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RACC News Agency

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Resistance Against the Cake Crusade
News Agency

Welcome to the RACC News Agency. This is the News Agency of the Resistance, providing you with the latest news in the Great Multiverse, ranging from war, politics to technology and occasional funny stuffs.

In the name of Kane!


Newspaper #1

  1. Political Corruption in the Alliance of Vestroya
  2. ADVERTISMENT: Join the Brotherhood! In Nod We Trust!

This post will be updated for latest news.
© RACC News Agency. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all content and news published by RACC News Agency are copyrighted. You may not, in any way, reproduce or copy any of its contents without consent.

Level 2
Mar 20, 2015
Hey guys! long time since i checked hive.
This stuff is cool tho!
I have to create one myself
News incoming.

RACC News Agency (RACCNA)

Subject: Aggressive Orcs Spotted in Strazura! And invaded Strazura!

Phizans, Strazura, 16 September 2169 CE -- A group of bloodthristy orcs are spotted in Strazura, and have waged war with the Kingdom of Strazura.

Those foul, savage creatures, resembling the barbarians of the former Blackrock Clan, have pillaged quite a number of villages and slaughtered countless innocent civilians.

According to elites of Strazura, they must be the very Blackrock orcs they encountered in the past. However, there are also contradicting sources suggesting that they are unrelated to Blackrock Clan. In addition, evidence also shows that they are natives of Omega Vestroya.

The threat and aggresion of those hellspawns has forced the Strazurians to abandon their part in the War against NullMagic. Just as Alphaniteshire was about to fall, the main Strazurian army has come to the rescue, driving those savage orcs back into the Sedona Pass and retaking pieces of land.

Right now, the noble Strazurian defenders are doing their best eliminating the orcish threat in their homeland. There is also the matter of discovering the exact location where the orcs entered into their lands.

RACC News Agency (RACCNA)

Subject: Ospia main army came to the rescue, and drove Nepoyze invaders back

Sakurakyo, Ospia, 18 September 2169 CE -- After journeying from NullMagic Realm all the way back to Ospia, the main army of Ospia finally arrived in the nick of time.

Unprepared, the Nepoyze army suffered major casualties and was pushed back about 75 km away. The vengeful Ospia warriors, who just returned from Invasion of NullMagic, struck the Nepoyzeans with no mercy, slaughtering any Nepoyzeans on sight and begin retaking their homelands from the hands of King Cocoacake.

It should be noted that, Ospia administration and military has misrecognized the Nepoyzeans as Regime troops, and believed that they are actually agents sent by Devil Haruhi Fujioka of the Regime.

As of now, about 69 Ospia troops fell in battle, 1337 innocent civilians were killed and 2386 Nepoyze troops were slain. The war between Ospia and Nepoyze is still ongoing...

RACC News Agency (RACCNA)

Subject: Strazura is Fallen!

Phizans, Strazura, 19 September 2169 CE -- Strazura collapsed before the savage orcish barbarians!

Castle Wrynn has been demolished by the foul creatures, and King Anduin was slaughtered and cremated in an unholy ritual! Almost all of the brave defenders and innocent civilians, along with many of the ministers and champions, were slain by those bloodthirsty monsters among the chaos of war. Those wicked orcs have pillaged the stores, killed Strazurians on sight and burned the city with ruthless pyres.

It is estimated that over 352 123 troops and 69 126 civilians were dead during the assault on Phizans. Several survivors have set sail to the Egilian Archipelago, in hopes of escaping the vile orcs who destroyed their homeland.

Conspiracy theorists suggested that the Regime of the Rising Sun and the Magiet Union were also responsible for the fall of Phizans, and that the orcs were affiliated with them. In addition, it is also said that the Regime and the Magiet were plotting to conquer Vestroya. However, both Premier Detriev of Magiet and Devil Haruhi Fujioka of Hopen denied these claims.

RACC News Agency (RACCNA)

BREAKING NEWS: Secrets of Premier Detriev and Devil Haruhi Fujioka Unearthed![r]

Top Secret Location, 24 September 2169 CE -- Premier Detriev Romanov of the Magiet Union, and Devil Haruhi Fujioka -- Devil Empress of the Regime, are revealed to have established the Sunrock Horde, the evil political and military syndicate behind the Fall of Strazura, and are planning to annihilate the Magic Kingdom!

The Sunrock Horde, consisting of the Regime, Magiet Union, the savage Rocksoul Clan and the Illidari Empire, are found to be masterminding the chaos of Strazura, and has even fooled and doomed its people into drinking the Blood of Kane, or "Krov ya'Kerz" in Astyrian tongue -- the foul fluid which was once responsible for corrupting Joseph Stalin and the majority of the former Soviet Union. This unholy blood is known for granting those who drank it great, demonic powers beyond imagination, but, in return corrupt the users into intense bloodlust and vanishing altruism and rationality of the users.

To protect the identity and safety of source givers, RACC News Agency will give fake names to refer to the source givers. Sam revealed, "The evil Premier and the Devil Empress are trying to have us drank the cursed Blood, and are planning to obliterate all other factions on Vestroya, especially the Magic Kingdom,"

Sam, who defected from the Magiet Union upon learning of these secrets, has unearthed even more of the secrets. "In addition, these two scums are searching and lusting for the rumored great powers inside the Tomb of Xerdoz," he added. "To achieve their wicked goals and bring their evil plans to fruition, they are collaborating with a secret organization -- the Brotherhood of Nod, and even sold the freedom of their people to the Brotherhood in exchange for great rewards."

Sam said that there may be even more secrets about Detriev and Devil Haruhi to uncover. "Gradually, every secret they are hiding shall be known by all," Sam ended his interview with this sentence.


RACC News Agency (RACCNA)

Let's Celebrate![r]

Vangarde City, Egilian, 20 July 2170 CE -- Today marks the 156th Anniversary of the Resistance of the Cake Crusade!

Celebrations have ensued across Omega Vestroya which will last after many days and nights, with music and joyous festivities resounding throughout the planet. The people in the parties are delighted by the mystic sights and sounds in their celebrations, while being treated to feasts of unequaled splendor.

The Resistance was founded on the Holy Day of 20 July 2014 CE, by the valiant armies and people of various nations, among the nations included the former Eiramond and Egilian which still stands as of today. During that time, Mythic -- the First Cakemaster launched the First Cake Crusade, and the evil cakes of First Arygos arose and occupied much of Vesuro and parts of Northern Vesfrica. Eiramond and Cookiengdom, as well as several other Vesuro nations, stood together and formed the Resistance Against the Cake Crusade as we know today.

The RACC Army pushed the First Arygos forces back from Eiramond, but was unable to make it pass the Central Vesuro. About seven decades of bloody skirmishes and battles ensued, until one day, the mighty armies of the Egilian and Gryphonus joined RACC and ended First Cakemaster Mythic's reign over Vesuro and liberated the lands of Vesuro from his hands.

Now, the Resistance became an international organizatiom among kingdoms, empires and republics, and its mandate has expanded from simply destroying Mythic's Cake Crusade. Together, the members of the Resistance faced the threat of Nekros, the rise of Serahn, the Second Cake Crusade and the NullMagic War.

Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Well, my faction is preparing to defend it self against at least 1 000 000 undead so yeah....big ass war.This is as big as minor events get
RACC News Agency (RACCNA)

Victory for the Alliance of Vestroya over NullMagic![r]

Vangarde City, Egilian, 26 September 2169 CE -- Victory for the Alliance of Vestroya over NullMagic!

With HaltWatch slain and the Realms of Null collapsed, the few scattered NullMagic that remained in Vestroya were quick to bow before the might of the Alliance.

Celebrations ensued for many days and nights, to celebrate the fall of NullMagic and the great victory of the Alliance of Vestroya. People have come from miles around to gather at places of celebration, and are delighted by displays of mystic sights and sounds provided by the celebration conjurers while being treated to feats of unequaled splendor.

At last.. the world of Vestroya stands victorious once again...

RACC News Agency (RACCNA)

Sunrock Horde has launched a full-scale invasion of Ospia and Nepoyze![r]

New Cocoashire, Nepoyze, 27 September 2169 CE -- The Sunrock Horde has started their invasion of Ospia and Nepoyze!

While the war between Ospia and Nepoyze continues, the massive arsenals of the Regime, Magiet Union and the Rocksoul barbarians gathered like buzzards to carrion, and struck the unsuspecting forces of Nepoyze and Ospia, as well as the innocent people trapped in the chaos.

The Sunrock invaders have greatly overwhelmed and outnumbered Ospian and Nepoyzean armies, and were able to annihilate countless troops and civilians with ease. It is estimated that over 135,000 troops and 200,000 civilians, of both Nepoyze and Ospia, were slaughtered in the invasion.

With the greater enemy approaching and knowing that uniting against the Sunrock Horde is the only choice, Ospian and Nepoyzean leaders decided to discard their hatreds and band together as a new Nepoyze.

May victory be the Nepoyzeans'. Pray for Nepoyze.

RACC News Agency (RACCNA)

Again, Sunro-- For the Brotherhood![r]


Cairo, Egy-- Nepoyze, 30 September 2169 CE -- Peace Through Power!

Tiberium is the future of Vestroya-- We are sorry, Nod jus-- One purpose, one vision! Tiberium is the way and the life. Kane is concerned by-- Nod just interfe-- --Alliance of Vestroya politicians waving flags of 'freedom,' 'democracy,' and 'justice.' In countries small and large-- Alliance of Vestroya is the only hope for Vestroyans! Only hope to defeat the Sunrock-- no organization has done more to hamper freedom than the Alliance of Vestroya. They present a program of democracy-- Nepoyze has just received aid and two Sunrock supply bases-- but are unwilling to grant its principles or support the guarantees of peace. What the AOV supports is the destruction of peace for the sake of world domination.

Kane will lead us to--

CRITICAL ERROR: Memory Overload

Press "ESC" to restart your computer...

RACC News Agency (RACCNA)

TMK Forces are Burning Down Their Own Village and are Invading Krazil Kingdom![r]


Southern Magic Kingdom, 30 September 2169 CE -- Despicable! Poor innocent lives...

TMK (The Magic Kingdom) forces has just razed one of their own village, and even worse, slaying their very innocent villagers and crossed the Krazil-Magic Kingdom Border and began their Invasion of Krazil Kingdom! This not only proves that TMK is an evil nation run by tyrants, but also shows that the Alliance of Vestroya (AOV) is a corrupt organization which struggles for world domination while weaving flags of 'freedom' and 'justice'.

Kane personally feels sorry about the deaths of innocent lives, and he criticized TMK and the AOV for slaughtering innocent villagers and invading Krazil Kingdom. "I feel very sorry about the casualties caused by evil TMK tyrants. I greatly disapproves TMK and AOV oppression, as well as their wrongful slaughtering of innocent civilians!"

May Peace and Kane's Blessing upon the fallen villagers, fallen troops and their families and friends. If we are to stop the Alliance of Vestroya regime, we must support the Brotherhood of Nod and believe in Kane!

Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Lord Kandy Kane lookslika weird lex luthor with a un-awesome metal stripped to his face to me!
OH..and Kandy Kane.. ya progangada sucks! ITS 3 million times way worse than progangada used by Kim in the Interview!
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