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Blizzard Alternative v1.2.1


Calls down waves of freezing ice shards that damage units in a target area.

Obligatory Requirements


// Blizzard ( Ability ) by BPower.
//     - Version 1.2.1
//    Calls down waves of freezing ice shards that damage units in a target area. 
//    Requirements:
//        CTL                 -    github.com/nestharus/JASS/tree/master/jass/Systems/ConstantTimerLoop32
//        Table               -    hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-new-table-188084/
//        SpellEffectEvent    -    hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-spelleffectevent-187193/ 
//    Credits:
//        To Nestharus for CTL
//        To Bribe for Table and SpellEffectEvent
//        To Vexorian for dummy.mdx

native UnitAlive takes unit id returns boolean

scope Blizzard initializer Init

    // User settings:
    // ==============
        // Object editor fields:
        private constant integer    BLIZZARD_ABILITY      = 'A000'
        private constant integer    DUMMY_UNIT_ID         = 'dumi'
        // Damage options:
        private constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE           = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL
        private constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE           = DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC
        // Effect options:
        private constant real       NEEDLE_FX_DURATION    = 0.8// Requires testing. Try and error.
        private constant string     NEEDLE_FX             = "war3mapImported\\SnowyBlizzardTarget.mdx"
        private constant string     GROUND_FX             = "war3mapImported\\FreezingField.mdx"
        // Balance options:
        // Bring structure into the chaos, by dividing the area of effect into sectors.
        // New needles will be created in random unique sectors to
        // ensure a better distribution of spawned effects.
        private constant integer    DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR   = 10
        // Accuracy options:
        // Maximum collision size in your map.
        private constant real       MAX_COLLISION_SIZE    = 64.
        private constant real       NEEDLE_COLLISION_SIZE = 48.
    // Filter valid targets.
    private function TargetFilter takes unit target, player owner returns boolean
        return UnitAlive(target) and not IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE) and not IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) and IsUnitEnemy(target, owner)
    // Returns the damage amount per needle. 
    private function GetImpactDamage takes integer level returns real
        return GetRandomReal(10., 15.) + 20.*level
    // Returns the amount of needles created per seconds. 
    private constant function GetNeedlesPerSecond takes integer level returns integer
        return 1 + 2*level
    // Returns the total spell duration in seconds.
    private constant function GetSpellDuration takes integer level returns real
        return 3. + 2.*level
    // Returns the radius of the blizzard field.
    private constant function GetFieldRadius takes integer level returns real
        return 200. + 50.*level
    // Returns the duration of the frost buff.
    private constant function GetBuffDuration takes integer level returns real
        return 4. + 0.*level
    // Returns the proper scaling of the ground effect. Eventually requires try and error.
    private constant function GetFieldEffectScale takes real fieldSize returns real
        return fieldSize/400.
    private function IsChanneling takes unit caster, integer level returns boolean
        return true
    // Global condition to keep the spell running.
    private function CasterCondition takes unit caster returns boolean
        return UnitAlive(caster)
    // The following struct "Buff" creates the buff- and frostnova effect.
    // Adjust the constants to your needs.     
    private struct Buff 
        // Buff type settings. 
        private static constant integer BUFF_ORDER_ID  = 852226
        private static constant integer BUFF_ABILITY   = 'A001'
        private static constant integer BUFF           = 'Bfro'
        private static constant integer CASTER_UNIT_ID = 'n000'
        private static constant player  NEUTRAL_PLAYER = Player(bj_PLAYER_NEUTRAL_EXTRA)
        private static constant timer   TIMER          = CreateTimer()
        private static constant real    TIMER_TIMEOUT  = .03125
        private static constant integer LOCUST_ABILITY = 'Aloc'
        private static thistype array prev
        private static thistype array next
        private static unit  caster 
        private static Table table
        private unit source
        private real time
        static method unitHasBuff takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
            return GetUnitAbilityLevel(whichUnit, BUFF) != 0
        method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
            call UnitRemoveAbility(source, BUFF)
            call table.remove(GetHandleId(source))
            call deallocate()
            set next[prev[this]] = next[this]
            set prev[next[this]] = prev[this]
            if next[0] == 0 then
                call PauseTimer(TIMER)
            set source = null
        private static method onPeriodic takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype this = next[0]
                exitwhen this == 0
                if time > 0. and UnitAlive(source) and unitHasBuff(source) then
                    set time = time - TIMER_TIMEOUT
                     call destroy()
                set this = next[this]
        static method apply takes player owner, unit target, real duration returns nothing
            local integer  id = GetHandleId(target)
            local thistype this 
            if table.has(id) then
                set this = table[id]
                if unitHasBuff(source) then
                    set time = duration
                call destroy()
            call IssueTargetOrderById(caster, BUFF_ORDER_ID, target)
            set this = allocate()
            set table[id] = this
            set source = target
            set time = duration
            set next[this] = 0
            set prev[this] = prev[0]
            set next[prev[0]] = this
            set prev[0] = this
            if prev[this] == 0 then
                call TimerStart(TIMER, TIMER_TIMEOUT, true, function thistype.onPeriodic)
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set table = Table.create()
            set caster = CreateUnit(NEUTRAL_PLAYER, CASTER_UNIT_ID, 0., 0., 0.)
            call SetUnitPosition(caster, 2147483647, 2147483647)
            call UnitAddAbility(caster, BUFF_ABILITY)
            call UnitAddAbility(caster, LOCUST_ABILITY)
            call ShowUnit(caster, false)
// Blizzard source code. Make changes carefully.
    private function Random takes nothing returns real
        return GetRandomReal(0., 1.)
    private function GetRandomRange takes real radius returns real
        local real r = Random() + Random()
        if r > 1. then 
            return (2 - r)*radius
        return r*radius

    private struct Needle
        real x
        real y
        real time
        static method create takes real centerX, real centerY, real maxRange, integer factor returns thistype
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            local real spacing  = 2*bj_PI/DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR
            local real min      = spacing*factor
            local real max      = min + spacing
            local real theta    = GetRandomReal(min, max)
            local real radius   = GetRandomRange(maxRange)
            set x    = centerX + radius*Cos(theta)
            set y    = centerY + radius*Sin(theta)
            set time = NEEDLE_FX_DURATION
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(NEEDLE_FX, x, y))
            return this
    private struct Blizzard extends array
        static constant group   ENUM_GROUP       = CreateGroup()
        static constant real    TIMER_TIMEOUT    = .03125
        static constant real    DUMMY_DEATH_TIME = .01
        static constant integer TIMED_LIFE       = 'BTLF'
        static constant integer TABLE_OFFSET     = 0x2710
        Table   table
        integer size
        integer sectors

        unit    source
        unit    dummy
        effect  fx
        player  user
        real    radius
        real    time
        real    timeout
        real    centerX
        real    centerY
        real    duration
        integer level
        integer order 
        boolean channel
        method getRandomSector takes nothing returns integer
            local integer random
            local integer sector
            if DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR == 1 then
                return 0
            // Fills up the table with unique integers from 0 to DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR.
            elseif sectors == 0 then
                    exitwhen sectors == DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR
                    set table[TABLE_OFFSET + sectors] = sectors
                    set sectors = sectors + 1
            // Get an unique integer from the table.
            set sectors = sectors - 1
            set random  = GetRandomInt(0, sectors) 
            set sector  = table[TABLE_OFFSET + random]
            set table[TABLE_OFFSET + random] = table[TABLE_OFFSET + sectors]
            return sector
        implement CTL
            local unit u
            local Needle needle
            local integer index
            local real damage
            local real slow
        implement CTLExpire
            if not CasterCondition(source) or duration <= 0. or (channel and GetUnitCurrentOrder(source) != order) then
                if size == 0 then
                    call destroy()
                    call table.destroy()
                    call DestroyEffect(fx)
                    call UnitApplyTimedLife(dummy, TIMED_LIFE, DUMMY_DEATH_TIME)
                    set fx = null
                    set user = null
                    set dummy = null
                    set source = null
                set duration = duration - TIMER_TIMEOUT
                set time = time + TIMER_TIMEOUT
                    exitwhen time < timeout
                    set table[size] = Needle.create(centerX, centerY, radius, getRandomSector())
                    set size = size + 1
                    set time = time - timeout

            // Loop over all falling needles.
            set index = 0
                exitwhen index == size
                set needle = table[index]
                if needle.time > 0. then
                    set needle.time = needle.time - TIMER_TIMEOUT
                    set index = index + 1
                    set damage = GetImpactDamage(level)
                    set slow   = GetBuffDuration(level)
                    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(ENUM_GROUP, needle.x, needle.y, NEEDLE_COLLISION_SIZE + MAX_COLLISION_SIZE, null)
                        set u = FirstOfGroup(ENUM_GROUP)
                        exitwhen u == null
                        call GroupRemoveUnit(ENUM_GROUP, u)
                        if IsUnitInRangeXY(u, needle.x, needle.y, NEEDLE_COLLISION_SIZE*1.5) and TargetFilter(u, user) then
                            if UnitDamageTarget(source, u, damage, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE, DAMAGE_TYPE, null) then
                                call Buff.apply(user, u, slow)
                    call needle.destroy()
                    set size = size - 1
                    set table[index] = table[size]
        implement CTLEnd
        static method onEffect takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype this = thistype.create()
            set user     = GetTriggerPlayer()
            set source   = GetTriggerUnit()
            set centerX  = GetSpellTargetX()
            set centerY  = GetSpellTargetY()
            set level    = GetUnitAbilityLevel(source, BLIZZARD_ABILITY)
            set radius   = GetFieldRadius(level)
            set duration = GetSpellDuration(level)
            set timeout  = 1./IMaxBJ(1, GetNeedlesPerSecond(level))
            set channel  = IsChanneling(source, level)
            set order    = GetUnitCurrentOrder(source)
            set dummy    = CreateUnit(user, DUMMY_UNIT_ID, centerX, centerY, 2*bj_PI*Random())
            set fx       = AddSpecialEffectTarget(GROUND_FX, dummy, "origin")
            set table    = Table.create()
            set time     = 0.
            set sectors  = 0// Available sectors. Like cutting a piece of cake.
            call SetUnitScale(dummy, GetFieldEffectScale(radius), 0., 0.)

    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        debug local string text
        debug if DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR <= 0 then
            debug set text = "|cffffa500Error:|r |cff99b4d1In trigger Blizzard, scope Blizzard!|r\n"
            debug set text = text + "|cffffa500Global user settings: |cff99b4d1constant integer DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR = " + I2S(DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR) + "!|r\n" 
            debug set text = text + "|cffffa500Solution: |cff99b4d1DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR must be bigger than 0!|r"
            debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0.00, 0.00, 3600.00, text)
        debug endif
        call RegisterSpellEffectEvent(BLIZZARD_ABILITY, function Blizzard.onEffect)

Nestharus, Bribe​

Blizzard, ice, snow, cold, slow

Blizzard ( Ability ) (Map)

Blizzard Alternative v1.0.0.0 | Reviewed by Maker | 02.01.14 Concept[/COLOR]] Recreating an already existing spell is not extremely exciting but it can be useful since one has more flexibility over the standard spell The standard...




Blizzard Alternative v1.0.0.0 | Reviewed by Maker | 02.01.14






  • Recreating an already existing spell is not extremely exciting
    but it can be useful since one has more flexibility over the
    standard spell
  • The standard Blizzard is channeled so you could add an option for that
  • Very good coding. High performance, leakless, MUI
    and overall very clear
  • Regarding damage types, cold, fire, poison etc. are all of the same main category, magical.
    I recommend using DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC,
    but it works just the same as cold
  • Nulling the local trigger is not needed
    but it won't make a difference if you do null it
  • Everything seems to be in order here
    Though it is a bit weird that the hotkey is not coloured
    in the learned tooltip
  • The effects are fine, could not ask for more
Level 19
Mar 18, 2012
I personally would just hide the unit on initialization rather than settings it's position to the edge of the map.
Hidden units can't issue orders (going to test that). So I would have to check for every spell cast if the unit is hidden or run a timer after map init and unhide it.

SetUnitPos is called one time per game, it shouldn't matter at all nor noticeable prolong the loading time.
Level 16
Dec 15, 2011

I just came across this one by chance and I noticed that it is quite similiar to my own http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/jass-freezing-field-v1-1d-228101/. Reckon that it is the "written once before" spell you mentioned. I may be wrong though so please forgive if I misunderstood.

This spell has overall better performance than mine for sure but I think that the ice shards' positioning could be improved a bit so that it can spread equally around the AoE (which more or less lessens the chance an enemy can pass through this unharmed). I am perfectly alright if you don't approve of my suggestion though, don't worry :)
Level 19
Mar 18, 2012
Hi Doomlord,

indeed it is your resource I am refering to. After checking a lot of potential Blizzard ice shard models, I didn't found one which could be used for a acceptable missle.

So I sticked to the idea you already had, by just using an effect and making the falling time not configurable.

... the ice shards' positioning could be improved a bit so that it can spread equally around the AoE ...
Yes true I'll think about it, shouldn't be too difficult. :)

If you want I can add a link to your spell in the description as good alternative. Afterall it has no requirements and is written in JASS which can be plus.
Level 16
Dec 15, 2011
Hi Doomlord,

indeed it is your resource I am refering to. After checking a lot of potential Blizzard ice shard models, I didn't found one which could be used for a acceptable missle.

So I sticked to the idea you already had, by just using an effect and making the falling time not configurable.

If you want I can add a link to your spell in the description as good alternative. Afterall it has no requirements and is written in JASS which can be plus.

If that is alright with you then I am more than willing to accept. Thank you :)

Good luck with your work on this spell :grin:
Level 19
Mar 18, 2012
I was quite sure, that I'll never update this spell ... :/

Small update:

1. The spell can now also be channeling, similar to the Archmage Blizzard spell.

2. Improved documentation.

3. MissileRecycler is now an optional requirement. This will allow you to scale the ground effect.

4. Slightly improved the code.
        static if not LIBRARY_SpellEffectEvent then
            private static method condition takes nothing returns boolean
                return (GetSpellAbilityId() == ABILITY_ID) and thistype.onCast()

5. Removed alloc module as requirement.

6. Cleaned up the demo map a bit.

7. Imapct damage is now more dynamic, as it is computated now everytime before the group enum, instead of once on cast.
Level 19
Mar 18, 2012
Unlike in the classic blizzard spell, the effects are chaotic in this one.
They can pop up anywhere in the circle around the cast point.
So eventually two effects overlap or are close to each other.

What is new in this update is that you can cut the circle/cake into equal pieces.
I named the variable distribution factor. Let's take a value of 3.
The result is that the next 3 needles are spawned somewhere in
piece of cake 1,2 and 3. One needle per sector.


set table[size] = Needle.create(centerX, centerY, radius, getRandomSector())

The sectors are not returned clockwise or anticlockwise, but
from a bucket of unique integers.
For the example above it could return: 0-2-1 ... 0-1-2 ... 2-1-0 etc
TABLE_OFFSET is just there because I store also all needles of this instance in the same table.
        method getRandomSector takes nothing returns integer
            local integer random
            local integer sector
            if DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR == 1 then
                return 0
            // Fills up the table with unique integers from 0 to DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR.
            elseif sectors == 0 then
                    exitwhen sectors == DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR
                    set table[TABLE_OFFSET + sectors] = sectors
                    set sectors = sectors + 1
            // Get an unique integer from the table.
            set sectors = sectors - 1
            set random  = GetRandomInt(0, sectors) 
            set sector  = table[TABLE_OFFSET + random]
            set table[TABLE_OFFSET + random] = table[TABLE_OFFSET + sectors]
            return sector

The following is the creation of a needle.
        static method create takes real centerX, real centerY, real maxRange, integer sector returns thistype
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            local real spacing  = 2*bj_PI/DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR
            local real min      = spacing*sector
            local real max      = min + spacing
            local real theta    = GetRandomReal(min, max)
            local real radius   = GetRandomRange(maxRange)
            set x    = centerX + radius*Cos(theta)
            set y    = centerY + radius*Sin(theta)
            set time = NEEDLE_FX_DURATION
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(NEEDLE_FX, x, y))
            return this


The buff duration is not configurable and working properly.


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Level 4
Oct 9, 2013
shiet I don't understand this coding thing, it would be easier if you guys make simple triggers instead of text coding
Level 40
Feb 27, 2007
shiet I don't understand this coding thing, it would be easier if you guys make simple triggers instead of text coding
No, trying to make this sort of a spell with a "simple trigger" is massively more complicated for the author. GUI forces you to bend over backwards to do things that JASS can do with ease (see: timers). You don't have to understand the underlying code to change the configuration section and use a resource like this.