Alright, I've been learning jass recently (today >.>) and I have gone through vex's tut completly and understand everything, and I skimmed Daelians. What I'm wondering is what the difference between:
I know what the bottom one does, but vex's tutorial didn't explain private or constant, (it started using constant at the end but never really said why.)
I think constant means the value doesn't change ever, and private means it can only be accessed from within the "library" it is declared in.
In addition I am unaware of the purpose of a library.
So anyone that can answer any of these is welcome here, I didn't find solutions in Daelians, Vex's, 56k's, emjlrs, or a things tutorial to these questions, so if there is a tutorial out there that has this information feel free to link it.
private constant integer AID
constant integer AID
integer AID
I know what the bottom one does, but vex's tutorial didn't explain private or constant, (it started using constant at the end but never really said why.)
I think constant means the value doesn't change ever, and private means it can only be accessed from within the "library" it is declared in.
In addition I am unaware of the purpose of a library.
So anyone that can answer any of these is welcome here, I didn't find solutions in Daelians, Vex's, 56k's, emjlrs, or a things tutorial to these questions, so if there is a tutorial out there that has this information feel free to link it.