• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • A
    Oh, that's nice to hear :)

    Well, I was struggling between different projects, for now I focus on planning my (real life) future.
    Hey, how are you ? How is it going with Insects ?
    This could be interesting for your project.
    I am fine. Some skinning on-going.
    About the links I gave you, I am not sure but you need a special downloader to dl models from that site, don't know whether it is worthy.
    How is it going with Insects ?
    Hey, could this be useful for you ? Insectish, nature looking, isn't it ?
    hust shameless self-advertising hust
    Playing 6 hours a day seemed a bit too long, therefore..
    Too big temptation, and as I have many many things I want to do in RL, I decided to just delete. ^^
    Sounds great ! THREE new areas, wow :D

    Sadly, I won't be able to test anymore as I deleted wc3 ..
    Hahaha :D

    I will check it out as soon as it is published :)
    I also want to try to write a map review in Hive standard!
    Oh sounds good ! Can't wait to play more! Although you may have to rebalance non-str heroes, what do you think ?

    Btw, you posted on your own profile :p
    Hey Ardy :p

    It's looking good I'm on the second chapter. after that I will finish my heroes, I should be done with the area I'm working on in about 3 days ! (You will see it's a war, lots of triggers -_-)
    Hey, how are you ?
    How's the map developing going ?
    Glad that I could help :)
    Tell me if you want more feedback from your fav beta tester ;)
    Haha... I don't have Photoshop, too expensive...

    But, I was more interested how did you get the hero images ? About effects, I won't copy yours, so no worry ^^
    Hey, could you give me a detailed description how you did the hero description, artistical I mean, of Tiny World ? I would like to create such kind of Art for my upcoming thread as well. I speak basically about displaying hero interfaces.
    Would be glad if you share yur knowledge :)
    Hello, I tested your map for a few runs and here's what I have to say:

    > I only played two heroes at the moment, and they are the Magma Ant and Rectorious. I have nothing to point out for the heroes except that you really did a great job! :thumbs_up:

    > My sluggy died, is there any way that it can be revived? In singleplayer, the sluggy is essential in battle and is the only thing you have until you hire a merc from the [B.A.C].

    > You have a lot of un-imported DISBTN icons. I saw 3 in the Magma Ant's skills and around a lot more in the items. You should really import them as they turn green ingame. (And they violate the rules)

    I want to see this map to finish as it is a really great map. Happy Mapping! :grin:
    Great job ;)

    is there a way to play multi in local by example ?
    there is, but is really complicated and usually not used for certain reasons
    Hey ! Yes I think it's hopeless now, it will be a single player map ..
    is there a way to play multi in local by example ?
    Hey, how is going with your project ?

    I think its file size is way too huge, I am no expert, but I think it is NOT playable in Multiplayer anymore :/
    You could make it single player, but I think this is not what you want to.
    hmmmm, okay thank you.
    Not sure whether I will use it, it seems too dark :/
    Please ask him to try sp in mp.
    In Singleplayer you can play mapsizes up to 12MB, I think, what is not possible in Multiplayer.

    Sounds good, keep going! :)
    He may tried in ordinary singleplayer, did he ?
    Probably, but I don't want to fix myself.
    Let's wait what other beta-testers say.
    well, both.
    Sp online means I open a map online and play it singleplayer. but your map is over the size limit of Mp so Battlenet cannot open it.
    I have to do it via sp online due to the crash I get in common offline singleplayer.
    Hey, just wanted to try out the two new heroes, but the map is too big for SP online :´(
    I may didn't tell you, but I cannot play SP, for some reason my WC3 crashes when I try to choose a map in Singleplayer Selection...
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