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2 Computers and Problems, NewGen....

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Level 3
Sep 3, 2004
Ok these are 2 seperate problems, seperate by 2 different computers (one computer and a Laptop; Laptop is much more advanced than the computer). I'll try to be as specific as I can.

Computer's problem:
I've had NewGen on my computer for a long while now, yet all of a sudden I can't use global variables causing not only maps that have been worked on to go into error, but any map I work on with NewGen goes into error. The triggers don't seem to be able to read any global variables declared in the variables menu, it can't even read global triggers for some reason (wtf??). If I try using vJASS's global declaration system, it will only allow me to use the global within the trigger I declared it at (which makes them considered more as local variables than global variables I guess). I've uninstalled NewGen Editor, then reinstalled it and yet the problem persists. I've looked for any settings that put seem to set it up, but haven't found anything (Someone suggested having WEU turned on would mess it up, but it was never on to begin with for me). Regular editor seems to still work fine, and also leaving NewGen in gui seems to work also (but converting it to JASS = Instant error). They say a picture is worth a thousand words...so I provided 2 for this situation. Check Attachments "NewGen1" and "NewGen2" for pictures that show everything I just said.

Laptop's problem:
Laptop that uses Windows Vista just isn't able to load NewGen at all. At first my Anti-Virus program, Trend Micro, always has NewGen quarenteened whenever I unpack NewGen from its Zip Location. Even if I mark it as safe, it'll send it back, then immediantly quarentee it again. I just assume that's Windows Vista acting dumb. Well obvious first thing I do is turn off Anti-Virus program while I run it. This is what it says...

"NewGen WE has stopped working"
(never even *started* working to begin with)

"Windows is checking for a solution to the problem"
(*sarcasm* I feel better already)

"A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available"
(Could Vista get anymore generic about what the "problem" is? I miss XP already).

Regular editor works fine though (and YES, I know that NewGen doesn't work with the latest patched version, so I had the editor downgraded to the last editor in which it could work with).

A solution to either problem (preferably both) would be greatly appreciated.


  • NewGen1.JPG
    78.3 KB · Views: 144
  • NewGen2.JPG
    70.4 KB · Views: 128
Level 8
Nov 25, 2003
Well, for the second problem I suggest re-downloading and installing NewGen with the AntiVirus turned off all along. I've seen AntiVirus tools mess with the newly downloaded zip achives.

For the first problem I don't know, check the temporary war3map.j file that it puts in the logs directory for flaws.
Level 3
Sep 3, 2004
Well, for the second problem I suggest re-downloading and installing NewGen with the AntiVirus turned off all along. I've seen AntiVirus tools mess with the newly downloaded zip achives.

For the first problem I don't know, check the temporary war3map.j file that it puts in the logs directory for flaws.

Thank you for responding, no seriously, I was beggining to wonder if anyone would at least try...

Anyways, reinstalling of NewGen while the Virus program being turned off was unfortunately not able to yield any success.

Can you explain what you mean in more detail about searching the temporary war3map.j file?
Level 3
Sep 3, 2004
In your JassNewGen\Logs\ directory it puts the latest war3map.j file whenever you save.
Open it with a text editor and look for flaws, especially in the globals section.

Following this tip...I think I finally found something....theres a function called InitGlobals that goes like this

function InitGlobals takes nothing returns nothing

ultimately this does absolutely nothing, yet it is called later on. Can someone pull up their logs with a text editor then put in InitGlobals using "find?" (ctrl + F) then tell me what is supposed to be there, if anything?
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