1.2 Base Classes: A suggestion

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Level 2
Oct 17, 2011
I believe that the main reasons why there is so much debate and discussion on what a 6th base class should look like in this game are:

-6th class should be mail - for balanced gear acquisition
-the ideas for most existing RPG roles of a typical mail user are covered by the existing mail class and some leather classes (i.e., holy warrior, sword and board tank, heavy hitting warrior... hunter and a totem wielding healer hybrid already exist and are leather). Traditional mail roles are ruled out with the current classes.
-we don't feel like being too cliche (most people don't, anyway) and want something original for gaias
-it's a lot of work to refactor existing classes, even if great other ideas are suggested

I don't know if you're going to get an original suggestion that is satisfactory based on these conditions in a reasonable amount of time... My suggestion is to clarify & re-align the mail class (squire/zerk/cru) with traditional, tried and tested ideas. Mail tanks and dps really need more differentiation in this rpg.

First mail class:

Fighter, strength based melee base class. High armor and hitpoints make him a decent offtank.
Mail: damage enhancement, crit, life, and armor are desirable stats
Weapons: 2 hand + trophy (active: enhance speed for X seconds)/ sidearm (chance on hit to strike again for 30% dmg)
start: Hateful strike
start: Aoe shout buff for +dmg (scalable based on clvl)
250g: Active cleave strike, makes next attack(s) cleave for a percentage of normal
250g: Medium damage taunting strike
250g: Gaping wounds
1000g: Active linear shockwave-like move, str based dmg
outdoor: Passive weapon mastery - lowers miss chance slightly and increases crit chance
dungeon: Revenge

Job advancement:
Slayer: Single target dps spec fighter
5000g: Exsanguinate - attack power x1.75 single target nuke. deals double dmg + small stun versus a mob with the gaping wounds debuff. same cd as gaping wounds
-sidearm only
Destroyer (or berserker): aoe spec'd fighter
5000g: Obliterate - (buffed heavens edge) heaven's edge with ~150 more cast distance +aoe slow and -10sec cd.
-trophy only

Second mail class:

Squire, holy knight base class. Highest armor main tanking class with int/str based damage spells, aoe, and some active heals
Mail: armor, hp, damage (int / str) focused
Weapons: 1 hand weapon + shield (shields/1h weaps can now be tailored stat-wise to squires... dmg return / +mana gain per hit taken)
start: shield slam (str based aggro spell)
start: divine flash (aggro, reduces mob hit chance by 10%; reduction equivalent of demo shout, diff gfx)
250g: shield block (passive rename of 'parry', x% chance to block (str based) damage, can't reduce below 5)
250g: martyr (taunt w/ diff gfx?)
250g: blessed weapon (adds [0.x*int] divine damage per hit)
1000g: rebuke (ranged, multi-target pulling spell with low int based damage, medium threat, hits (1 + clvl *0.1) targets)
outdoor: heroic presence
dungeon: retribution (str AND int based single target nuke)

Job advancement:
Crusader: Offensive spec'd holy tank
5000g: Crucify (possibly with circular damage instead of a cross which often leaves half of a mob pack untouched)
-can get shields with damage return
Guardian: Defensive spec'd holy tank
5000g: Heaven's gift (defensive active spell with a large cd; increases armor, resistances, and melee damage for a duration)
-can get shields with defensive auras

Splitting and redefining your mail classes will allow for zerkers to exist without the useless shield bash, threat passive, and demo shout... as well as allowing your holy tank to get some more defensive spells. Mail players will be able to roll on similar gear early, but later in the game the niches diverge as with most other classes.
The goal was to reuse as much from the two characters as possible as they are certainly well designed, yet redefine them and make them distinct. The job advancements should dictate a play style. I believe the suggestions are also look-and-feel/lore consistent with gaias.

What think you?
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Level 2
Nov 2, 2011
-6th class should be mail - for balanced gear acquisition

So far i only agreed on this for the fact that drops for the squire class is easier
to obtain than other classes. Yet the squire doesn't need to be in a dilemna where
he needs to share it with anyone else.

I don't like the fact that the other mail class will be a tank + dps. The berserker has
already such high dps output considering he's half tank and the FACT that you replaced
the known spells with even more dps spells is just ... This would make ranger ( and maybe thief )
classes even more undesirable as candidates for D3 and D4 since many
would focus on the buffs and dps output.


Fighter, strength based melee base class. High armor and hitpoints make him a decent offtank.

You get some decent tank. ( That's why we take in berserkers for D3 run )

I would, in my opinion, prefer something like a pirate, traveller/trader or bandit as a class with more
interesting spells that are unique to that base class.

Anyway, good thought on your part.
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Level 4
Jan 22, 2010
confused on what ur proposing here XD

Simple answer to "what the next base class should be"
Shaman, damage close combat element fighter shaman. uses mail and close combat weapons. not hard XD
Level 4
Jul 19, 2011
i like what zipzopblabla posted. however, i realize, it simultaneously sorts and messes things up at this point
Level 8
May 6, 2010
Its not a suggestion on a 6. base class, its a general idea about improving the mail tank/dps classes and make them less similar to each other.

Yes it is.

It looks like main goal is to add fighter in additional to squire as 6th to alow zerker to have more damagin spells instead of useless tanking stuff.

But I think zerker is alrdy op, and whith new spells and limit to 9 spells this addition wont be nessesary.
Level 4
Jan 22, 2010
Yes it is.

It looks like main goal is to add fighter in additional to squire as 6th to alow zerker to have more damagin spells instead of useless tanking stuff.

But I think zerker is alrdy op, and whith new spells and limit to 9 spells this addition wont be nessesary.

whys zerker OP?O_O people try to tank with him and is fail 80% of the time, and his damage isnt anywhere near other DPS' just a little more tankier than them. However with the 3 new spells coming out for each class and role, zerkers will set themselves apart from the rest of the classes definintly, right now thats a slim line between each class and which is best when, but once more spells come out they will split apart.
Level 8
May 6, 2010
whys zerker OP?O_O people try to tank with him and is fail 80% of the time, and his damage isnt anywhere near other DPS' just a little more tankier than them. However with the 3 new spells coming out for each class and role, zerkers will set themselves apart from the rest of the classes definintly, right now thats a slim line between each class and which is best when, but once more spells come out they will split apart.

I tanked with him many times in d3 and its way better than as crusader, also dps with my 35 nearly full d3 geared zerker is better than assasin, and way better for longer fight when assa go oom due to no mana regen.
Level 5
Jul 21, 2011
whys zerker OP?O_O people try to tank with him and is fail 80% of the time, and his damage isnt anywhere near other DPS' just a little more tankier than them. However with the 3 new spells coming out for each class and role, zerkers will set themselves apart from the rest of the classes definintly, right now thats a slim line between each class and which is best when, but once more spells come out they will split apart.

zerker is OP, zerker can tank and zerker deal more damage (in aoe) than assassin and hunters.
Level 2
Oct 17, 2011
Yes it is.

It looks like main goal is to add fighter in additional to squire as 6th to alow zerker to have more damagin spells instead of useless tanking stuff.

But I think zerker is alrdy op, and whith new spells and limit to 9 spells this addition wont be nessesary.

If you read my post, my suggestion is to clarify/redefine the existing mail class. Make a DPS mail class and a tank class. The rest was an example of what it could look like.

As to the suggestions being OP (EotS and hawasjska) - maybe?

I think the OP thing about current zerkers is their 50% passive cleave from weaps... Their white damage is just as good if not better than assassin white damage overall. I'd say remove that and give it an activatable cleave that lasts for a # of strikes. With the other dps moves - they can be designed (via lower dmg or higher cds) to have comparable dps to other gaias classes.

As for shaman - Isn't that kind of an odd-feeling addition to a group of human heros picked from a tavern? A human battlemage maybe wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb... But you may as well make an entirely different armor class because there will be a need to re-design a lot of early game item content to accommodate a spell damage focused mail user.

I don't think it messes things up, either; There would be a ton of code re-use and minimum item re-design for early game content if you divided the mail class.
Level 4
Jan 22, 2010
zerker is OP, zerker can tank and zerker deal more damage (in aoe) than assassin and hunters.

what? are u sure ur looking at 2 similiarly geared people?

Multishot is absolutely rediculous mob DPS and im only talking about mobs pretty much and the beginning waves, thats where most groups fail, the bosses u can use pretty much anyone.

Anyways, take a zerker, take an assassin, take a hunter, let them all attack targets, watch the numbers as they scroll, zerker isnt anywhere near them idk what ur basing ur arguement off of lol.

Zerkers can tank, if u have a very very well rounded compitant group, so many times since im like the only one with a crusader on USEast ive let someone with zerker solo tank d3 and we just cant keep aggro from waves off of people and he gets like fucking 2 shot by andrazzar, i even have replays to back this up lol, its horrible
Level 5
Jul 21, 2011
Zerker weapons give + dmg than hunter and assassin weapons and its not just + damage its aoe damage so i'm pretty sure overall his damage is higher than those other classes.
Multishot is absolutely rediculous mob DPS and im only talking about mobs pretty much and the beginning waves, thats where most groups fail, the bosses u can use pretty much anyone.
multishot is good? u mad bro? and i don't think most groups fail on the waves i think its when their bishop get stunned from liut, at lady or if they take to long to kill andy.
Zerker weapons give + dmg than hunter and assassin weapons and its not just + damage its aoe damage so i'm pretty sure overall his damage is higher than those other classes. multishot is good? u mad bro? and i don't think most groups fail on the waves i think its when their bishop get stunned from liut, at lady or if they take to long to kill andy.
Remember that this additional damage comes at a cost of 10% less attackspeed.
Assassin weapons even got a 15% bonus to attackspeed. I'd say the overall white damage of assassins is a lot higher than berserkers'. Berserkers shine when dealing with groups of enemies ... but in single target damage, assassins are superior - and that's fine. That's how the classes are meant to be.
Level 8
May 6, 2010
Well i have zerker 35lvl 4/5 d3 geaer and assasin 3/5 d3 gear

White damge is about same in counting, but assasin gear lack armor penetration and on bosses is weaker than zereker, and for longer fight as i said b4 assa go oom and than he lack even more dps.(and zerker has much more stronger attacks with 0 mana cost)
It's acceptable cos some classes will be alvays somewhat stronger but zerker is also awesome tanker and has more hp(asa has to go for some str) that's why this class is op.

As for hunter i nver had one but ppl say he has lower dps than assa.
Level 5
Jul 21, 2011
Well i have zerker 35lvl 4/5 d3 geaer and assasin 3/5 d3 gear

White damge is about same in counting, but assasin gear lack armor penetration and on bosses is weaker than zereker, and for longer fight as i said b4 assa go oom and than he lack even more dps.(and zerker has much more stronger attacks with 0 mana cost)
It's acceptable cos some classes will be alvays somewhat stronger but zerker is also awesome tanker and has more hp(asa has to go for some str) that's why this class is op.

As for hunter i nver had one but ppl say he has lower dps than assa.

Agreed zerker arp + big damage + no mana cost + armor makes him the best dps class. I play hunter and i can say that its the worst dps class, really the worst.
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