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A croquis of the massive, central area in my fantasy version of Hell. It will serve me as basis for future scenery artworks.
@Mechanical Man It's only the center though. There are 10 more kingdoms around it

@Mechanical Man both the city and the citadel themselves are huge, and represent the seat of power in hell. They are large enough and contain the three kingdoms physical presence.

Each kingdoms' influence however expands beyond the fortifications into every other one (except for violence).

It's sort of hinted in the map colors :D
Damn, another little lore exchange?
In my story, there is an important human kingdom which was founded by the three Saint Kings, two of which are remembered as the Black King and the Golden King
Quite a coincidence, isn't it? :D

Anyway, can't wait to see how it will look like in pictures! :D
@xISLx noice! I haven't worked on the human world yet, need to read Geography courses again so that it makes sense :D

I'll be sketching these three kings during the weekend, drawing animals (snakes in this case) is something I'm not used doing.

Here are the color palettes for them:


I'm not entirely sure If I should make them outright snakes (with demonic features) or more naga-like, since their minions are both the multi-armed snakemen or nagas, and the snake-haired gorgons.

Then again they could have two forms each, one avatar (the snake) and one true form (slightly more humanoid)
@ZethHolyblade Just imagine the player/reader discovering that the Hell is ruled by literally three titanic serpents
Also, if their closest servants are nagas, making them purely snakes would make them more distinguishable from their minions

But after all, I still think they should be Demons and not snakes
Maybe, yeah, let them have two forms - one demonic and one purely serpentine

@deepstrasz My first thought was the Serpent that tempted Eva to eat the forbidden fruit

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