
LiOneSS, I really don't know what to say about this, except that it's bad, really really bad...sorry, don't want to be rude or anything, but it's true....I don't even know how you'll model something after this. Usually when you make a reference drawing for a model, you want to have it's proportions very well established so modeling will be faster, but the proportions in your drawing are a nightmare...also no sense of depth, volume, color or anything really.
Only advise I could give you is that from now on, when drawing a reference for a model, first of all MAKE IT ON PAPER, 'cause it will be much better quality-wise; secondly, focus on getting the proportions right!! Figuring them on the fly while modeling is slower! Thirdly, make front AND back views. And if there are parts that require extra detail, make that detail bigger on another piece of paper so you can have a better look at it.