• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • I don't know what you meant with"Link to the Scourge"but i think it was"everything that the LK can control"so i will have much ideas ^^
    Well,can't it be a fire boss?xD,cause imma started a demon,i will make some1 from the scource the next time,except if you wan't fire demon for the scource.
    hey but i wont make the map because i dont make Singleplayer i thinked that its Orpg sry
    OK i will start working on it later ;) but...also,i won't use ideas from wow,i don't rly like it,except the Lich KIng,he looks rly cool.I will make an awesome boss with pretty good abilities,but...what should be the max and min stats?make new map on world editor on how strong is the Lich King,so i can know how strog to make this guy.
    soo,what should i do(gimme work to do xD)???i allready told you what i can do lolz,so i don't have anything more to say ;)
    can u make Champions of Eternia logo?
    i will make paste it in my loading screen
    make sure u make it realy cool epic and never been done even u never done it hahaha
    dont make it base on WoW logo..i dont play WoW..hehe
    arghh yeohxin what software ur using?photoshop?i hav GIMP but im noob at it
    im only good editing pictures but fail at making logo etc..
    pls yeohxin
    nonon i mean i dont want the WoW design i mean umm
    example the power ranger logo can u change it to hiverworkshop?

    u can change anything?wew..bcause i need a logo for my map..hehe
    yeohxin!!!!!!!!!!how did you make the title like your war for the lichking scrinshot
    i want something ike that..can u do 1 for me?
    To anyone visiting this page:
    Sorry guys I'm current inactive because of many thing in my real life, so any message I'll only reply when I'm here.
    Holy Crap, okay, i will go edit it, help me tell defskull about me changing the multiboard. Thnkx, u want it to be like the world something something right? desert something... Ill make it that way, hey, and when i'm online, im always in the hive chat, so if u got some stuffs, come in and chat!

    Edit : MUI means make it multi castable... ~_~
    Okay, now tell me, what is the trigger/cause for a unit to be added to the PhyGroup ?
    Casting an ability/enters region/uses item/etc
    A JASS system converts to GUI, which makes it harder LOL
    I'm not fond with the use of Hashtables + Custom Script
    This is for your Talent System, eh ?
    Before posting a complete (not alpha not beta, but the COMPLETE/FINAL version of it) test map or system trigger in the Spell Workshop Thread, PLEASE send me the map first into my PM.
    This is to make the thread runs smoothly as I can update the first post and put the DONE and UNDONE spell/system trigger.
    However, you CAN post the map on that thread to make some deal with requester, maybe he don't want that thing, remove this, change that, bla bla.
    BUT, if the map is satisfied, PLEASE post it through my PM.
    Your cooperation is much needed
    Thank you for listening ;D
    Okay here's the thing
    I will do the Talent System for the map project of yours BUT please release the project for the first version
    I mean, you release the map like v1.0
    Then, I'll create the Talent System
    You're gonna implement the system in like v1.2 or v1.3 or something
    Changelogs - Added Talent System, okay ?
    I'm not gonna promise on anything either I'm gonna complete it or not BUT I'll try my best =D
    wokey cool hero idea...haha im runing out of ideas hahaha i hav 48 heroes slot need to fill them and i want polished heroes not just nuke skills hahaha

    btw kel'frazal model let me decide any model i want ok...
    WOWOWOWOW cool hero do u hav a model for it =D
    gonna use it...but i dont quite understand the 2nd skill hahahaha
    Argh !
    It was SO damn hard !
    You gave me 3 conditions !
    I can do with 1 condition (Choose either drop in 75 or 50 or 25)
    I'll give you the test map to see the current work (only works for 1 condition, <75% condition)
    Warrior Spell Pack (exclude 2 more conditions (50 and 25)
    And the trigger I tell you, is MESSY!
    I'd better stay away from lifesteal and bonus damage, pls!
    75% done, will release on 1.15AM maybe
    Do you want only +armor, no side effect?
    Remove the lifesteal and successful damage bonus effect or keep it ?
    The only problem I had with Rage was, the +Armor in %, that's all
    The damage per hit is okay and also, the lifesteal is okay
    But Armor... =( (IN %!)
    Rage spell for Warrior is HARD to make dude...
    +Armor in % based on damage, how do I do that...
    The successful damage bonus works like Ursa, eh ?
    And lifesteal, I can make it
    But +Armor in % based on DAMAGE, well, it's hard..
    You need an idea for Priest-type Unit ?
    I don't play WoW, so...
    Here goes nothing...

    A unit under this effect will get X HP/second, lasts for Z second(s).

    Inner Sanctum
    Target Allies/Self to gain a +X bonus Armor and passive ability that grants a Y% chance to counter the damage received for W% of the damage.

    Blessing of Azure (passive)
    A passive aura that effects Z AOE and will grant Allies/Self an aura that will heal the effected unit for X% from the damage dealt. Chance to trigger is Y%.

    Live the Life
    *Don't know*
    Hey, check out the first post in the spell workshop thread, I've added new section; HOSTED PROJECT =D
    your spell now should be done, the reason why it doesnt autocast is that I turned the trigger off (silly me), but now its fixed...
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