[?]Why does Purple have a starting location if he doesn't play?
(green point) creeps were well chosen. The same I can't say for other creeps.
[-]Bad doodad placement. The bridges are not fitting with the terrain, and there are passages behind the trees.
[-]Terrain lacks elevation and ground texture variation. It also doesn't appear to be fair on all sides.
[-]Neutral Building choice and placement is not very good. So you have a Fountain of Health, a Marketplace and a Goblin Shipyard all in the same place?
Ships are not much of a choice since you don't have many places to unload.
[-]Creep drops are bad. Use only Charged, Power-ups, Permanent and Artifacts
(for high level creeps) as drops.
They were also not balanced. A lvl 9 Jungle Stalker dropping a Potion of Mana?
Right now I can't accept the map.
My rating for this resource is
1/5 (Unacceptable), that means the map is
If you have questions or complains, post in the
Map Resource Moderation.