• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • I haven't added the borders anywhere yet or made versions for the other themes no. I will let you know when I do.
    I know the feeling.
    By the way. How about merging the MPQ extractor with the model unpacker so you give a resource ID and it first looks in the resource for the texture, then all MPQs. All you will ask for is just the filename and ID and it finds out where to find it.
    I am not sure exactly how you want this. These are all the big files in SC2:
    ./SwarmMulti.SC2Mod/enGB.SC2DataAre those the ones you need?
    I think I just need to upload the MPQ files and permit those in the URL. I feel so bad that I am limiting you from working, but I have an assignment every Sunday evening so when I finally have weekend and don't need to work, I must do my homework. I don't have anything at this time, but it should not take long.
    Hey man, I just did a small benchmark on a 24x24 map to test how bad texture switches are in my case.

    Results with no vsync:
    24x24 map with 0 tiles to render (all flagged empty) -> 612 FPS
    24x24 map with a full checkboard of tiles to maximize texture switches -> 456 FPS
    24x24 map that uses one tile for the whole thing -> 485 FPS

    I guess it's not something I really need to address for the time being~
    Alright. I hope to have it ready before you get back. Hey, would it suffice for now that I just unzip ALL MPQs into one big folder. I suppose you know the location of the textures.
    Hey man,
    I am sorry for being so slow at making the MPQ DDS viewer. I just got so much shit on my plate right now. I hope next week is better.
    I am really sorry. I suddenly got a power cut and lost connection.

    Currently using my phone to post this :p
    It all comes down to personal preference. On one hand new may look simpler but it also forces your code to c++ where as malloc allows it to work on both C and C++. In the end it is far more important to choose a coding style and stick with it rather than hop between styles.
    Yo GhostWolf, we are creating a wiki for the Hive, and somebody made a shitty page about you. Now I'm gonna turn it into something informative as it should be, but I honestly don't know much about you, so if you wouldn't mind I'd like to ask you some questions (You don't have to answer if you don't like to have this info on the wiki):
    *How old are you? Date of birth?
    *Where are you from? Country? City?
    *What are you known for on the Hive? Did you create any notable threads or resources?
    *Have you done anything extraordinary in here? Like, I heard you took control of others' accounts through the Hive Chat? Anything else?
    *How would you describe your own personality towards others in here? The former editor described you as a pessimistic bastard mostly.
    *Do you have a goal with being on the Hive?
    *What is your favourite Warcraft race? Favourite organization?
    *What do you like to do in your real life sparetime?
    *What are your talents?
    *Are you currently working on any Hive-related projects?

    Anyways, thanks for your time :)
    I do apologize for spontaneously leaving chat in the middle of the discussion. BT decided it would be a good time to disconnect my internet connection for 3 hours...
    Firefox doesn't even show the view option >_<

    and my drivers are up-to-date >_>
    Okaay.. I'm apparently retarded.. where can i find that that 'running in? thing?
    btw, i looked at settings in that console and says 'user agent; microsoft explorer 9' and i don't even use any, i use only Chrome on PC

    .. wonder if i'm helping you at all..

    EDIT: none of three viewers worked for me..
    well.. i only checked my models, and they aren't showing, except particles.. maybe that includes a lot more of the models, at least for me
    was.. trying to joke with the fact some people just don't get it, that the empty model currently in the resource section is for testing..

    and i went to check a few models with the viewer, particles show okay, mesh and textures don't
    how goes the testing hive's model viewer thingie? net natives are getting restless :p
    Ok, I thought you could load models from your computer as well. Whatever; here it is. Also, thanks for the rep :)
    Question(sorry for asking these)
    Are there any limits in numbers or strings in Lua?
    Does Lua allow hexadecimals?
    I've been looking for a way to contact you for a while now.
    I will converse with you on Skype when I have time.
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