• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • C
    No problem, message me if you need a beta!
    I.... Basically don't know, I still have to get out of Tanaris though. I don't know how. :/
    Obviously, yes. ^_^

    Still no plans however. All my bandits are dead. I don't plan on joining Chaos anytime soon though, I will try to lead a rebellion against the hypocrite emperor. :3
    No problem :D If you would like any help with item ideas or anything just tell me I'd love to help :D
    BlargHonk told me you were gay. I didnt beleive him. I dont ever belive gossip. Just making sure you knew about this.
    Basically you open up the War3Local.mpq (This is the one you will be replacing). Then you put all your files in there, make it back into an mpq, and replace your War3local.mpq (Remember to back up)

    Then whatever folders you put the files in, in the mpq, that will be the path to access it in the editor/game.

    The one thing you will need to watch out for, is when you put textures in the MPQ, make sure you use the right path or the models won't be able to find the textures.

    There is an application called MDX Pather, that will allow you to view the paths of the textures that a model uses, and change them if necessary.
    Yeah, seems I accidently missed a word. Well, that's a possibility, however Jokemaster, won't like it for sure... ^^
    wolfe i have to disagree with you completely with this quote

    StormWarriors2, do not take this the wrong way, but you must not think of this as a negative matter. In a way, this is an opportunity. What they have given you is not a betrayal, but a gift. You can now start anew, amend your old ways, and begin small and then rise while being fully aware of this chain of events.
    As it was suppose to be a way to get rid of me thats about it. They wanted to get rid of me.
    Yeah I know. kinda sad. No one will take your place. Plus then we will have trolman which = a nightmare for our RP. But at least he will be a corpse on a chair.
    I love SCI-FI
    But anyway. The Fantasy thing I really don't like after the DP. That was a complete turn off for my love of fantasy.
    Anyway. If the SCV starts up. I promise I will knock everyone's socks off.
    As Am I. But i'm soo much better at Sci-Fi. This was my experiment with Fantasy. To see if i could do it. But I know the only reason why Tleno and trolman hated me is because i betrayed them both. And Because I had Ridcious amount of units. Even though I told them The calculations were incorrect.
    And that numbers are exaggerated for a good purpose to put fear into people.
    Well. Its just good to keep up with people...
    Well anyway. I kinda wanna know about you. Are you a pro rper? Because you were one hell of a good one in the DP.
    You can make the pictures later when you get the time. I still wanna now what happened on the jouney ^^
    Well ever since I am no longer part of the DP I do not care. And For your information, I only use grammar when I believe it is necessary. It is wrong to think of me as some sorta of illiterate bastard; I really now how to type and write. Its just I type 65 words per a minute I do not have time to slow down. As I have a busy schedule.
    Anyway it has left the DP already.
    I know you are not closed minded... I was speaking about people in general. Though it was mainly directed at certain people, whom I sharnt name because they know who they are.
    Using the ranger background myself. ;)
    Also, you wanted the two images to be linket together? :S that might be kind of a problem now.
    The cities will be made far cooler once you give me a list of important landmarks and names, so that'l be taken care of. :)
    Why are you saying that to me? SW2 is the one who wants somebody to replace him, and he came up with the idea to break up his lands. Actually I think he's gone for good, the discussion I had with him about Tyr'Thalas removed my last respect for him...
    Well Malchezaar may be the current ruler of Karaszhan who will need to be defeated.

    Nielas Aran... he's cool...
    Dude, I am about to return to roman's city. U have left it, yes? What's the situation there? Are ther moles inside? Is it ruined? And so on ?
    Nah... well only his grudge against trolman. I don't particularly want to say anything coz i know i will keep on typing and then yeah.
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