• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • I got way too many pendings to bother with remoderating already approved models atm.
    It appears people didn't relax during the christmas festivities and instead uploaded en masse. So I'll find some time to deal with the pendings inbetween looking for work, then go through the updated models

    Technically it's only a matter of hours to deal with the majority. I'll most likely get it down to at least 4 pages by this weekend.
    Hey Hayate.
    Would it be possible if you added a Scarlet Tabard to the Blood Captain from Warcraft III and the female version as well?
    Your Swordsman are cool !
    Could you make based of them the Easterling soldier for my Lord of the ring project please ?
    Actually nevermind xD I did it myself lol. Found my hard drive with a few modeling tools in it. Hey merry christmas and happy new year btw :D
    Hey Hayate can you do me a small edit? It'll take less than 5 mins. Just need an attachment.
    Reputation (+3):
    (Post) Thanks) Next i will upload farms and maybe lumber mills (if only finished them. Thet took many time).
    Hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice avatar!! And merry christmas xd
    Hey Hayate.
    Do you know where I could find a thread with someone who created some Blood Elf Doodads?
    He made high elf versions as well.
    Forget my retexture request (Is it a relief for you?)
    Can you do some rewraping?

    My request is here: Request link
    Thanks man its Fixed
    how did you do that could you teach me how to do it
    Please I want to learn more about modeling :)
    It doesn't, but it was mostly for the texture stuff. Meant fixing animations after it had been converted to mdx by me :wwink:
    Yea, blender should have some options.. tried it early on in a game creation project, where we wanted to avoid paid software.. but I just couldn't get a proper workflow in it.. Anyway maybe I get back to it, I can get around trying out solutions again. Thanks none the less and I guess in worst case.. I'll try to persuade you to fix animations :wgrin: should it come to that.
    Heh, it is.. hence the problem. Originally I worked in milkshake, but that was never really optimal. 3DS Max is a part solution I have played around with..(have it installed) sometimes it works, usually there is also convert errors there.. and I believe it still has some issue with animations? if I recall correctly. But really wish I could just do it in maya, as I am used to it.

    Your laptop must be quite bad? For 3D rendering you do need quite some hardware, although not really for low poly stuff.
    Well, now I usually work with high poly stuff in Maya. Main problem is animations though, they don't like to convert. So when I have to do something now, I make it in maya, convert to milkshape and then attempt to animate it there... but that workaround breaks the texture wrap, so I can only make individual textures for each surface area, fitting them, instead of the reverse. Basically an annoying process, leading me to rarely ever do it anymore. (Lack of time to do stuff might also play a role). However a brilliant idea is welcome hehe, but I've been looking for years, and closes thing was a converter that appeared on Hive some years ago, however sadly the person making it never finished.
    Gotta say, looking are your plane.. I feel the lack of my skills back then.. but even more my regret that I never did get a proper program that could convert to mdx (So I could fix some old stuff).
    He forgot to edit some of the parts.
    Make sure you finalize everything on your entry, I want no errors and make it perfect on your final entry. I don't want the same conflict happened to Wisdom.
    I'm glad to see that you're working on it.
    I can wait for it to be done
    I just hope that you will take your time to learn and practice while you take my request
    Excuse me Hayate but
    Could you help me with a retexture
    It's the "elfvillagerwoman.blp" texture
    Could I request that you make the dress that she uses an armored dress with the design same as the Human mage from SoC?
    Can you use the Modified Arcanist Hero model that I've requested as base for the retexture
    ofc If you don't mind taking requests
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