Hosted Project GR
- Joined
- Sep 17, 2009
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- 7,234
Hell ... it's about time...
- fixed a bug that sometimes caused trouble with the item system and item ownership after looting a scroll (item duping, wrong bound items, etc.)
- Spellcast triggers completely remastered to avoid some nasty bugs (this also fixed the Bash Bug)
- Removed the cheat-blocker for the Squire quest ... all you noobs out there that are unable to beat the squire quest without help: have fun!
- Improved some art for certain items and fixed a bug not displaying the druid's headguard and the white bandana (thanks to muzzel for this one)
- Crucify should now create less lag (credit goes to muzzel again)
- Removed D2 cinematic at the spawn event of the Ancient One
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Seal Of Flames from respawning when D3 was resetted
- demon heart now drops from all bosses in D3 to a low percentage (5-7%)
- Fixed a bug causing Blazing Flame's Manifestations to deal a ridicolously high amount of damage
- Gaspode will now be moved back to entry position when players try to move him away too far from the event spot
- the ghoul/mage pack in front of Andrazzar has been moved forward a little bit to avoid pulling Andrazzar when attacking them
- Changed and removed some pathing blockers around certain boss events to make it harder to abuse pathing
- fixed some pathing on the second bridge in D3
- Some changes made to the Ancient One encounter
- Witchdoctor Maluvu now drops the "Sharp Arrows" quiver, as originally intended
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to reset D3 from inside when moving to a certain area
- Lord Andrazzar's Minions will now die when the battle is won
- Also, Lord Andrazzar's Minions will now have a much higher return range than the boss itself, to allow easier kiting
- Attacking creatures at D3 event will now have a small amount of threat towards Sergeant Gaspode when spawning
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused linked of creep camps
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused minions of bosses to reset the encounter when killing their target
- Mana regeneration of heroes removed - heroes now only recover mana through potions, skills, items or when resting
- Item rebalancing: some extreme +mana values lowered
- Item rebalancing: all two-handed weapons now have -10% Attack Speed and some changed stats
- Item rebalancing: all manareg bonuses removed and/or replaced by +mana
- Item rebalancing: Flute manareg aura changed to 0,3 mana per second
- crit damage modifier formula changed (crit damage bonus of strength doubled)
- Constitution now also increases the amount of health gained by consuming health potions by 10% per point
- Wisdom now grants 15 mana per point and also increases the amount of mana gained by consuming mana potions by 10% per point
- Armor Penetration now also works as minimum damage against heavy armored units - this minimum damage can not exceed attack power of the unit
- Rage system removed; all spells that required rage have been altered to work with a fixed value
- Carathos nerfed: does not longer cast hateful strike
- New chat command: "-qi" toggles hero quickbar icons - Allied heroes within range of the player will now have a quickbar icon on the left side of the screen that can be targeted with spells ... no need to thank me for that, dear healers
- for several reasons, we decided to reduce the maximum number of players on this map to 6
Class Changes:
- Adjusted hotkeys to use QWER-ASDF-XCV; also altered hotkeys to follow a certain logic
- Mana cost of almost all skills lowered to match new mana regeneration concept
- Magician: Warmth ability replaced by Energy Drain ability
- Magician: Fire Shield damage increased by 50%
- Magician: Lightning Strike replaced by Meteor Strike
- Magician: Magic Missile multiplier reduced to 3.5
- Necromancer: Skeleton Base damage increased by 5
- Necromancer: Skeleton now gain Armor Penetration equal to their Attack Power*0.6
- Necromancer: Skeleton now gain 1,5% to all resistances per level up to a maximum of 50% at level 34
- Cleric: Burst of Light damage component removed
- Cleric: Heal, Mend and Divine Protection spellpower multipliers reduced
- Cleric: Judgement replaced by Soul Strike
- Monk: Steel body now gives +100% threat on all elemental damage dealt instead of +15% threat on all damage dealt
- Bishop: Mend multiplier reduced to 7
- Ranger: Pets now gain Armor Penetration equal to their Attack Power*0.75
- Ranger: Pet attack speed now improves every 10 levels
- Ranger: Pets now gain 2% to all resistances per level up to a maximum of 60% at level 30
- Druid: Remedy and Natures Blessing spellpower multipliers increased