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Land of War v1.7+

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Ive been working on this map with my friend Master_Angel (He does most of the triggers)
so far it just got out of beta stage so i decided to upload it to the hive.

Read------> The Ascended Acient builder (I know i cant spell verry good) can build she just dosent have a build anamation, so she just stands there and the stuff builds.

O and one more thing this map comes with 2 mini dungen like areas one takes a Waygate to get to (located bottom right corner of big area) and a outland type dungen.

Land Of War SGA SG1 Stargate Stargate Atlantis Custom Mele Fun

Land of War v1.7+ (Map)

14:02, 16th Jul 2008 Septimus: Should had use update button instead.




14:02, 16th Jul 2008

Should had use update button instead.
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
A nice map, I suggest making a third dungeon to spice things up. Besides some grammar errors this is a fun map!