• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • private scope test initializer i
    private function i takes nothing returns nothing
    call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,"Test Complete!")

    Try that in a map. Should work fine. (You need JNGP)
    lol the models I made isn't for the map, it's for another map and for other mappers :)
    I'm planning on making a 15+ projectiles pack :D
    School has started (with tons of homework) so the map progress has stopped, don't know whether is for permanent or temporary.
    I've never heard of the bug that jass disables hashtables, and I find that increasingly hard to believe.

    If you'd like me to make a small jass script to test this hypothesis I will ;)
    Hello there! I'm happy that you invited me to join your group :)
    But, I would like to reject/decline it. Sorry :(
    I'm so so sorry. Sorry!!!
    She is my girlfriend, yes.

    It's worth the trouble yes, because even for you when you're not using JASS, the fact that it adds Grimoire and such makes you a lot less limited in your maps.

    I can definitely make the aura of death spell that you've described.
    He should be transferring ownership to you shortly.

    This means you can create social groups as well, so bear in mind there are rules for that.
    JNGP stands for Jass Newgen Pack, it's a custom wc3 editor that is basically a package of a lot of works done previously - TESH, Grimoire, JassHelper, etc.

    It just makes scripting a LOT faster and easier, and if I script for you you'll need it (because I write vJass, which requires JassHelper)
    I've never done AI for a boss, but I've done some stack based AI (MUI stuff)

    I can probably help you with that.

    By the way, do you have JNGP?
    I can make just about anything you can think of in vJass ;)

    Is there any kind of global system you wish your game could have that you didn't know how to make? I'm not looking to spend a ton of time but there are quite a few things that I can make quicker than you'd expect.
    Hey man! I've taken a look at your neutral hostile extreme map. I don't have the time or patience now-a-days to make a full map of my own, but I wanted to let you know I'd be interested in scripting a spell or two for you. Let me know if you have any ideas.
    hey iron i found a bug,when i choose undead blood elf the shade was still there.It should when choose ur hero the shade is gone.
    EDit1: and maybe u should put a fixed respawn where the big level creep will spawn.
    Edit2:And also when i use undead blood elf hero,when my hero die, my hero will not revive
    edit3:hey infernal when max level it should be spawn super infernal why it spawn infernal boss?And the detail about rain of chaos that dealing damage is 0?
    Edit4:u say the phoniex got change.The details change but the summon din change it still summon 3 phoniex when max level.no damage or armor change even the name.
    Today I edit so many time ==
    hope u update more about ur NH extreme.I really love it XD.Since u update ur thing(im sorrry din tell u.)maybe u can change the bug infernal stone 2 and also put at the damage of the elite doom guard skill like war stomp,rain of fire.hope u can add more summon spell XD.
    Edit 1:Maybe u can change the infernal thing?I hope it not so simple.level 1 : 1 infernal ==.maybe u can put lesser infernal ?About the item stone i method about,when i use it it summon the normal infernal not the super infernal ==
    hey iron about ur NH extreme,i got a few thing i nid tell u.lst is the bug:the ability of combine recepie when i upgrade to level 2 it complety change the the skill i hope u fix it and also maybe u can change the skeleton orc spell.The summon skeleton from corspe d,i see most of all are same maybe up by 1 level maybe the summon skeleton from corspe can change?
    My previous avatar "?" is actually an avatar :D
    I saved the image before using it
    And what does my signature and title say about me??
    You judged me too fast and your "stick around, you might learn something" dude your triggers aren't the ones i would spend time to learn from.
    Edit: Just took my time to check your 4 maps, from comments 3 out of 4 aren't quite finished, there buggy and unbalanced, need still a lot of work on them and some of them.
    simple thank you would be greater then " you don't know triggers " don't post something you don't know, k ty? bye, see ya never.
    Reputation (+3):
    (Post) (+3) Thank you, will fix that, also I will add command so you can turn "annoying camera pan on hero revive" on and off :thumbs_up:
    like I said, 2v2v2v2 is good, and make custom spells like Ice spells/Fire spells/Poison spells/Passive spells/Nature Spells etc...just import from spell section of this website, there are tons of it...or if you want your own ideas, then just create it and I will make the triggers...
    Hmm what do you mean by this?

    Hey looks like the spells are payin off. rep rep:)
    I don't understand :|
    To me, using floating text is fine, but use this
    Floating Text - Show (FloatingTextVariable) to (Owner of (Triggering unit))
    It's first time people ever said me "cool", maybe at internet only... So actually even if I didn't said that other would have too, nothing special. Anyway, about your map. I've tested it today fully and I seen the ability's descriptions has improved, but the hero revive still requires gold =(

    Oh yeah, can't you just use "bounty awarded" for unit's death? What I meant was, it's pretty annoying for the bounty text to appear two times when a unit dies, which means you used floating texts + bounty awarded for them. I suggest only use bounty awarded, don't use both of them.
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