• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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    I'm having pains animating the Birth Zombie anim. MdlVis bugs and just causes the f'n model to bob up and down when playing. I can show you if you want.
    Maybe it's an offset bug? Maybe you could add one more line of bone (no texture, just invisible) and animate it in a way that the bug seems invisible?Like, when it bob up, make the bone go down and when it bob down, it go up? Something like that, maybe it'll fix the bug. Or maybe it's an orientation problem in the zombie, in which case, you have to make it bob in the opposite direction.
    You know, I'm here to piss you off. I don't really make an effort to not tele-troll you. I don't really care about you. You are just too dumb to realize that this isn't my account at all. My real account don't troll. My fake do.
    Hey Ghost.
    Do you know how to select the AA for Warcraft III?
    For some reason the game quality is superior to the custscene quality.
    You know the movies right from the game?
    Hmh, apart from that, how many animations remain? Well see if we can do without it, if you can't find a solution to the bug
    I have already contacted Hakeem, but he says no...
    But it's cool if we can make it.
    I used your tent icon, you made for one guy sometime ago. Ur icon is much better than General Frank's ! U have rep and my thanks for making that xD Saved me some trouble and made a nice addition to my map.
    Oh and could you edit a Gul'dan skin for me?
    The creator never really finished it and it was just a request so I kinda have permission to edit it.
    So what you say?
    I need your help getting the Medivh model from the Orcs & Humans remake that someone did here on the Hive.
    I really good use it for my project, and I was hoping to use it during a flashback and some explanation of what happened between the heroes of Azeroth, in which a lot of awesome characters and stuff I need.
    nah man I haven't had time to. If you keep relying in me, it won't get done so Im sorry man. I've been busy with school
    Thanks for the help, but I kinda looked through my posts and found my post to the thread before the shop closed.
    Can't seem to find a certain shop skin place on where a member did a Gul'dan skin remake for me, and I can't recall the thread.
    So damn annoying, and I need the path for it.
    To get it straight
    You know Iza right?(Izanagi)

    Let's just say i'm a better version of him ^^
    see my previous works, to look at my anims (quite bad >.<)
    Spearman V7 Dual Swordsman and Warlord
    hello, i liked your HALO UTM and i probably would help you in it, since i'm free
    Well, i'm not free tho ==" but i only have 1 projects that i work out with peper, so i think i can help you, it's not half hard to control 2 projects at once, so ..yeah?
    i do animations for you, i can fix and squish model size, and i can find high poly models and retexture them for you ^^
    Holy fucking shit!
    Also, i found a decent animator, Arisaitou. He is the teacher of Izanagi.
    But at the moment i can't use magos, internet prob, missing FD, and cannot dload anything.
    Anyway i could now skin metal, in course anyone too busy.
    Well yeah I thought so, but just saying in case you ever change your mind.
    Really? Well my first bit of advise would be to NOT play it at all in Garena or Battle.net. The DotA nerds there are very....well.....I'm not sure there is a word for what they are like. But its bad, at least 70% of them would pretty much treat you like like dirt if you even made a simple mistake, and follow you around, and pick on you, and hate you; and try to pursaude you never to play DotA again (which somtimes works) And overall its just not worth it.

    But if you ever wish to test this grand game (in a fun way) then vs your friends over lan, or your clan on Garena. Or I could even teach you how to play myself, if you want.
    And playing the AI's in single player is also a good way to boost your skills.
    I suck with them too, I can't even remember how long ago I've played a WC3 melee.
    I just mostly do DotA, even though I probably suck at it even worse. I just find it fun.
    But I also do shooters, obviously ^^
    heh heh, lol thanks.

    btw since you got a proper net now, maybe somtime we could do a game over Garena or somthing?
    Wow sorry I forgot to reply to you the other day, I have downloaded Gimp and I'm trying to learn it now. And I never knew about the button manager either, so thanks :)

    And thank you for the feedback I'll try remaking the dagger in Gimp.
    Suprisingly the aiming is fine, great even.
    It's actually nothing akin, not very similar at all.
    I might yet finish that, who knows? You might've inspired me
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