• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Dieselpunk Troopers

Infantry - Queen of the fields.
Closest to the ground, to the cold, to the fire and death.

Well, I just combined the elements of Herr Dave's models (he gave me permission to upload) and added some custom animations maded by myself.

UPD 1.
1. Fixed particle effect in attack animation (thanks, Ian The Red)
2. Fixed the position of the model on Z axis in the new animations, some movements was changed or fixed a bit
3. Attack animation was changed a bit.
4. Animations was linearized, model was optimized and has lower weight now.
5. Texture was changed a bit, added teamcolor for crest.

UPD 2.
1. Fixed attack animation loop (thanks,Vanguard Veteran)
2. Walk and stand animation was changed a bit. Added another one stand animation.
3. New bayonet attack animation, removed attack alternate 4 (until I make it better)
4. Minor fixes in attack and stand ready anims.

UPD 3.
Small design changes. Nothing interesting.

UPD 4.
Fixed normals.

UPD 5.
1. Redesigned "heavy" model, trenchcoat was buggy, so I remove it until better time.
2. Added old version of model as you all requested
3. Added some effects fixes, thank Ian The Red
4. Added new guy (only old design version, new design version will be added after I'm sure that there are no serious bugs in the new model, I hope in advance for your feedback, guys)
5. New Icons. Again.

UPD 6.
1. Added Heavy Machinegun model.
2. Added Officer model.

3. Redesigned "new design" models, some animations was removed.
4. Fixed animation for OfficerOD, added new crest for TrooperOD.
5. New Icons. Again.

UPD 7.
1. Heavy Machinegun attack FX fixed.
2. HMG triggers was remodelled a bit, animation also changed a bit.

UPD 8.
Heavy Machinegun attack FX fixed. Again.

UPD 9.
1. Added Assault Trooper model.
2. Small design changes: teamcolor, helmets-pauldrons-equipment.
3. Fixed death animations for trooper and officer, small animation fixes.
4. New Icons. Again.
UPD 9.1
1.Fixed some animation bugs in Assault Trooper model (Thanks, SonsOfSami).
2.Fixed Decay Bone animation im Officer model.
UPD 9.2
Fixed lightning bug in Assault Trooper model (Thanks, Hazop).

UPD 10.
1. Fixed another lightning bug in Assault Trooper model (Thanks, Hazop)
2. Added under-barrel grenade launcher for Assault Trooper SMG.
3. Added new Spell anim for Assault Trooper.

UPD 11.
1. Added Mortar model.
2. Remodeled backpacks

UPD 11.1.
1. Changed Mortar attack animation - fixed particles, added recoil and some details. (Thanks SonsOfSami)
2.Fixed decay bone anims.
UPD 11.2.
1.The machine gun now rotates normally.
2.Sound and particles were corrected and bugs were fixed in mortar animations (many thanks to the SonsOfSami who did this work for me)
3.Fixed a weird noise in the Spell animations of the assault trooper (thanks, Hazop)

Heavy weapons was moved to a separate pack.

UPD 12.
Added normal fixes by SonsOf Sami

UPD 13.
1. Old texture replaced by new one, partially drawned by myself.
2. New Attack animation for Trooper.
3. Minor animation fixes.
4. Added alternative variation for Trooper - Landsknecht.

UPD 14.
1. Existing animations for the officer was completely remade and new animations are added: morph and two spell animations (of course, each has "Alternate" variation).
2. New "Walk" animations for Stormtrooper.
3. New gasmasks and backpacks, updated texture.
4. Dummy "Morph" animation for Soldier (without it, there was a bug, when after changing the stance to "Alternate" unit can't be selected). This animation is a temporary solution until I think of something better.
5. Small fixes.

UPD 14.
New version of soldier model.
New animations, textures and meshes.
UPD 14.01
Fixed portrait animation bugs.
UPD 14.02
Fixed another portrait animation bug.
UPD 14.12
Icons added.
UPD 14.22
Updated Walk animation, now it has a bit more physical impact and not so... "smooth".

Due to the fact that this month I had to make an unplanned stop in development, I decided to update the models in packages separately so that you had the opportunity to evaluate the progress on something more complex than just a couple of screenshots.

Diesel Trooper new version (Icon)

Diesel Trooper new version (Model)

Dieselpunk Landsknecht (Icon)

Dieselpunk Landsknecht (Model)

Dieselpunk Officer (Icon)

Dieselpunk Officer (Model)

Dieselpunk Officer (Old Design) (Model)

Dieselpunk Officer (Old Design) (Icon)

Dieselpunk Soldier (Model)

Dieselpunk Soldier (Icon)

Dieselpunk Stormtrooper (Icon)

Dieselpunk Stormtrooper (Model)

Dieselpunk Trooper (Old Design) (Icon)

Dieselpunk Trooper (Old Design) (Model)

General Frank
Works in-game, performs appropriately and is a good addition to the model section. Excellent work!
I like the edit except i feel that the model size is quite larger because of what you added. I suggest to delete what we can't see inside the armor (that may comes from here ?)

Also other suggestions :
☼ More Team color
☼ "Darker" version (the actual model is good beside the size problem, though it would be cool to have next to it an alternate version that fits more in the "apocalyptic" theme ^^)
Level 10
Jul 13, 2016
I like the edit except i feel that the model size is quite larger because of what you added. I suggest to delete what we can't see inside the armor (that may comes from here ?)

Also other suggestions :
☼ More Team color
☼ "Darker" version (the actual model is good beside the size problem, though it would be cool to have next to it an alternate version that fits more in the "apocalyptic" theme ^^)

Well, I can try to opimize it
I forgot remove some headparts inside of helmet when made it, maybe it will work.

I also try make more TC, but my texture skill is potato - need more practice.
But I still want another texture version - maybe apocalyptic (thanks for idea!) or maybe more medievalish and based on vanilla textures.
Level 9
Nov 21, 2013
I think you should make the helmet crest team colored as well. It should help with the overall look. Other than that, great model edit!
Level 13
Jul 2, 2015
Well, I can try to opimize it
I forgot remove some headparts inside of helmet when made it, maybe it will work.

I also try make more TC, but my texture skill is potato - need more practice.
But I still want another texture version - maybe apocalyptic (thanks for idea!) or maybe more medievalish and based on vanilla textures.
I've found a large error in the texture! It's incompatible with HerrDave's Infantry, as for some reason when a unit (Using the HerrDave's German Texture and your Dieselpunk Texture) the game crashes...
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Level 10
Jul 13, 2016
I've found a large error in the texture! It's incompatible with HerrDave's Infantry, as for some reason when a unit (Using the HerrDave's German Texture and your Dieselpunk Texture) the game crashes...
I don't know why.
Is more skilled people tell me howI can fix it, I'll do it.
Buuuut, maybe this problem is not on my side.
What you did?
Tell me, maybe if I know f details I can help you or fix it.
Level 13
Jul 2, 2015
I don't know why.
Is more skilled people tell me howI can fix it, I'll do it.
Buuuut, maybe this problem is not on my side.
What you did?
Tell me, maybe if I know f details I can help you or fix it.
Ok.. So what I did was import the model and textures into my map, then I got the correct texture path, the model appeared in the game but when a soldier dies (Dieselpunk/German) The Game crashes...
Level 10
Jul 13, 2016
Ok.. So what I did was import the model and textures into my map, then I got the correct texture path, the model appeared in the game but when a soldier dies (Dieselpunk/German) The Game crashes...
It's strange, I'll check it and try to fix it if I find this error.
Unfortunately, I can do this only tomorrow, because I do not have access to my PC at this moment

Is someone have this problem too?
Please, tell me
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Level 9
Nov 21, 2013
Another issue is the attack animation. The particle effect from the gun is so bright it lights up the entire screen in game and makes night look like day. Not sure what is causing this issue though.
Level 4
Jan 12, 2014
Very interresting, love the armour and new animations (esspecially rifle butt usage) on a solid base. Very useful, at least to me. I only wish there was a 'reload' animation, but the work is great and I cannot complain about anything.
Level 10
Jul 13, 2016
model is awesome now, oly one problem, most of the animation are loops, causing the unit to repeat attack animation(for instaces) before the unit actually attacks. can be solve quickly tho.
Yes, I encountered this problem during the tests and will try to solve it in the near future.
I'm delayed by two things: studying and low experience in model polishing - I'm trying to find a manual to fix this error, since I probably can't fix this problem in MdlVis so I will need to learn new tools that will take time.
UPD. Already found decision of this problem, lol

Also in the next update I decided to change the animation "stand" and "walk", make the "alternative 2 attack" more... dynamic and remove "attack alternative 4" (there are only few differences between 2 and 4 alternate attacks, so I don't see reasons of it at this moment).
I also think about adding one or two new "stand" animations - I hope I can make them in the near future.
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Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Damn he looks sexy!
Perhaps do you think about a Dieselpunk styled "Supersoldier"?
Also some suggestions,
A Dieselpunk Mortarman/Grenadier with the Mortar/GrenadeLauncher attached to his back.
A Dieselpunk styled Flametrooper?
And lastly, a Dieselpunk melee infantry preferably armed with one of those WW1 trench clubs or maces or dual wielding them actually.
Level 10
Jul 13, 2016
... or you can just simple add all variations. :D
Well, the hero does not look for easy ways :D
I have no particular desire to litter Hive with models that have little differences.
In any case, I will not cancel all changes, but I see no reason not to correct a few small details that people do not like.
I will in any case release a separate package with old versions of models (since they are definitely less weight and have fewer elements, which can be useful for someone) when I finish at least one more model.
Btw, which option do you like?
Level 4
Jan 12, 2014
The hero should have his head uncovered, it's no coincidence that in warhammer higher ranks have their heads more exposed, because masks and full helmets are reserved for expendable mooks with no personality and the showing of the face is the most important aspect of personality.
While it's at the same time the most rookie thing a combatant would do, losing the most important piece of protection :D
Level 5
Jul 24, 2009
For real Zess, I just saw your album and seriously upload them all into a package! They are all fucking awesome.

I would be interested to see the sniper variant, the SMG or the officier in screenshot 8.

Also your helmet C is the best so far. Right now, it looks like a medieval Darth Vador
Level 9
Nov 21, 2013
Currently in game the model is producing a light from itself during the stand animation. Also the crest on the hat, the extra armor on the chestguard and the straps on his bag are "fuzzy".


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