• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • "Weekly/Monthly" as in a recurring event? If so, then I'm not sure I've got the time, nor that I know enough about modding to actually fill out more than one such.
    All awesome people have their birthday in April, and I am always not noticing that they do :grin: A very belated happy birthday.

    Also I note that summer is nearing :wink:
    I can understand why a moose would be scared of sharks in the water haha, I should give that a try sometime. Seeing something like a hammerhead shark up close would be grouse!
    Oh sorry for that trouble Ralle,I think i always brag u to troubles.Im really sorry for that.
    Hello. My friend brought me here. I suppose you are the creator :) You have a cool profile pic
    Aw no great whites? Well I guess that one's cool too. Did you do it in a pool or the ocean?
    Sorry I gotta bother you about XenForo a bit more, but can it filter out search bots from thread view counts? I'd gladly want to know how many views some threads really get...

    And I don't believe there's 1,724 quests viewing the site right now xD
    Yeah, it was, the merge happened in 2006. The server hangs seemed to coincide temporarily with my tabbing spree. Not all, though, maybe because other people were doing the same as I.
    Hey, I've gotten curious on this sort of web-related stuff with this Computer Networking course I'm taking at university.

    Back in 2008, the Hive's server was having problems and I think I remember you saying someone was hitting the Hive with too many connections. I always thought that was my fault because I sometimes opened like 3 to 5 tabs at once. Now I believe I actually was responsible :( Firefox is configured to open like 8 parallel connections at once, no? That's 40 connections hitting the Hive at worst :(

    Does your server use traditional process forking, thread creation or just a limited pool or threads?
    You should be aware of this by now. This is an english only site.
    I just transcribed the message that was in the screenshot of that spell - it means in english "Here is the title" - it's funny because whoever uploaded the spell either stole it or is so unbelievably lazy it makes my head hurt
    I found an old thread on xenforo forum discussing about it, dev has said xenforo does use it! So I guess you don't even have to do it.
    Hey thanks for implementing Alt + S shortcut for sending messages :p I've kept using it the day I found it ^^ Will hive 2 have it too?
    Oh man... I struggle with just making things in pic font, but I can certainly format the text portions and video links and provide appropriate images... but I worry whatever I'll cobble together visually will be pathetic.
    Proposal posted. I'm also going to be delving into Iceborn (1 episode up, 3 finished). Let me know how I might help the process along or what you'd like to see from me.
    Um Ralle i hope you don't get mad at me from copying the rules from this site to my site because i have no more idea for a rule so i copy some from hive and also my site supports hive and the cash will donate in time vpvery sorry heres the Link

    EDIT:why i'm saying because i need your permission
    If you guys think it is worth mentioning. We've officially finished the Human campaign and are hoping that drawing attention to the map will spur interest in finishing the final Night elf Campaign and perhaps even Frozen Throne. It's up to you guys if you want to feature it on a Race by Race basis or all 3 finished chapters when we're done.
    Warchief! sup?
    I got a question.. isn't that your anti-bot question is strong enough to prevent bots?
    I guess programmers can easily modify their software and change the answer to "no".
    well, I'm not good at HTML or website programming or something like that, just my logic said :V
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