• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • The account went online for one day and he said that he is rysnt's bro (doubtful... maybe?) And he said that rysnt died.
    Just look at my pastebin for further informations about my Monster Hunter game.. I post all the current progress..
    Hey.. let's back to work! I want to create a new RPG game... The concept is just like Moster Hunter game.. It's a really fun game.. And I need you as my teammate and some of your professional friends.. Im waiting for your approval (Without Lembidi).. :D
    Use Thread Tools to subscribe to threads. It's located in the bold black tab above the post content.
    I mean, cinematic for video purposes. How do you record a war3 game for video?
    I mean...

    If you're gonna do the trailer it will added to youtube etc. That must be done with fraps or with some other programs.

    Or are you gonna do a warcaft 3 cinematic?

    I'm confused.
    Well, the glowing red SFX is nothing like I was asking for. Here, I finally found a proper picture:


    See that blade/sword? It's hot, it's glowing. Anub'Arak's arms should do the same. You can open the model, take one of his arms, remove all the anims and move the model so that it can be used as an attachment.

    Also, "Abilities\Spells\Items\AIso\BIsvTarget.mdl" (Soul Theft Buff). Take this model, increase its fly radius (it's too little) and the size of the crystal. It should be like 1.75x as big as it's now.

    Also, I still need the frosty version of the caster hand attachments. Let's say you're going to use the water one; replace the little water orbs with similar snowy ones: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/snowmanbuff-59256/?prev=search%3Dsnow%26d%3Dicon%26r%3D200. And make it whiter.
    It's simple; I guess you have seen fresh-made sword; after you hotted it, it's "glowing". Anub'Arak's "hands" should look similar. You simply have to take one of his "arms", make it glow red, and place it correctly, so that I can attach it to "hand,left" and "hand,right". There's a spell that makes his basic attacks heal him and deal extra chaos damage to the target (Lacerate), and that's supposed to be its effect.
    I haven't done the descriptions for the list (thought I'd have time in the school but unfortunately I didn't), so it's fine for now if you just finish Snodhar's AoE explosion (big-little, over 0.75 second). Plus, create an attachment for Anub'Arak's model; it is supposed to make the bug's "hand" glow. It should be red, it should be similar to a hot, fresh-made sword. I think you got it :p

    So that's all for now, I'll write the describe all the models I need and how they should look like and only send them then.
    Okay, I've made the list today, it consists of 9 models; some of them can be done by a simple edit, however there are others that needs to be made by scratch. I'll write down my ideas (for those that I have one) and send it; I really hope you're coming back soon, I need a lot of models - I've finished 4 heroes recently.
    Okay, I hope you'll get home soon; I'm coding a 4th new hero right now, plus some old heroes need effects as well; you'll have to create a couple of models :p
    When are you going to be back from the holiday? I need moar effects :p I think I'll send you a version once you send me all the effects and I finish/fix certain spells (you know, several spells can't be tested in single player and unfortunately I rarely have the opportunity to play WC3 with friends; having collegist friends can be sucky sometimes) I also hope that CR will have time to make some icons for me, I'm in the need of 16 icons ATM (and new heroes will be made once the effects and icons of the current 4 new ones are done)

    Well, just let me know when you get home so that I can write a list maybe tomorrow evening. Oh, and Happy New Year; I'm not sure if I told you this in PM or not, but let's make sure I did :p
    Same as the other cancer...
    If not carely treated, it's deadly...
    But if treated carefully, it's not that deadly..
    Yah, at last...
    Btw, i got no lungs cancer, but got seminoma (testicle cancer)
    Okay bro, so are you back? We all were quite busy recently (well, I still don't have that much time), but we should get back to work. If you're ready, I'll write a list tomorrow.

    How are the exams going? IID is waiting for you :)
    I've rewritten dozens of systems in the past few days, I think it's running smoothly now. The terrain is also done, except the two bases (their buildings are also done, but that map is at my friend; once I get it back I'll ask tobyfat to fill the 2 bases up) We all were kinda busy recently, but I think it's time we all get back to work. The first thing will be fiding a decent 2D artist for icons... I can't request everything from Crazyrussian.
    hey, i didn't say that... Don't miss understand... I just want you to join with me :) Okay... I'll give my rpg... Just wait for the link.. Haha....
    Mine was 50 KBps, and Ogero (The biggest lebanese Telecommunications company) upgraded everyone in the country who has below 1 Mbps to that.
    2 Mbps used to cost $3000 3 years ago.
    Now it costs $30 :D
    8 Mbps costs $110 though :p
    Ahaha.. .thanks... Just wait for my map...
    *Ancient PVP Arena AI vBeta
    *Footman GXE Hardcore vBeta

    I also have my own RPG map but it needs more time to finish.. I wish someone like you and your other two friends helps me... It will very helpful..
    I'll give all my script to you if you're going with me.. Also some rare knowledges waiting for you..^^ Thrust me... I'm not a begginer.. I've been scripting for at least 1 year..:thumbs_up:
    And boy, it would be better if you just send me PM...:)
    oh, that's great. May I ask your phone number? and your friends phone number too?
    Just send me PM... :)
    Hey I got a favor to ask. Can you download Game booster (google, the latest is 3.1) then .rar it with best compression and tick the 'create solid archive'? I can't DL more than 4.9mbs.
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