• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
Mechanical Man
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  • Well, my native language is Polish as I explained in my edited post. But I hardly ever admit that I come from Poland.
    Jebiga, Grcki sudija ni su nas dosudili 3 licni. Kad sam video da je Grcki sudija znao sa da ce izgubimo :/
    Oh btw, won´t be on tomorrow i´ve got work...hope i get the day off on saturday.
    been playin around with godfall, discovered bugs aplenty, mostly involving object manager so i fixed it but i encountered that main hall bug were the neutral main hall is destroyed. It happened to me twice :s...fixed hero death i think, note to myself: check if hero death bug is fixed.

    Side news i moved everything to campaign manager, from imports to interface and constants, a fucking hassle, had to import all skins and models twice because i made the mistake of importing it into normal import manager and not the campaign one, when i realized that i really reeeealllly wanted to smash things cause there like hundreds of paths to fix for those imports. Luckily i was so angry at my own stupidity that i forced myself to do it all over again, so anyway campaign is ready to be worked upon once i fix some more bugs.
    we had a water units contest recently, and thats pretty similar to 'submerged'
    clockwork as been an option as a theme before, but its never won, and clockwork is fairly similar to 'vehicles'
    plants? mmmeh, i dont want a doodad contest, if we have to make a 'animated' plant 'UNIT', then we're just going to get 30 venus-fly-trap submissions.
    space, we just had a spaceship contest for pmc2
    worker unit... i just dont like it :D

    sorry i didnt include all your ideas but you did say
    "There is not much chance that I join, so you don't need to take note of this post. " :3
    Greetings Potential test-subj...eugh, participant. According to our records here at Aperture, you have shown an interest in 3D art and have been PRE-APPROVED to join in the collaborative creation of the upcoming "Modeling Contest 21". The theme is, as of yet, undecided. That part is up to you; fellow astronaut, war hero, and/or Olympic athlete. Simply click on this link
    <span style="font-size: 22px">>HERE<</span>
    ...and your personalized computing terminal will transfer you automatically to the appropriate T35 census poll. Aperture would like to thank you for your continued service to your country, and looks forward to your participation in the near future.
    Cave Johnson. We're done here.
    Hey man, i know i said i would be available today but i am having some "difficulties" and i will be staying somewhere else for 3 days, its a long story as to why....Anyway just sending u a message just in case i will not talk to you today. laters
    Mi te jebemo Grcka mi te jebemo! 15 razlika Tooo najgolemi merak sum ga imal da gi pobedime Hellenite
    Oww.. I didn't expect you guys to lose at home to Estonia. But still in 2nd spot, though barely :O
    I care about Chinese football as much as I care about knowing what bat shit tastes like ;P

    I'd much rather watch Slovenia vs a crap team like Estonia. 4-0 maybe?
    Ma imali smo golema sreca taj Antik je mnogo sebican, ali samo toj McCaleeb je najbolji iz nashega tima. Hrvati su nas popunili so trojke, ajde sada imam mnogo golem merak da pobjedimo protiv Grcke hehe
    oh, sorry for the late response. But the models i'm skinning into drow are:
    Blood elf lieutenant, high elf archer, succubus, priest, jaina, warden, and sylvanas. I've done some other D&D stuff to, turned the shaman into a bugbear etc.
    I did manage to make it work on windows 7 on my pc but it was very buggy and crashed 75% more often and the view kept turning white and unwatchable often so it was really hard to do any modeling.
    Hey duckie, im gonna call you duckie from now on anyway duckie ím getting a new laptop next tuesday... Its thinkpad edge 520, you can google it to see its capabilities. Unfortunately it has windows 7 so i am not sure if i can use 3dsmax5 on it...Anyway laters duckie :)
    its a license file for 3dsmax, you put it in the 3dsmax5 root folder and use the utility License Configuration Switcher to select "Network" option, that loads the paradox file and thats it. if you want I can send it to you.
    Network license is always stable as long as the program has access to the file. Despite the name, it has nothing with network or internet to do, it is just a file with some license code in it, just like a CD-key.
    It works perfectly for me?
    Try installing it as an administrator and then use network license through license file.
    I actually pasted it together with some other useful stuff for another guy: link

    You install the program as usual (cd-key or whatever, doesn't matter) and then find the discreet>3ds max folder in the start menu. There you have this thing called a license configuration switcher, or something like that, that you can use to select license file instead of key.
    Hey man do you have WoW?
    If so I need some help with it and I could get you a pet or two on the Blizzard Shop if you can.
    Thanks if you can...
    ya, finished most of my drow skins already. I have one for the archer, ranger, succubus, priest, jaina, warden, and blood elf lieutenant.
    I know it would seem natural if I pick China as my next favourite team. But China being China, they aren't a football mad country, and I think we all prefer countries who are passionate about the sport.
    I just read the would cup qualifying draw hours ago. Must be feeling reaaal comfy in that Group E. Norway and Switzerland are certainly beatable, so your country qualifying as group winners could be a nice possibility.

    PS: My country crashed out already.. so I'll probably be supporting S.Korea again for the Asian zone.
    Thanks for the comment! Maybe someone else could continue the work (although I doubt it). I'm hoping to finish the steampunk humans for the techtree contest. If I can manage that, there is still hope that I release a small campaign - styled map.
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