• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Hvala, ako imas malo vremena,naci cu ja nekog drugog da mi pomogne.....necu da te cimam ;)
    A zasto ce ti tako nove verzije. Ja ti savetujem malo stariju. Maksimalno do 2010. Ja jedan tutorial na netu nisam gledao. Sve sto ti treba je unutra, tutorial u samom 3ds max su veoma detaljni i razimljivi cak i za moj engleski. Ako oces pirata ima sajt.
    Zdravo kobas, vidim nabavio si 3d max, ako imas probleme (vidim da ih imas :)), ja se bavim njime ceo dan, nisam pro ali mogu da ti pomogne kazi ako ti treba pomoc za nesto i sta ti treba.(ako oces da ja pocnem prvi: koju verziju imas)
    Ej hvala :), imam milion problema sa sitnicama, a ovo je jos jedan od nji, "Unit Type", cuo sam svakakve price da ovo laguje, pa reko da pitam bosa da li, If unit type of triggering unit is abomination laguje, znam da si mi rekao ja GTU ali ovo uvezi get unit type mi je problem, tako da da li ima potrebe da stavim u variablu pa onda unit type of variable unit? Akcija se desava u proseku jednom u 2 minuta.
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) I read some where " good map descreption is key to discover and attract to your map" I'm loving my map description, thanks to your tutorials :D (just felt OMG when I saw map with no description) Thanks dude so much
    E zdravo druze, imam neke probleme sa kodiranjem pa reko da te pitam dali koriscenje triggering unit za akcije bez variable laguje. Ne zelim da stavim triggering unit u variable zato sto trebba da je mui a koristi i w8 u magiji. Necu da koristim mag96 predlog za mui magijama sa w8 jer bih morao dosta stvari da prepravljam. Ukratko dali akcije, if then else(npr triggering unit type is equal to footman), order triggering uinit to move to point i takve stvari laguju ako triggering unit ne stavim u variable.
    Hey dude.

    Sorry for responding so late, I just didn't see your message.
    I'll see what I can do for the animations :)
    Ok u dont like fancy models and icons iget it . But u have no idea how hard it is to design ai that can emulate a human player. So some bugs are natural. I admit there are some , Iwill try to fix that . A little appreciation please. There are more than 100 triggers so its big. But flat rejection is bit harsh .. even most downloaded games like choosen one had bugs. Any way I will upload April version. I hope. You find it less buggy... Any way thank you formodding....

    Fallen.. (bfft )
    Anyway.. have you consider this things... that if a player finish playing your map.. they won't play again because they know already the story.. so your map will not so be very addictive just like DoTA... and the gameplay is ..but not so.. BORING.. because there is no ACTION and thrilling.. MOST people always want that..
    ima ga, radim sad na Rangerima... brat igrao do sad Dotu mrtvu tako da sad krecem ja ;)
    Ok brate, sredi ti to ja cu ti poslati mapu ovo sto sam do sad uradio ti samo postavi gde I kako treba da se udje, I dodaj sve sisteme koje si zavrsio I vrati mi mapu... videces dole gde su insides da sam napravio za Rangere I za Druide, znam da nije nista posebno ali cu to da sredim kad se vratim iz grada, ako mi do tada vratis mapu... sto se tice mageova... nikako ne mogu da napravim okruglu sobu koja bi pritom licila na nesto...
    Slusaj idem sad u skolu, kad se vratim nadam se da cu ovo skroz da zavrsim, za Druide i ove iz Shadow je gotovo, ali za mageove ne mogu da smislim nista brate... ali saljem ti mapu danas popodne
    Oh so BD drew this? hmm.. cool.

    and btw, a thing I was gonna tell you in chat but you left just before I asked you

    "-Kobas-, isnt there a way to make your RPG map multiplayer? cant you somehow reduce the size of it."
    Hmm.. in this plate he looks more like a Paladin.. well, Arthas was a paladin xD hmm.. you must really like Diablo then :D Too bad that in the third there were only 1-2 good cinematics ;( otherwise angels are cool yeah.
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