• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

work in progress

  1. SoyMante

    Rising Tide of Strife - Proyect

    More than 40 years in the past, in the remote past of Draenor, where the races that once lived peacefully will be twisted by the rising tide of destruction that will devastate all of Draenor. An unprecedented bloodletting will take place. This campaign is still in very early stages, it is my...
  2. Overview


    This is my first attempt at recording something of this nature. Warning: I unintentionally drop a few f-bombs here and there, and I didn't realize how loud the music was until I viewed the video after recording.
  3. Blahblah_Blagar

    [Campaign] The Aftermath

    NOTE: I really don't want to publish any of this until it's finished, but I've nearly lost all of my files from my hard drive and this is the best way to keep them safe. Most of these missions aren't meant to be playable yet, rather they are templates for me to work on til they are, so expect a...
  4. WIP: Fallout Tactics: Feral Despair (Mod)

    WIP: Fallout Tactics: Feral Despair (Mod)

    Update: finished bleeding system (DOT, death, stacking per unit), added armor swapping function, fixed some AI issues, added repair skill, added several hidden quests, working on branching quests and stat/perk options per quest. Added VATS system. Adjusted random name vowel placement. Fixed bugs.
  5. Void Ridge map layout

    Void Ridge map layout

    This map is giving me a headache tbh
  6. twojstaryjakcie

    [Trigger] Help with AI for my map

    Okay, so I've been working on a simple map and it's an income based strategy with rewards for killing enemy units. It's for 2-4 players and it's a FFA scenario. The problem is, I can't work out how to make an AI script that lets Computer player make units and fight. It's a WiP, but I don't want...
  7. BossGengar

    Skeldritch, The Ancient Demon W.I.P

    So after my last model, I wanted to do something a little more challenging. I decided to make a boss from The Legend of Zelda. One boss that popped in my mind was Skeldritch from Spirit Tracks. And I thought it would look pretty cool. Here's a picture for reference. Also here's a W.I.P of...
  8. BossGengar

    W.I.P Skeletal Felguard

    Hi! So I want to make another model from the "Uncreated Models List" and I decided to go with the "Skeletal Felguard". Hopefully with the knowledge I gained from making the Skeletal Dreadlord model I can make it look right. Anyway, so all I have done right now (just like last time) is replaced...
  9. Hordeon

    How to: Test map correctly

    Testing the map is very important. First you must fix all leaks (No leaks , good game). The second rule is: The Path... The pach must be placed correctly. The third testing rule is: The Coding of Colors. The collor code is very important.You can't write color code like this: OR And...
  10. MaryuZ


    My name is MaryuZ and I'm new to WC3 editor. I have some c and c++ skills and I'm currently learning jass. I plan to make maps in WC3 until the day comes...that awsome day...when they will finally release SC2. I am currently working on a 2 player rpg map called Gopo RPG that has 2 heroes, 17...
  11. Master334

    a new rpg, a good one.....

    i plan to make an rpg about orcs attacking humans. i thought iof this as i was staring at a loap load screen (you know the one with the humans charging at the orcs) and i was thinking about fferpg, so what did i do.... i started thinking of names and things, my basic idea is like, you stumble...