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A Nazgul from LoTR, based on the Death Knight model

Texture path:


rider, knight, dark, nazgul

NazgulRider (Model)



Level 2
Mar 9, 2006
:shock: :shock: :shock: *eyes pop out* omg! you are my favourite modeler dude!!! this is like more amazing than Time Toast!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
Your fan list is getting bigger by the looks of it olof :D, this is really on of the highest quality ones ive seen(especially done by a user here), so this ive got to see :). Oh and im not sure if it was meant but the colour of the horses in the movie is black...
Level 1
Jun 27, 2006
okay, i'm new to this, and i've already read the importing model tutorial, but I still can't get this skin to work. What is the full name of the path for the skin? WorldEdit still won't display it and gives that green and black block in it's place. Is there a special place i'm supposed to put the folder? Does it matter that there are subfolders and such? Any help would be much appreciated.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
the model is stunningly beautiful, but stop basing you on the movie... and besides, that's like the only scene of the movie I remember that they're riding brown horses...

Besides: at that point the movie(s) lack(s): if tolkien says they're riding black horses then they are, for christs sake... I hate you for that, jackson!

(and MANY fan art sites)



Level 2
Jun 25, 2006
Great Job!

One of the Best Models i've ever seen !!!

all models you do are great !
Level 3
Mar 20, 2006
Eh luckymorningbell the skin path is Textures\NazgulRider.blp.

So when you import the skin, replace the path with this one.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
look, your model is awesome, but as long as you keep looking at the movie when making a model, I will keep complaining as it is my right to complain.
And I am really 100% sure that it is NOT the lightning. And if it really is, then from now on I'm going to say that LOTR sucks. puh!
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
This is amazing... But something about this model doesn't look right... It might be since it's based off of the death knight model, it gets too low to the horse while walking... No, that isn't it... It's near his rear end... He merges into his horse a bit... too well. His cape near the horse's rear end seems like it suddenly becomes the actual horse skin, but I'm not sure how else you would do it... I tried finding back views of this, but to no avail, so I couldn't figure out why it looked strange. The other thing about WC3 models is that a lot of them wield the sword in the left hand! This isn't your fault at all, but doesn't Blizz know that you wield the sword in the right hand? They would train you to do that so it would be uniform, and it was also strategic too... Mm... Anyhow, sorry for nagging you on these useless things, it was an amazing model nonetheless, I couldn't make or find one that could even touch the ground this walks upon.
Too bad you base the LotR models off of the movie entirely, because we wont be able to have an amazing Bom Bombadil model from you! And everyone loves Tom Bombadil :p.
Sorry if this all sounded very useless, my mind is wandering a LOT today...
Level 3
Jun 23, 2006
Yeh donut's right u should make models like Goldberry, Radagast, Tom Bombadill, and other models from the book that dont appear in the movie but could be extremely useful n a scenario of sorts. 8)
Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
i dont see the insult in what i said...
or have you neve seen bfme 2 on highest mode?

colors are diffrent-yes...
your colors are better-yes...
the model-all the same...

making a model that is as good as bfme on highest with such a low poly count is a great compliment as far as i see...i might be blind but thats how i see it...

anyway i am looking forward to some good hardrim...
And I am really 100% sure that it is NOT the lightning. And if it really is, then from now on I'm going to say that LOTR sucks. puh!
Well, then that's your problem, because in the movie the Nazgul do have dark brown horses

Yeh donut's right u should make models like Goldberry, Radagast, Tom Bombadill, and other models from the book that dont appear in the movie but could be extremely useful n a scenario of sorts.
Not gonna happen

i dont see the insult in what i said...
or have you neve seen bfme 2 on highest mode?

colors are diffrent-yes...
your colors are better-yes...
the model-all the same...

making a model that is as good as bfme on highest with such a low poly count is a great compliment as far as i see...i might be blind but thats how i see it...

anyway i am looking forward to some good hardrim...
Although your in tentions were good, you almost made it sound like I stole this model, and I've never even seen anything of bfme 2, this is not based on bfme 2, it's based on the movie, so compare it to that instead.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Yeh donut's right u should make models like Goldberry, Radagast, Tom Bombadill, and other models from the book that dont appear in the movie but could be extremely useful n a scenario of sorts.

Not gonna happen

Guess why? Cause he only takes bad movie pictures... Seriosuly, one of the worst things you could do is base models off the movie... Such a talented guy like you should have eye for details...
Level 3
Jul 29, 2005
Why should he make models from a book where the author gives not-all-too-great descriptions of characters, The way the film has sculpted them is fine and if thats Olof's inspiration,then fair enough.
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Why should he make models from a book where the author gives not-all-too-great descriptions of characters
His books had more detail than could probably fit in your cranium... Rrrr...
The botom right-hand picture, looks like the guy is jakcing the horse from behind.
Maybe that's what I thought was odd about it...


Yeh donut's right u should make models like Goldberry, Radagast, Tom Bombadill, and other models from the book that dont appear in the movie but could be extremely useful n a scenario of sorts.

Not gonna happen

Guess why? Cause he only takes bad movie pictures... Seriosuly, one of the worst things you could do is base models off the movie... Such a talented guy like you should have eye for details...
Well he does it enough for Star Wars... I think that he has legit reason to do so, since I know that if he painted it black, 500 people would be like OMGZ ITS BROWN IN THE MOVIE GAWD OLOF GET IT RIGHT!
I guess it could go either way, although black would look cooler, even though it might merge...
Level 1
May 16, 2006
Its a good model, but I have to say its a shame your basing this off the film because they have got so much wrong.
Well he does it enough for Star Wars... I think that he has legit reason to do so
Don't think I'm done with Star Wars, I have loads more plans for Star Wars models.

@ every one
ALL my LoTR models will be based on the movies, your complaining will change nothing, if it is book-based models you want, then I suggest you make them yourself, now, don't bother me again with stuff that I should base my model on the books, I do what I like, you should be thankfull I make loads of models for the public to use in maps.
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
I stand corrected, i thought they were black but as you said olof the lighting... Anyway still gj :).

And as for the comment of it being a straight export from bfme, one tiny little think is in the way... ITS ANIMATIONS ARE THE DEATH KNIGHTS! which im sure olof mentioned here somewhere...
Level 5
Aug 26, 2004
I won't say "you never cease to amaze me" cause it isn't amazing or surprising that you have great skills and models
but I will say you never fail to impress me olofmoleman

but though I am a lore-master of Lord of the Rings as many people are too, I won't pick on your work, it's cool, I think your Nazgul is fine
Level 4
Jul 11, 2006
Actually, the horses used for the Nazgul in the movie were probably genetically black, but many varieties of black horse can fade depending on things like exposure to sunlight to a "faded black" (dark brown) color, which is the color the horses actually were.

This does look more like a chestnut color, though, which genetically has stronger red in the hair fibers. Maybe try shifting that area of the texture map slightly towards the yellow, and reducing saturation and lightness to more closely match the horses used for the movie production (possibly +10 hue, -20 saturation -20 lightness):

Side-by side comparison

Some other clear shots of them mounted:

They also had a somewhat reflective piece of (probably) leather armor on thier head that you might emphasize by lightening that area of the texure map, if possible.
Closeup of head

Otherwise it's an excellent model and texturing job, and I look forward to seeing it being used in maps. :)
Level 2
Sep 1, 2005
I have to say, your pretty amazing, But there is one tiny problem, even this confused me when I read it in LoTR
BlackRider=The guy on the horse.
Nazgul=The guy on the black dragon.
Ring Wraith=The guy on foot.
Really this is a "Black Rider" model and not a "Nazgul" I had the same problem when I read the book :? Tolkien needed to do some clearing up there. But 5/5 excellent model and I have no complaints on the horses color.
Level 6
Aug 24, 2006
What are you talking about? They're all called the Nazgul, the Hobbits had nothing else to call it but a Black Rider, and the ones on foot were just Nazgul that Aragorn called Ring Wraiths. Because there was a few on horses we saw, and on foot, and there are only nine, so....
Also I really like the model, but I think I'm going to try and recolor it a bit so the horse is all one color. People get so mad about colors...
Level 2
Mar 4, 2006
okay, something here is important- Who gives a crap about the lord of the rings history or the name when it comes to judging how cool a model is? :roll: the model LOOKS great :wink: thats what i care about