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(2)Ancient Haosis

-Kobas- Presents

Ancient Haosis

"Avatar of Awesomeness also known as Ancient Haosis (latter Master Haosis) was created by god of awesomeness known as General Frank!

Master Haosis, a legend of legends and would be best described with ':D'"

The map contains:
- 4 Gold mines (each one with 17.500 gold)
- 1 Tavern
- 1 Shop
- 1 Goblin Lab
- 6850 Doodads
- 2 Regions
- 88/60 Creeps or monsters/neutral units






Version 1.0
*1st one
Version 1.1
*Terrain fixed
*1 gold mine is removed
*Deleted few units
Version 1.2
*Yellow Terrain (wasn't uploaded)
Version 1.3
*New Terrain (Increased map size + mouth are playable now)
*Unit Balance (exp: Fountain is guarded by 1 level 10 dragon and 2 level 6 dragons)
*1 gold mine is added
Version 1.4
*Fixed Gold mine bug (See post: Click)
Version 1.5
*Improved terrain a little more
*New screenshots
Version 1.6
*Fixed small bug with doodads in bottom right corner
*Added map info picture

Special thanks to Avatar of Awesomeness - Master Haosis :D

Please if you have any idea or want to help how to improve map, send me a message or leave comment!

Ancient Haosis, Ancient, Haosis, master, master haosis, -Kobas-, melee

(2)Ancient Haosis (Map)

06:24, 25th May 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Well if I create bigger mouth there will be no room for build :(
Also this map is melee I can't use imported models to make it yellow!

If you know how to improve it just write something!
Comments like 2nd, 3th, 4th don't help me much :(


Ok I edited mouth I hope you will like it a little more now...
Last edited:
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
People, people, maybe Haosis was corrupt and using his moderator power for his evil purposes (Which I heard about only when he was banned and before I didn't knew about any of that and found him awesome), but he still is a part of spirit of THW people, he contrubuted a lot to THW.
Well, maybe you could cahnge terrain to barens so the terrain would look more yellowish?
Level 31
May 3, 2008
People, people, maybe Haosis was corrupt and using his moderator power for his evil purposes (Which I heard about only when he was banned and before I didn't knew about any of that and found him awesome), but he still is a part of spirit of THW people, he contrubuted a lot to THW.
Well, maybe you could cahnge terrain to barens so the terrain would look more yellowish?

MH never abuse his moderator power, he was banned for having a terrible quarrel with Ash.

Ralle decided to banned MH and Ash to end the drama once and for all.

Well if I create bigger mouth there will be no room for build :(

Actually the map was way to small, if you make a big map.. it would sufficient enough to do so.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
MH never abuse his moderator power, he was banned for having a terrible quarrel with Ash.

Ralle decided to banned MH and Ash to end the drama once and for all.

Actually the map was way to small, if you make a big map.. it would sufficient enough to do so.

This explains why they both got banned! Only why perma-ban, not normal ban? Or like making one banned for one week and making other one banned for another week and so on?!

Ash? I thought it was ~Void~?

No, void is fine, Ash is permabanned too...

Talking on-topic, have you ever tough using this map for a Altered melee with Hiveworkshop race?
Level 19
Oct 1, 2008
Ralle decided to banned MH and Ash to end the drama once and for all.

Aaah, that explains what happened to Ash. MH, however, was banned for a number of other reasons. He constantly abused non-english rules and endorsed generally "nooby" activities such as rep parties etc.
He was also a damn cheerful motherfucker, which is why he was so awesome! :D
I am proud to say that I was his official chat-narrator! ^^
Level 31
May 3, 2008
This explains why they both got banned! Only why perma-ban, not normal ban? Or like making one banned for one week and making other one banned for another week and so on?!

Because that is not the first time they have dispute. Infact, the dispute have spirralled out of control.

Ash? I thought it was ~Void~?

Void was banned for other reason.

He constantly abused non-english rules and endorsed generally "nooby" activities such as rep parties etc.

as far as i know, he was using non-english at visitor message.. which is fine as long as the user understand as well. Only pm/vm are immune to this rules as long as both side agree to use the language.

as for rep party, he stop as soon as been told by staff. If my memory serves me right, the party begin due to some crazy non-sense at chatroom.

Well I didn't make map to hear history about 2 guys that was banned

when you make a map entitle MH, you're generally could not escape the history of MH

Well I edited terrain a little bit more!
Is now ok, I mean size of mouth etc?

it was way too big and doesn't fit the MH logo.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Ancient Haosis was a 1 vs 1 melee map by kobas.

To begin with, the description of the map follow the submission rules and provide the necessary detail of the map.

The terrain use variety of tiles variation, height, destructible, doodad and I see nothing wrong with it. However, there is a lot of problem with unit issues that I would like to mention though.

I would begin with the gold mine at the north part of the map. The amount of creep guarding a single gold mine worth 12,500 are way to execessive and overkill. You should have reduce it to 5 creep.

The same goes to the tavern, an tavern are not suppose to be guard by any creep at all (View blizzard melee map to get an view of it).

The fountain should not be guard by 2 level 10 dragon, but rather 1 level 10 dragon and 2 level 6 dragon.

Of course, this issues could be neglected if the author want to develop an melee map with some of the melee theme being excluded in order to enchances the strategy/concept of the map.

Since this map is regarding about MH, the mouth of the MH was open way too wide and does no longer look like MH; which the author definitely need to fix if he want to maintain an MH theme in it.

As for now, my rating was 3/5 and approve.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
This is one way to draw a lot of attention :p

Well, I'll just approve this: the map is completely balanced (it's symmetrical, apart from the Merchant <-> Laboratory), the creep drops and placements are good and the terrain is okay.

Not the best melee-map, but I like the idea xD (I think there are still a lot of people who curse the biggrin).
And yeah, MH is a part of the hive's history... nothing to do about it ^^
i started on right side, and there was no goldmine. i see it's there in the map preview, but it wasn't there for me honestly. I'm guessing thats not on purpose...

Can you attach picture pls?

I will check this right away...


Oh I fixed it (see picture below), mine was under control of hostile player so melee triggers just remove it :D

Sorry once again :(


  • untitled.JPG
    129.2 KB · Views: 149
Level 2
Sep 26, 2009
Looks like fail.
First of all, eyes too close to each other. AOA must be yellow not green wtf? So it looks bad for lulz. And bad for map..
I see no link between placement of expand goldmine and postions of players. Only central goldmaines bad, it ruins many tactics. And large entrances too the base ruins base build scheme. Have you ever played in ladder?
You so good at judge other and so bad at your own t.t