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  • hey dude :D, i have just played all your campaigns , and i have seen that you didn't make it some :(, i'm just curios will you make it :D ?all of them :D ?
    Hey. Just wondering if you found a solution to the person getting disconnected right after people start building. Or if you dont know about it. Basically, me and my friend are able to play though any mission that DOESNT involve building. But as soon as we start building the other gets disconnected. Any advice? We are fully patched and i have the lates versions of the maps.
    Thespoon, you are doing amazing work and I'm looking forward to the next map. GL. @people that can't get the codes to work. Make a screeny with printscreen, paste it in paint then just keep alt tabbing to see it and remember KAPITAL letters, letters and numbers all have different colors, so easy to recognize
    i dowload de maps but i can't see it when i go to play it ......who i do..... plisssss... sorry for my poor english... i can't speak ir well xD
    I've played all your campaigns an today an tomorrow im going to be playing your orc campaign maps so far im amazed that you have been able to do them so well if i knew how this worked id be giving you as much rep or whatever i can your maps for the campaigns are awesome keep up the awesome work.
    finish the orc campaign maaan :D. My friend and I are playing through ur campaigns now and its awesome, thanks a lot for the maps.
    Hello man Its an honor...However I am interested to ask you how you managed to Edit (Open) Blizzard Campaing Maps?

    Just curious...^_^
    Hi Spoony, i have just downloaded your 2p campaign map 01 again - i played it long ago and hated to type the codes in -but i didnt realize that you can copy and past.
    I am trying to play it again now (campaign 01) but it is not working always telling me i need to have 2players. I played this before by myself but i dont know how , please can you help me?
    spc is right, the durotar is a good 2player project.
    btw, im looking forword on the last mission of the night elfs where you have undead ,burning leagion coming to destroy the world tree, would be kick ass if i ruled the elfs, and the other rules orcs and humans (its impossible to hold defence at the humans)
    heya dude, well done for all your maps! downloaded many of them, they all rock xD
    Could you make a 2P campaign for the bonus campaign, the Founding of Durotar too? its an awesome campaign, a real pity that 2people cant play together ...
    we'll really appreciate it if u do so!
    cheers! your maps rock!

    *could the codes be a lil shorter though?
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) ask McQvaBlood to do the other frozen throne campagains,esp. rexxar,btw,cool project
    ok, im not a trigger pro, but why the hell evry campgain chapter has a diffrent code??god the fun starts after the codes, and we gathered so many secrets,FOR waste....my cousin did exatcly what he can, Error, then the other campgain i tryied, error agian.To be true, I NEVER got a saving code to work.Never...these codes,suck!
    edit: i just wish viarable style saving would work on multiplayer,but anyway i exatcly did evrything, (fake) u59U i writed that with the big U
    then u68U-ASD6 i write evrything the same, big ASD and 6. i did evrything,and still shit happens ,why cant they be numbers 999192949 ,that would be much eiser,but enyway, i like your campgain and project,keep the good work ,UP!
    the codes are to hard, and me and my cousin have played at the campgain 3 of humans, can oyu please tell me how to get the code right? do i need -? Do i need BIG SENTENCES? its just to complicated.
    Thanks for making the wc3 campaigns coop, i made an account just so i could get download your maps! keep up the awesome work
    In addition, I might have the answer to how you get names for the AI and how you use custom units. This AI uses Draenei units in Chapter Five of the Blood Elf campaign.
    It starts with globals.
    constant integer AKAMA = 'Naka'

    constant integer DPEON = 'ndrl'
    constant integer DCATAPULT = 'ncat'
    constant integer DSALAMANDER = 'ndsa'
    constant integer DSTALKER = 'ndrt'
    constant integer DVINDICATOR = 'ndrn'
    constant integer DHARBINGER = 'ndrh'
    constant integer DSEER = 'ndrs'
    And then it calls the units by the names which it gave them during globals.

    call InitAssaultGroup()
    call CampaignAttackerEx( 3,3,2, DVINDICATOR )
    call CampaignAttackerEx( 4,4,3, DSALAMANDER )
    call CampaignAttackerEx( 1,1,1, AKAMA )
    call SuicideOnPlayerEx(M1,M1,M1,targ)
    If you have the time, please post a sentence or two under my newest release, just so people know you know about my editing these maps instead of you.
    Thanks in advance!
    Heh, I didn't think it was that difficult. I hope you do your best in the future. I see you've got competition related to cooperative campaign. It would be cool if you would have the time and will to make all of the W3's campaign for 2 players. Thanks for everything you've done until now.
    Hey man. I like your concept. But is it really necessary for such big codes ? I mean it takes almost ten minutes to write and rewrite them. Can't you make them smaller ? Or every item has a code made by Blizz and you'll have to stick to that ? If you can change it though I suggest something like this: 1-2-1-6 etc. (just a number or two for every item and whatever there needs to be saved).
    Hello "TheSpoon" a High for you. You´re really Amazing.
    I dont know but i hope i can make a Wish. I want play the orc 2P Campaigns. Ashenvale, Brachland.. and and and. I make Maps too, but i dont know how i load the campaign maps. i want make a Map with a Partner, but i dont find someone. Please whisper me if you are interested, or you have someone who will make a Map with me.
    PS: My wc3 online name is Urachi
    the spoon would you like to help me with my wow map i need some help with triggers and im still looking for a perfect azeroth map
    well i just downloaded one of your campagins but after i completed the frist mission it won't load the next map what do i do? yes im using two computers
    the spoon im right now working on a wow map but there are two maps i have one which is outland but i need to be able to make 2 players go from azeroth to outland and from outland to azeroth and be in the same map ps im still looking for a azeroth map
    i can help with my idea in the 2 player campagin. oh and why did you close some of the campagins? ps i have all the campagins in a folder
    hey all you guys im going to be making a 2player campagin clan whiper to me on us east my name is dethoroc.when you first log onto battle net go to channel 2p.And Tell Your Friends to go to because when i have lots of people in channel 2p ill make the clan. Also Anyone Thats in the clan will get bot admin. so have fun and meet me in channel 2p
    Yeah, the names are tricky. But I think I know how you could do that. Open one of your own .ai files with Notepad and see what names they use there. Perhaps it works then.
    I have known for a while that the Normal AI runs when you play on Normal mode in your campaigns. (The same for mine.)
    By the way, you promised to change that Chain Lightning to Forked Lightning.
    So, I understand your new AI works by editing the blizzard ai script using notepad? If so, does call CampaignAttackerEx( 1, 1, 2, NAGA_SIREN) mean that the AI would send 1 Naga Siren on Easy and Normal and 2 on Insane?

    Btw, it seems all it takes to make the AI use Naga is call SetAmphibious() Xd
    I have playtested chapter six and posted my thoughts on it here.
    I hope you'll consider my suggestions while editing the map.
    I want to try out the bonus orc campaign in the frozen throne map, and do some little changes in the game, and thank you for the help by the way
    dude, how do you take out all of those campaigns in the game? just curious, because I might plan to revise the Bonus Orc Campaign in FT (:)
    Excuse me, i know it might seem odd that i am very new on the site, I am making maps for a long time but never gotten public. The thing is i saw your 2P campaigns, played them (AWESOME) and... my friend and i plan to do something similar as our first big project... the problem is that we would like to use your triggers of save/load... and so we ask for permission to use those triggers, but much more we ask you (Please!) how could we adapt those triggers (which exactly) so that it would remember only the level, spells and items of the heroes... because i saw somewhere that it also remembers scores and things which we don't need. Could you help us?
    hey dude im on us east battle net what servise are u on. i really want to make a 2player campagin clan if u would whisper to me and we could meet up i have and accout on europe and us west also
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