• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Thanks brah. Your elder age makes you so much wiser than me! I envy the extra day of experiences you have over me...

    Happy birthday to you to! :D
    set u1 = -berz-
    set u2 = anachron
    set r = 30.00%
    set i1 = rep of u1
    set i2 = rep of u2
    set i2 = i2 + (i1 * r)

    new value = 1406

    Thanks I'll send you a message as soon as something is needed from you, I'll keep you updated as well of how everything is coming along.
    It was to debug the system that Purge could not debug, you will of course be one of the first people that will get sent the map when there is something to show. Until then we are just finishing up the slack and working on getting some things done. Sorry if I some how misled you, it wasn't my intention.
    I know, progress is pretty good. Since most of the ideas are mapped out, we just need to trigger them, finish up the terrain, and we should be good. I'm really hoping (Depending on how fast the starting triggers/spells are thrown up) to call in the beta testers soon.
    The actual talents? If so we didn't get to that part, we just had dummy spells done, he got stuck debugging and eventually gave up I guess, but the new coder I have, is working on the custom attack system, and the spells now.
    instead of well documentation I would prefer readable code xD
    but since you are much more experienced in (v)JASS than me you might see things from another point of view

    I think I'll stop coding in wc3 now and switch to c or c++ and maybe a little starcraft 2 since a simple starcraft GUI missile system with waits and all supports a nearly unlimited number of units flying around without any lag at all :/

    lets hope there will be enough people left to acknowledge your system
    Well it would be a shame to have one of the most experienced vJassers leave the mapping scene....
    Thanks. :)
    I'll message you (and everyone in my friend list) when the demo is done.
    Yeah, only 7 (I believe) DC maps on this site. But as long as I get a rating of 4 or higher, it's fine.
    I can't say it's innovating or original. But what will make it stand out is (I hope) the high quality of terrain, cinematics, custom spells (and of course lots of great music, models, and skins, but I didn't make those myself).

    You can see some of the terrain in my album.

    You know, the only map I uploaded years ago got a Director's Choice. And I got better since then. :)
    Well, the gameplay in most chapters is more like a role playing game than strategy. I also focus a lot on terrain and cinematics.

    I'll upload a demo version soon (1 cinematic and 2 playable maps), to see if there is enough interest in the whole campaign.

    But I'm pretty sure people will like this. It's looking good. ;P
    Yeah, since a few weeks now. And working on a campaign I ditched years ago. :)
    All right. The glow looks real great, and i've never been any good in glows, so it will probably help me. Thanks.
    That decision depends on how you look at the situations. I'm not saying you should, just that most of us will be happy(er?) to have you back on WCIII Modding. :grin:
    Yay! I've downloaded your Diablo map, and gonna check it out in a few minutes.
    Good luck and have fun with your comeback to WCIII Modding!
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