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1.1L and code wipe

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- Fixed a serious bug with the Save/Load system, granting the players ridicolous amounts of Gold
- Fixed a bug that allowed duping of non-stackable materials

- Added additional protection against map hacking
- Fixed a serious bug with the save/load system that allowed item duping
- Prepared Save/Load System with placeholder information for an upcoming feature of 1.2 version
- Re-implemented the load limitation to 3 loads per player per game, to prevent players from reloading every time they die
- Increased sensitivity for 2h weapon cleave effect
- Fixed some graphical stuff with Arena battles
- Ressurection now got a new icon to avoid confusion with Confidence
- Victors of Arena battles dont auto-agree for further battles anymore
- Poltroonery now grants the 8 attackpower implied by the tooltip
- Fixed tooltips of Human Skull and Orc Skull correctly displaying the Int bonus
- Fixed the tooltip of Weak Glyph

Due to the changes to the Save/Load system and a lot of exploitations in the past, we decided for a CODE WIPE.
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Level 6
Jun 5, 2010

- Added additional protection against map hacking
- Fixed a serious bug with the save/load system that allowed item duping
- Prepared Save/Load System with placeholder information for an upcoming feature of 1.2 version
- Re-implemented the load limitation to 3 loads per player per game, to prevent players from reloading every time they die
- Increased sensitivity for 2h weapon cleave effect
- Fixed some graphical stuff with Arena battles
- Ressurection now got a new icon to avoid confusion with Confidence
- Victors of Arena battles dont auto-agree for further battles anymore
- Poltroonery now grants the 8 attackpower implied by the tooltip
- Fixed tooltips of Human Skull and Orc Skull correctly displaying the Int bonus
- Fixed the tooltip of Weak Glyph

Due to the changes to the Save/Load system and a lot of exploitations in the past, we decided for a CODE WIPE.

Please explain why CODE WIPE because U said no code wipe even to 1.2 !?:goblin_boom:
Level 3
Jan 26, 2012
Seems like a good version update. As for needing a code swipe for the item duping, it was hardly abused and for only things like shadow seal that EVERYONE needs and has only a 5% chance of drop and barely helps at all. It would on average probably take 100 kills (5 people killing shade) or even 120 (6 people killing shade) per class per person to get it. Imagine killing Shade 100 times for each class! That is just insanely way too much so of course people will be pushed into using it for shadow seals. It has been used for other things but i have only seen it very rarely abused(except by one specific person, who now talks about hacking to get equipment back, really pathetic). There are probably only about 8-10 people who know it anyway, and except for one i havent seen one of them do it for anything but a shade item because we all sick of the massive shade killings for shadow seal. Also if you are focused on the versions where people would get items and switch them to their alts, ever sinse that was fixed i havent seen or heard of a version that allows that being used. I think a code swipe is drastic.
Also i would like to suggest that cleric's soul strike be lowered to 2.25 x sp or 2.5 x sp and to get rid of the bonus damage against undead, because they can dps and heal at the same time. Most bishops, as long as they have mend, can solo The Protector, and i have heard of bishops even being able to solo waves and luietenant. Also for advanced classes that stray very far from their original (example, druids go from a dps ranger to a healer) could have a pre d3 equipment set to buy or gets droped from ogres or gnolls. The reason for me saying this is because druids and monks seem underpowered for d3 even with the best pre d3 armor. Monks can get only a water rune and a silver urn as far as i know are all that can be obtained for him until they go into d3. They dont have even close enough damage to compete with everyone else who has a full set of 5 pieces compared to their 2 to fight, so they are forced to decide between low physical damage, or low magic damage without a staff or book. Same is with druid, their totem and pendant of magic just doesnt seem to cut it for healing. And because remedy causes you to stop attacking all together, you can either use dps of a suckish ranger and use the 5k heal (i forgot name), or use remedy with that and be limited to 2 targets for bad healing. The lack of armor makes Druids and Monks seem underpowered until they can get their appropriate gear.
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Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Who duped.....vestra?

Lol, considering I reported it, no.
I actually worked for all the shit I had tsumo, and I lost it all.
Currently running a level 5 squire offline, it's actually nice to start from the beginning again.

I support the code wipe, there have been two major duping bugs and now they're both covered. Hopefully we won't see any more for a while.

Also wow, I had shadow seal on pretty much all my alts, it's really up to luck, I've probably killed shade about 100 times and considering how they all had seal but one, that's not a bad drop rate.

If you want to gear something, work for it.
Seriously, nobody forces you guys to farm like a madman for the Shadow Seal ... it is what it is: a raredrop. A RAREdrop. It was never intended that every single player should get one ... same goes for Phoenix and other legendaries. if you don't care for the minor stat increase, then don't waste your time farming for it. I'm not a fan of farming anyway.
I want to apologize for the Code Wipe, but in the end, there were far too many bugs and exploits possible in the previous versions.
And then I also wanted to add a new feature for 1.2, which would have resulted in a Code Wipe anyway, so it actually allows you guys to level up again before 1.2 releases.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Glad it was discovered early
Goodbye level 11 squire, you will be missed
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
This bug was kind of random, unexpected, but now that it's been discovered something like it won't happen again fortunately
1.1l(2) out now, also fixed another duping possibility I haven't known until now.


Going to take my frustration out in a nice manner and not blame you for anything. But please, in the future, can you beta test things like a mother ****er? xD
I understand your criticism, but it's hard for me to test something like that just like this. I need to make a beta version, protect it, find someone to host it, test it, etc. ... this can easily take up to one or two days just for this purpose.
Usually I only test stuff that I am able to check out on my own and hope for multi stuff to work the way it is intended...

In the end the amount of changes I did to multiplayer systems over the last months was neglectable. And once everything is running fine, there wont be any more changes.
Level 14
Jun 27, 2008
There are problems with joining 1.1l(2) games if the map is located in /maps/downloads/.
Renaming the map to "Gaias Retaliation v1.1L2.w3x" fixes this. (Sios bot is hosting a renamed version).

This is only a temporary solution, since i dont have editing access to the download page and Zwiebel seems to be afk.
Level 4
Mar 24, 2011

Great effort z! Have you guys though bout the legit players ?? I bet we are much more than the cheaters/duper etc. 5months or so of my time is now scraped... THANK YOU VERY MUCH! wasnt it easier to ban those players from the bot? As i play only in garena it was much easier for us just to avoid those scumbags who were using duped items etc. Instead of doing such a major decision. Anyway we could start over its gonna be fun. But i still think its UNFAIR to legit player! And i see you dont care bout us!
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
lolol Zwieb has already mentioned earlier about how the reset needed to be done anyway. Lots of people would have lost all their stuff in the end regardless.
Level 8
May 6, 2010
I was against code wipe b4, but now I think it's good idea, cos each player should have equal chance for everything.

I hope there will be no more glitchers, bugs, or remakeable quests
Level 14
Jun 27, 2008
Great effort z! Have you guys though bout the legit players ?? I bet we are much more than the cheaters/duper etc. 5months or so of my time is now scraped... THANK YOU VERY MUCH! wasnt it easier to ban those players from the bot? As i play only in garena it was much easier for us just to avoid those scumbags who were using duped items etc. Instead of doing such a major decision. Anyway we could start over its gonna be fun. But i still think its UNFAIR to legit player! And i see you dont care bout us!

When you put it this way it sounds like you dont enjoy playing the map at all and someone forces you to. I understand that you put a lot efford into your heroes, but since everyone has to start new, the next runs will be more of a challenge then raiding d3 with a bunch full geared lvl 43 people.
Zwiebel isnt wiping for every single bug he finds and im sure he has no intentions to piss off people.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Sigh I guess people like me will just have to extract the JASS from the map to make a code generator then. Although I no longer do this seeing as I have not played WC3 properly in months nor did I lose anything by the code wipe.

Very few situations nescesitate the need of a code wipe. Here are a few.
* Map leaving beta test stage for release (where many bugs and cheats might have been usable to improve testing).
* Map undergoing major gameplay changes (eg 1.0 to 2.0) so virtually nothing from the old version is usable. See TKoK RPG for an example of a map doing this atleast twice.
* Hours after a code wipe it is discovered that an absolutly game breaking bug has polluted most of the code pool so a patch and wipe is required to be fair on future players.

Code wipes at any other time are horriably inappropiate and will annoy people far more than any benifit it can possibly bring. Yes your hardcore fans might actually enjoy the chance to start fresh but casual players will certainly not and you must remember that your map is just one of thousands on WarCraft III and WarCraft III is just one of dozens of games that a casual player could play.
Level 6
Jun 5, 2010
maybe u need to add more than code wipe...


Level 14
Jun 27, 2008
Sigh I guess people like me will just have to extract the JASS from the map to make a code generator then. Although I no longer do this seeing as I have not played WC3 properly in months nor did I lose anything by the code wipe.

Im not sure whether you are serious or just bragging with your uber h4x0r skillz. Either way, in my eyes it is more then inappropriate - especially for a moderator which should be a role model for others. I just hope ur drunk or have a comparable excuse.

Shame on you!
Level 3
Jul 16, 2011
Sigh I guess people like me will just have to extract the JASS from the map to make a code generator then. Although I no longer do this seeing as I have not played WC3 properly in months nor did I lose anything by the code wipe.

Very few situations nescesitate the need of a code wipe. Here are a few.
* Map leaving beta test stage for release (where many bugs and cheats might have been usable to improve testing).
* Map undergoing major gameplay changes (eg 1.0 to 2.0) so virtually nothing from the old version is usable. See TKoK RPG for an example of a map doing this atleast twice.
* Hours after a code wipe it is discovered that an absolutly game breaking bug has polluted most of the code pool so a patch and wipe is required to be fair on future players.

Code wipes at any other time are horriably inappropiate and will annoy people far more than any benifit it can possibly bring. Yes your hardcore fans might actually enjoy the chance to start fresh but casual players will certainly not and you must remember that your map is just one of thousands on WarCraft III and WarCraft III is just one of dozens of games that a casual player could play.

I had almost 8 full characters level 43 fully geared, and I'm not this bothered.

A code wipe is kind of refreshing, and having that many characters was really damn frustrating tbh.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Im not sure whether you are serious or just bragging with your uber h4x0r skillz. Either way, in my eyes it is more then inappropriate - especially for a moderator which should be a role model for others. I just hope ur drunk or have a comparable excuse.
I was saying that to help emphisise my point that not every person is going to take a code wipe as calmly as people like lNVlNClBLE. I certainly would not hesitate to generate myself or my friends back equivelent old characters if they were wiped without a good reason as I do not have as much free time to play as I did when I was a young teenager. Especially if people put as much effort into your map as they do into some games, a code wipe can be devistating. This is why companies like Blizzard never wipe characters from their games even if the play pool gets polluted with hacked or duped or cheated items as it ends up really annoying those who played honestly for days in total.

A good altenative to a wipe is a new tier of code. You demote all old codes to be less valuable but still usable so people are encouraged to start new characters for the new codes but do not have to if they do not want to. Diablo II used this to some extent with its ladder system where after a ladder session ended, all characters were demoted to non-ladder which was a heavilly polluted character pool (for years of exploits and cheating).
Level 2
Aug 17, 2010
Dunno if ur checkin ur bug section cuz i cant see any recent bugs posted. I made a tread about code bug in 1.1L(2) version, go and read, lazy to type here again.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Ffs Zweib has already explained that the wipe was required for additional 1.2 content. Considering it's clearing crappy duping bugs at the same time, it's really just two birds with one stone. If you're a casual player it doesn't take long to get anywhere in the game anyway, just play and enjoy and stop whining about something that had to happen eventually anyway. The wipe gives us all an opportunity to prepare for 1.2, I don't understand how a starcraft 2 modding admin of all people can't understand that.
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
I for one always welcome a code wipe. People tend to forget that doing D3 runs and shade runs is barely a fraction of the game. Half of the fun it starting a new character all from scratch and with the new implications added now to prevent players from gearing alts you can expect characters to be good or bad based on how much they play them. I think that adds quite a nice touch to the game :] distinguishes more between the pros and scrubs in a sense
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
I was going to just remake my druid first but maybe I will remake my bard instead Vestra, what do you think about that! What are you going to do about it?! haha

Also as Vestra said earlier cheers to the new host bot. I haven't been able to keep clan Gaia's bot as reliable as I'd like to over the past few weeks so it's good to see that the community still has a method /way to play
Level 4
Mar 24, 2011
When you put it this way it sounds like you dont enjoy playing the map at all and someone forces you to. I understand that you put a lot efford into your heroes, but since everyone has to start new, the next runs will be more of a challenge then raiding d3 with a bunch full geared lvl 43 people.
Zwiebel isnt wiping for every single bug he finds and im sure he has no intentions to piss off people.

well dont you think its kinda weird to spend so much time on something that someone dislikes? As i said its gonna be fun to start over even as dr. Super god said that there was no major update so wipe was kinda not in time. In my eyes it was much better to do wipe when 1.2 is ready, but not now. And im sure you didnt or dont play in garena so let me tell you that there are always newcomers and we try to integrate them in gaia society so our games are not full with full geared 43s. We dont have host bot and its kinda harder to gather up. Currently im member of 6 gaia groups but there r no more than 10-15 active players which is kinda sad. At the end i would like to say big THANK YOU for the effort you put in the BEST RPG map ever! And i know you dont get any benefits from it as you should do! Keep up the good work. I would recomend as i said another wipe when 1.2 is out. Cheers to all proper Gaia players and fans.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
The wipe before 1.2 is so we can prepare lol, there's not point wiping before level 40-50 content
Level 4
Mar 24, 2011
The wipe before 1.2 is so we can prepare lol, there's not point wiping before level 40-50 content

well so far we were doing the same - preparing. And until time comes for 1.2 there will be again nabs who will hack the map. You know already how long it takes for z and co to make bosses and etc. And if they decide to implant 6th base class im sure it will be a good think to wipe so some people will be able to build this class along the others.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
well so far we were doing the same - preparing. And until time comes for 1.2 there will be again nabs who will hack the map. You know already how long it takes for z and co to make bosses and etc. And if they decide to implant 6th base class im sure it will be a good think to wipe so some people will be able to build this class along the others.

There's always going to be someone who will hack the map that's true, it's not that hard to do but really a code wipe doesn't kill your gameplay. It doesn't take long to get back up to date and considering how far away 1.2 is you have plenty of time to do it. There is no need for another wipe, and hopefully there won't be one. The recent two wipes covered several easy to reproduce ingame duping bugs and some content that will be updated for 1.2, the second wipe covered a load issue that gave people the wrong items and gold/mc values.

It had to be done and I'm glad it was done now, sooner than later for those wipes I cbf making 10 level 43s for a third time
Level 4
Mar 24, 2011
There's always going to be someone who will hack the map that's true, it's not that hard to do but really a code wipe doesn't kill your gameplay. It doesn't take long to get back up to date and considering how far away 1.2 is you have plenty of time to do it. There is no need for another wipe, and hopefully there won't be one. The recent two wipes covered several easy to reproduce ingame duping bugs and some content that will be updated for 1.2, the second wipe covered a load issue that gave people the wrong items and gold/mc values.

It had to be done and I'm glad it was done now, sooner than later for those wipes I cbf making 10 level 43s for a third time

Dont you think it was much better for z and co to share the map with some dedicated players as he used to do when shade was in progress? So they could have fixed those bugs before releasing the map in public? If we dont want to have another wipe we better do so and test the map before releasing it instead letting people abuse bugs like item/materials duping and etc... I know z and co dont care bout garena(gaia) society but they do bout battlenet society so if z and co are reading please take this in mind about further releases im sure that every dedicated player (as i am) would like to help in improving the map.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
I was part of that beta test, and I managed to accidentally produce the bug 7 versions later. Sometimes people miss things. Not everything is going to be covered by beta testing, it took quite a bit of work to balance shade, other issues are harder to come by. The bugs that caused the code wipe are things that shouldn't happen again now that they've been covered. This is a positive thing for future versions.

Zwieb and his team do care about the community, I've had disagreements with his ideas before but it's plain to see he wants this rpg to be challenging and balanced. He keeps in reasonable contact and shares progress with players. When the next beta comes along if you're available you'll probably be able to test it. The community as a whole is part of what makes this rpg such a fantastic ongoing project. Zwieb knows and respects that I'm sure.
I will make sure to launch a big beta test for upcoming 1.2 content once everything is done ... and not only a beta test once 1.2 is in its final developement states, but also after every big designing step to cover bugs on the longer run and get feedback before everything goes gold.

I apologize for the last code wipe, seriously, but it had to be done.
The two duping bugs had always been there since early 1.1e releases. It was a bad coincidence that they were discovered now and not sooner or later.

And to be honest: I'm pretty sure some people knew about that duping possibilities for much longer as I did, but they did never report to me. In this case, I can only say that this could have been corrected much more early, in a much more pleasant situation.

If you find gamebreaking bugs, please report to me immediately. Don't expect others to do it and do it fast, before major damage is done. Then you can expect a fix without fearing a code wipe. However, if I get stuff like this reported almost a year after people find it out, there's almost no other way.

And as I said ... the code wipe wasn't only about wiping players that have been abusing bugs and cheating. It was also to make way for new content that I always wanted to add in 1.2 anyway. Without this codewipe, I couldn't have implemented this feature in 1.2.
And as I'm pretty sure people will like this new feature, as it adds a huge amount to character diversification, it was worth it.
Level 2
Aug 17, 2010
Zwei, i posted a bug at the bug report section, but for some reason, u guys r not using it... as i see no recent bug reports and all =/
Level 4
Oct 2, 2011
I really love Gaias, its a great map and is fun with the right people (!), but I rly dislike one thing. You said no more code wipes, now we got one as soon as we have some chars high lvled and geared. I heared from people that you announced in much earlier versions that it would have been the last code wipe and often implented some wipes again... Thats why they stopped playing Gaias (masses of code wipes just suck)
So my question is: Do you think it is fun to play Gaias all over from lvl 1 again and again and again? What I mean is that many people wasted hours and hours to get their chars high. Somewhen, for me at least, it is just no more fun to farm all things again from lvl 1.

I dont want to be offensive but I bet that there will be at least one more code wipe in the next versions, so I'm really not sure if I should waste masses of hours again for NOTHING!

To the trolling people here: I know now that a bug could have been abused, for sure a code wipe is good so the people cant use their advantage anymore, but somewhen its just too much.

EDIT: Im sorry but im just too lazy to waste hours for reading in forums, is L(3) playable or not?
I really love Gaias, its a great map and is fun with the right people (!), but I rly dislike one thing. You said no more code wipes, now we got one as soon as we have some chars high lvled and geared. I heared from people that you announced in much earlier versions that it would have been the last code wipe and often implented some wipes again... Thats why they stopped playing Gaias (masses of code wipes just suck)
We decided for this code wipe because we are vile and devilish men. We eat children and rape squirrels. And kittens!

So my question is: Do you think it is fun to play Gaias all over from lvl 1 again and again and again? What I mean is that many people wasted hours and hours to get their chars high. Somewhen, for me at least, it is just no more fun to farm all things again from lvl 1.
Why do you play Gaias when it's clearly not fun to you?
Genius, I got a hint for you: Doing something enjoyable makes your life better!

Seriously, what did you expect me to respond to your post?
Just a reminder for you: This map is for fucking free. You didn't pay even a single cent to play this map. We, however, invested years of hard work into creating it and in the end its our decision on what to do with this map. If you don't like what we do, nobody forces you to play it.
We always welcome construtive criticism and always had. This, however, is just utter nonsense. Do you really think we would destroy achievements of players just for fun?
This map is my personal heartblood and I personally don't like seeing hacked or cheated characters in there. You may argue that you don't care about some cheaters, but I do.
Would you like people to spoil your paintings? For you it may be just a simple map, but for me, this is some kind of art I make.
Level 4
Oct 2, 2011
Well, you're right. I was just frustrated that I played gaias again for nothing... I agree that a code wipe is good so you can clean the game from cheated characters. But just one point I really want to criticize, (Im sorry if I annoy you with that) it semms like you didnt say it only for one time that there wont be any wipes again, but there will always be wipes since the map gets hacked or bugs get abused in any way. So the point is, players (like me - because I really enjoy playing it [my only problem are some people with unmannered behaviours and the hours of farming for a rare item] have to start every few months again from level 1, the only thing they have then from their hours of farming and leveling is game experience,fun and knowledge about the game. At the end there will always be code wipes because you just cant stop people from abusing bugs or hacking it.
I think the best would be if you just forget the mindless crap in my posts (sorry for that) ^^
So after I just wasted your time I'd anyway like to know if L(3) is playable or not.
L(3) is perfectly playable.
Thing is ... you can never promise that there won't be any more code wipes. In the end, there are many factors playing into this. The main factor is the way the save system works. As soon as you add any content that needs to be saved, old codes will automaticly be wiped.

We prevent this by using placeholder data. However, there are some things you can never foresee. Like when you add something totally new to the game ... like we plan to do now.
There are simply occasions where this placeholder data isn't sufficient.

It's not like we have a list of stuff perfectly planned we just work out. Designing a map is always about adaption and - I already used this referece - like a work of art, you might get new ideas once you started making it. I don't know how many times I totally removed all code I had written just to replace it by something newer, better, faster, etc.

When I tell you that there won't be a code wipe anymore, you guys know this is just temporary. That's how it works, unfortuneatly. You can never tell when a wipe is neccesary again. The only reason I use the words "there will not be any more code wipes" is because this is what people want to hear.
I never say that on my own. It's because people always bug me about if there are going to be further code wipes.
Of course there will be further code wipes! There will be new wipes eventually, but even I can not tell you when this happens.
All I can say for sure is: A code wipe will happen as soon as all placeholder data is exhausted. And this will happen sooner or later. Maybe not with 1.2, but eventually.

It's the same about expected release dates. All I can say is how far progress has come. We never know how much time it takes; it totally varies and depends on what ideas we develope when creating new content.
Sure I could copy and paste everything existing and alter it. That would lead to 'expected' releases and fast creation of content. But that wouldn't be fun, neither for me creating it, nor for you playing the map.
I think everyone agrees that quality goes over quantity. But for 1.2 I want to see both quality and quantity. It's probably going to be the largest content upgrade we ever created since the addition of Mytargas, Farmlands, D3 and Advanced Classes.
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