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(2) Lush Ravine

(2) Lush Ravine

The river Vitus snakes its way through the dry forgotten hills of Azeroth. Bringing life, health and replenishment in its path, however the Lush Ravine has been host for countless battles of control over the aeons.

- 2 Taverns (near start)
- 2 Expansions
- 2 Goblin Labs (near start)
- 1 Fountain of Health (middle)

- 2 Green (2 bandit, 2 brigand)
- 2 Green (2 murloc huntsman, 1 murloc nightcrawler)
- 2 Orange (2 spitting spider, 1 brood mother) - On expansions
- 1 Orange (2 murloc huntsman, 2 murloc nightcrawler, 1 green drake) - On fountain of Health
- 2 Red (2 rock golem, 1 bronze dragon) - On goblin laboratory

Tactical Info:
- There is only a single main path between bases
- The path between bases is blocked by creeps, a daytime rush is not possible
- The map is small but there is quite a bit of ground distance between bases
- The cliffs on the map promote air attacks
- The expansion creeps are fairy low level
- Strong creeps guard the Laboratory as zeppelins are a large asset
- Base size is fairly small until trees are cut down
- Plenty of lumber for all races and tactics
- Good item drops

2 1v1 small tiny melee lordaeron summer

(2) Lush Ravine (Map)

08:53, 11th Apr 2010, by Rui: This is a decent melee map for solo matches. Read my review for details. Reviewed with a 3/5 (Acceptable) rating.




08:53, 11th Apr 2010, by Rui:
This is a decent melee map for solo matches. Read my review for details. Reviewed with a 3/5 (Acceptable) rating.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Rui's review for "Lush Ravine", a melee map by The-Spoon

"Lush Ravine" is a well-made melee map for solo matches, combining a pleasing and innovative terrain, a strategical map plane and decent itemsets to claim from hostile units.
I had a doubt about the Gold Mine and its distance to the players' main buildings: are five peon-type units for the Human and Orc races enough to keep the gold flow at its maximum capacity? Perhaps you should consider moving them a little closer to the Gold Mines.As for the rest of the terrain, it's overall decent, though a little hard to move on. On that aspect, I've got to admit I wasn't too pleased; there are lots places where you can barely move on the map.On another hand, the layout of the landscape is very interesting! You've got a Fountain of Health at the center of the valley to fight for, two expansions and a Goblin Laboratory, allowing you to land on your enemy's territory unexpectedly! In addition to this, the map contains, of course, two Taverns for each player, right next to their bases.
The drops are decent. This is the first map where I see a probability of dropping charged or permanent items in a single itemset. There is only one thing I disagree with: the expansion Gold Mines' drop: a lvl 4 charged or permanent is too high for two Spitting Spiders and a Brood Mother. The drop should either be made less valuable or more creeps should be placed to make it fair.
Yet another map where I see the same mistake: there are pathing map holes among the trees.
My rating for this map is 3/5 (Acceptable). It is set to Reviewed status.


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
Thanks very much for reviewing (wasn't really expecting a random review xD)
And a very fair review, I'm gonna try quickly fix some of the easier problems you found.

This my first melee map, and I was mainly going for innovation and terrain than playability XP
(As you can see its a bit imba for air, and the whole thing is a bit squished!,
If only there was an easy way of just stretching the map a little)

- Played with the items a bit
- Moved the player start locations nearer the gold mines
- Made an attempt at filling the pathing holes in the trees
Level 8
Oct 4, 2009
not that cool at all... why all those paths are tiny as ass?
also make the bases larger and dont use different trees - trust me it will cause some bugs

I think theres nothing you can do at this map - just make a new one - but please try to make it as blizzardish as possible


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
not that cool at all... why all those paths are tiny as ass?
also make the bases larger and dont use different trees - trust me it will cause some bugs

I think theres nothing you can do at this map - just make a new one - but please try to make it as blizzardish as possible

The paths are tiny cus the map is squished,
I made the map tiny so I could fill it all pretty-like 8D

The base is squashed yes, but theres room to get by XP

What bugs are there regarding using different trees?
I can't think of any, I wanna know : o

And.. I'm probably not going to just make the map again, sorry : D!
(It was just a little 1-off project)