
  1. AtivEnergy

    [SD/Misc] Where I can find this fire effect?

    Greetings! I want to use this effect, but i can't find it on hive. Do you have any other site for models where i can found this effect? The help is appreciated!
  2. Tevazian Conclave.jpg

    Tevazian Conclave.jpg

    When the Humans of the East first lost their source of Magic, the denizens of Norrour lent them the secrets of their own practices of Magic. The Human mage, Tevazu, hailing from the ruined Kingdom of Sapphirus, humbly accepted these gifts and formed a wise conclave under his name.
  3. Demonians.png


  4. Three Spirits of Brewmaster from my Dota project

    Three Spirits of Brewmaster from my Dota project

    Storm, Fire and Earth Spirits.
  5. Nether Forge

    Nether Forge

  6. WC3FireGiantNew.jpg


    Wrath of the lich king Fire Giant. Made from scratch using in-game textures. Figured I'd get hands on with this one too as I had already made the Storm and Ice versions. Work in progress but quite close to being done.
  7. Izzetin

    [Solved] Meteor Fall Spell

    Hello nice People. could somebody help me with a pretty simple spell? Im looking for a Meteor/Fireball that slowly comes down to the ground with a heavy impact. I know there was a good Request for this in 2011 (Slow Meteor) but i need help to create such a spell. It could look like the Inferno...
  8. Majordomo Executus

    Majordomo Executus

  9. Doom


    Gameplay teaser, new version
  10. HerlySQR

    [Solved] Fire damage of abilities

    Something I noticed is when a unit dies for the remaining fire of abilities like "Rain of fire" the game don't give credits to the casting unit and I think there is not the unique ability with this issue, do you know how to fix it?
  11. Anton Wulff Jensen

    I need to make a unit spew fire with "Trap Side Fire"

    So I'm making this boss encounter, where 6 Kobold warriors stand by the side, spewing fire, using the "Trap Side Fire" doodad. However, I want this to happen every 10 seconds, and not every 3 seconds, as the animation of the doodad does. This fire needs to deal damage of course, which I think I...
  12. Anton Wulff Jensen

    How do I make a "moving breath of fire", and how do I make doodads (like rocks) block its effect?

    I am trying to make a dragon boss-fight, and I want to make a breath of fire spell, that makes the dragon spew fire in a circular movement around it. And on top of that, I'd like to know how to make environment, such as a large rock or stone-pillar, capable of blocking the spell. So that if...
  13. Cheshire

    looking for icon of crown of flames

    hey, looking for an icon for a crown that is made of fire. thanks!
  14. Kemayo

    Storm, Earth and Fire units

    Hi there! I would need someone to make unit models of the Storm, Earth and Fire Reforged models, both the lvl6 and lvl8 ones. Meaning to remove their hero glow and add death animations. Many thanks in advance!
  15. When_Ogres_Cook_Warcraft_First_War_Memorium_Warhammer_Butcher


    Model for Ogre Cooking Pot. Base model is 'FirePitCauldron20' ('Cauldron over the Fire') by MiniMage. Replaced the pot with the pot from Dionesiist's 'OgreBtucher'. Added birth animation of Healing Totem and death anim of Medivh's Spellbook (using MatrixEater). Made for 'First War Memorium' addon.
  16. ivanbakavan

    [Defense / Survival] Dream TAG

    What's Dream TAG? It's a TAG (touch and go) map Tick, chasey or touch and go — is a playground game involving two or more players' chasing other players in an attempt to "tag" and mark them out of play. Dream TAG — is a rethinking of projects such as Vampirism Fire, Troll and Elves or Cat and...
  17. Yours Truly

    [SOLVED] Add some fire to this icon.

    Hello there. I'm having a hard time editing this icon. I'd like to add some fiery effect to the eyes, but the result is a bit pixelated. I would appreciate if someone could add in the effects to the icon. Help will be credited. In case you're more comfortable without the pre-existing fire...
  18. Mathayis

    Orb of fire, frost lightning no longer working?

    Hey there! I'm having some issues with the orb of fire, lighting and frost....For whatever reason the effects stopped working on certain units. For example, I go to pick up an orb of fire, it will add the attack damage, and show the orb circling the weapon, but there's no splash damage! Same...
  19. Barorque

    Storm, Earth and Fire - Summoner not dying

    As the title suggests, my custom Storm, Earth and Fire based ability produces a unit, when it dies, so should the hero... but instead the hero appears as a non-targetable unit, that attacks enemies as if he would be alive (hero icon shows him dead though). When said hero runs out of targets to...
  20. Kakorin(KvS)

    Extreme Request!!! - Fire Panda with Hat

    I know that the title is rare. Anyways, my request is : a Fire Panda without the hat in back, instead in the head. But making no use of storm spirit portrait in the world model ( unit ).
  21. Wark

    [Template / Terrain] Environmental Effects

    There's something I have not seen on Hive as of yet: the use of terrain-based environmental effects. What do I mean? Well, I'm glad you asked! You know how in certain MOBA-styled games you can hide in bushes? Ever wonder why the lava in some maps doesn't burn your units? Well, I want to make...
  22. Yours Truly

    Changing this model's fire color

    Hello, I would like someone to change this model's fire color to green Cruel Cloister, model made by Gottfrei (I can't get permission, he's inactive)
  23. CodeBlack

    [Spell] Ui/ way to provide overview over stacks

    Hey there, Im currently trying to find a way to show the player how many Stacks he accumulated on a certain ability without using messages (they look ugly af). The ability has 3 different stack types and i dont have enough space to place 3 dummy abilities as info fields. i tried to use the orb...
  24. carcanosc

    [Spell] flame effect around buildings

    Hello I want to put the effect flame (sequence video which we can to find in the complements palette) as this video from a youtuber who don't reply comments and don't tell us how he does. These are the links I also want to know how I have to put the effect on buildings Besides I want to...
  25. Lothar1994

    Fel Fire Doodad Model

    I am making a "re-make" map of Tannan Jungle and I need the Fel Fire. I have a picture of the specific fire model i need recolored but i need it to be put in mdx format so i can make a new doodad for it. if any one can do this i be grateful. thank you in advance. NOTE: the fire in the...
  26. Seavalan Legend

    Burning Ritual Circle

    For the custom campaign I am working on, there is a custom race with a ritual circle that serves as the altar. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make a modified Circle of Power model that has a work animation that adds a fire or a glow or something. Thanks in advance! :D
  27. mohamy

    Phoenix fire Multiple Target

    Any body Know why my phoenix fire has multiple target on my map anwer plz. i think it's blizzard buge
  28. Neruvatar

    [Role Playing Game] Kalak'a'hui - Phase 1 Version 3.10c Released [17.9.2018]

    TEST MAP P1V3 IS NOW OFFICIALLY RELEASED! Important Notice: Map Version will be revamp into Phase and Versions. Current Test Map is P1V3 (Phase 1 Version 3). Phase 1 : Gateway to Hell First theme where the character journeys to the Gate of Hell. Phase 2: Hellfire Second theme where the...