2P Campaign: Sentinel 05

Sentinels Campaign: Terror of the Tides
Based on the work of The-Spoon and Blizzard Entertainment.

Interlude: Unfinished Business
"Late that evening, in the secluded Moonglade, Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind discuss the aftermath of the Legion's invasion."

Chapter Five: Balancing the Scales
"The next day on the shores of the Broken Isles, Maiev and her Watchers attempt to hold the line against Illidan's final assault."

General Changes: At the end of this map, you'll be granted two codes, one that holds the items of Maiev and Saithis and one that holds the items of Tyrande and Malfurion. / The interlude, Unfinished Business, is integrated into this map. / Player One can control Malfurion and Player Two can control Tyrande. / The rescue team and the ship drops are remade to not favor either payer. / The secondary way to your base is now guarded by a custom hero. / Gold Coins you collect are evenly divided between the two players. / Features Warden Saithis as the second hero. / Features a number of systems: shared powerups, bounty, techtree, upgrades, infromation, tribute commands, tweaked upkeep levels and food limit, slow harvesting. (See Useful Links for more information.) / You can choose from two difficulties: Normal and Insane.

Insane Mode: Your start with severely damaged structures. / The AI of Illidan's Naga is improved. / Illidan is more powerful and has several items. / Serena Scarscale is more powerful and has several items. / Heroes receive less experience from kills. / Many creeps are replaced with more powerful creeps and some additional creeps are added to the rescue team's path. / The Naga on the rescue team's path are more powerful.

Important Information: The 2 Player Campaign is a concept first brought to Warcraft III by The-Spoon. The idea is to convert the original maps of Blizzard Entertainment so that it can be played by two people. The-Spoon, however, only wishes to complete the Reign of Chaos campaigns. Therefore, I have decided to do the Sentinel campaign.

Useful Links: You can view the full list of credits here. / You can read the complete list of systems, mechanics and commands here. / If you want to be notified automatically when a new map of the 2 player campaign is released, subscribe to the thread found here.
14 August, 2013
Updated the lobby interface to better show which heroes you'll be playing. / Scroll of Town Portal will now transport both players' units inside the area of effect. / Scroll of Town Portal now only costs 175 gold.
3 January, 2019
Fixed crashes at the beginning and end of the game on newer patches.

two, player, sentinel, campaign, chapter, five, terror, of, the, tides, balancing, the, scales, interlude, unfinished, business, maiev, saithis, malfu

2P Campaign: Sentinel 05 (Map)

19:30, 14th Jul 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
I would like to apologize for the immense amount of time that has passed between the release of chapter four and chapter five, but real-life commitments, such as taking my final exams, have greatly cut down the amount of time I was able to spend working on this project.

I also want to thank KhalanDuriant for the playtesting of this map and the others.
Level 2
Jul 8, 2011
Possible Changes
  • Compared to TheSpoon's maps and even your previous maps. It was very evident that there was a lack of item drops. In previous 2P campaigns we constantly found ourselves wondering which item to drop for that new loot that we just found. This map had many instances where you would deviate off the main track to kill a LVL10 monster only to find it drops nothing at all, with the net result of you losing a few units trying to kill it.

    Part of what makes warcraft 3's campaign so unique and enjoyable is the item system that keeps you wanting to get more and better equipment. This map had many dropped 'consumables' but few, "OMG that's a cool item" drops.
  • The attacks needed to pack more of a punch. With 4 treant protectors I could hold off all of Illidan's attacks with just Malfurion alone. Made everything else I built so redundant.

  • Why is there a whole LEFT portion of the map that shows up on the minimap but you cannot scroll to it?

  • This map was the first out of all the 2P campaigns I've played where we actually got bored. The attacks seemed negligible (yes we were playing on NORMAL but for someone who has trouble controlling >3 units it was still too easy) and just increasing the number of NAGA present made little difference when Tyrande's ulti hits them all and kills large quantities of low quality enemies easily. (Also seemed dumb that she can run into the middle of 20 troops and no one would stun her while she sat there watching the stars).
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
First of all, a big thanks for these much needed reviews. I see the devotion in you that I have for TheSpoon's maps and that's a great thing. However, I ask you to post bugs and reviews in the hosted project forums found here. It is much easier to keep track of what I've fixed and what I changed if it is in one place. It would also eliminate the need for six seperate discussions and constantly repeating myself.

The left portion of the map is where the interlude plays. In the original campaign, it's a seperate map, however, as per TheSpoon's standards, it is integrated into this map and plays before the welcoming screen shows. That's why I needed the added extra space on the left of the map.
The difficulty problem is once again caused by Normal mode. I posted a suggestion on Sentinel 02. Please read it and add your ideas to thread I asked you to make.

As for creep behavior around Tyrande, I do not wish to punish the player for using Starfall. However, I'm open to any other suggestion that would raise the difficulty a little.

As for item drops, I never added extra items to the campaign, these are all Blizzard's item choices. (I did split tomes on one occasion, I toned down an Agility +2 to +1 and placed another +1 at another location.) Also, you may have noticed that TheSpoon's maps have no tomes whatsoever. That is why there are so many permanent items and therefore the need to drop and pick stuff constantly. However, I think I do compensate for this with the tome system that allows you to collect 5+ strength and agility and 10+ intelligence by the fifth map. (Which also applies for all heroes!)
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Can you post the code?
In case you mean saving/loading the map from the menu, then you cant change players. I think they have to have identical names.

For the second one, I think that happens when someone alt + tabs out of the game during the cinematic. If you have some addon to the game it may be causing it, too (I am not really sure about this one).
Level 1
Oct 7, 2015
С другом уже месяц не можем пройти на insane с артефактами
Почему нет возможности сделать общие войска?
Level 3
Jul 21, 2018
Just in case someone's having problems with not being able to load, here's my "fixed" version of this map, it removes the intro cutscene but the rest of the stuff works.


Edit: And I figured out how to upload it to hive because zippyshare will probably delete it at some point:

2P Campaign: Sentinel 05

Edit#2: Someone told me other links are broken. Zippyshare one is but I can still download from hive. Here's a google drive link, that hopefully won't be taken down soon.
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Level 1
Jan 14, 2019
@Gismo359, I'm not so sure - I still believe it's a problem which many people face during playing Chapter 5. The problem is that after you save a game and wanted to load it after - second player cannot join with info that file/save is different/corrupted. The thing is that on Insane difficulty this mission is really hard to beat as one mistake and you start from the scratch, in this case save file is super useful. You could check next @Celinci topics regarding this issue:
Balancing the scales
P.S. Tried yesterday to delete different parts from intro - save/load start working, but 'Insane' difficulty doesn't work any more (I'm also not an expert in W3Editor, so probably I deleted some needed part). Would appreciate any help!
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Level 3
Jul 21, 2018
I believe @Celicni's fix was for a crash that happened just after the beginning cinematic, which has already been fixed in the official version (without having to remove the cinematic).
Nope, it's specifically for the loading issue.

I uploaded the fix to google drive. I am confused though since I can still download it from hive, what was the other guy's issue with downloading?
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Nope, it's specifically for the loading issue.

I uploaded the fix to google drive. I am confused though since I can still download it from hive, what was the other guy's issue with downloading?

Thanks for updating the link. I'll take a look at it tomorrow, in case it wasn't related to the previous crashes.

Edit: The old link is probably set to private since it says I dont have permission to view it.
Edit 2: Yeah, it seems to have been the same problem. Although, there have been some crashes in the newer patches that some people get consistently, but I can't reproduce
Also, @TommyGun, sorry for the very late response I tried it on LAN again but it seems to load just fine
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Level 2
Jun 29, 2021
Вы сами пробовали пройти большую сложность? Непроходимо
Have you tried to pass a big difficulty yourself? Impassable