• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • I was just going to give you a short reply. I had some issues with the Minedropping spell, as it doesnt work with a expiration timer for the mines. I have to make their duration and damage blast in the code instead (which will be alittle more to modify than expected). If it isnt an emergency Ill try to get a hold of it in the 2-3 next days.
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) Thankyou for a intresting system to create, it opens way for many new idea's for me
    There is a footman pikemen model on this site with approximately 20 diffrent animations, I am not a experienced modeller, nor even a modeller.
    But isn't it fairly easy to take the animations from that footman and put on your model?
    Go search the Requests thread.
    Ruined City doodads? Hummm I don't know but maybe you mean the doodads for the "Diablo3: The fallen Angel" project of wc3c.net ???
    Just checked it out, it was different to what I was talking about but pretty cool =D
    BTW, playing as your race against AI has been so easy so far, I just spammed the Riflemen early on and got their bonus, slaughtering the enemy with a frontline of Militia and those Swordy Guys (for the Defend :p). Having done so against the Night Elves meant that their Archers were worthless lol

    BTW, concerned about the Tanks being op because I just noticed they have those awesome upgrades that increase their armor and health, perhaps they should start with less health. These are suggestions for your project, anyway, but I also don't know what the other races are going to be like yet so it's really just something to keep in mind for now.
    Ooh cool =D
    What does the Flamethrower ability do?
    And is it possible for me to be a tester, plz? =D
    That explains your race being very Warhammer like lol :p

    Awesum race ideas, sounds like a lot of it was inspired from Warhammer =D

    BTW, Greatswords atm seem op. If you get 10, you almost have a 100% chance to deal 400-600 damage to one unit. That's pretty big for a gurantee in the frontline, don't you think? Backed up by Rangers and some Artilleries and you got a party that the enemy is not invited to, yet it came anyway, hence why you're kicking it out :p
    That's awesome =D
    The chain reaction effect, though, would allow room to make the tanks more powerful in the end, but it's all a matter of opinion on that part.
    True that the Burning Oil would cause a shitload of lag on that part O_O. Hey, have you ever played Command and Conquer Generals? If so, then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. If not, look up China's Dragon Tank. Basically it has the ability to create a Fire Wall which spreads about in front of the tank. Something like that would be cool, but difficult to create (could be based off of Stampede, but made so that the summoned 'stampeders' all start from one point on the caster and come out in a cone). Just an idea, anyway, I have no idea what other races you plan to include, tho :p

    BTW, I added to my post with a not-so-brief note on the Great Sword and its abilities. Just mentioning that when massed, they are the most op melee unit EVER made in the game :O

    Good luck with the project, btw! =D
    Started the map as normally - Took me some tries to get it to show though. Was it the correct version?
    Hey, I have a lot of requests since that I released my Diablo Monk,
    here is what I have on my schedule for now :
    Hero model

    and the animations are the least fun in my opinion, so I don't think I will be doing the animations.

    I am doing that for SC2, a proper warhammer 40k map. At least, i am probably doing it, not really sure. The thread is here.

    Yes I do think it is a good idea, though the only thing like it I have played sucked (read the thread). It you can get past the things that made that map bad, I think it would work very well.
    So yeah. go ahead and try - though you should probably finished your current project first.
    And if I do end up not making the SC2 thing, I guess you could pick up the idea if you want...
    The unit that uses the passive miss ability, does it have damage spells? If not, then your spell is done.
    I am almost done with that passive miss spell of yours, the chance for the attacked unit to miss is completed, but the unit can also dodge spells. I just need a way to fix that then the spell is done
    You're bumping wrong.
    You have to wait 48 hours, then you're allowed to bump a thread.
    If you continue this, you might get -rep from mods, and then you lose your beautifull blue orb.
    What are you good with? Check out my signature, it has a status on what needs to be done.
    I didn't see your post, sorry. I thought it was just my idea. Are you making an Icecrown race too? Or did you mean just the whole subrace-thingy?
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