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[Campaign] Warcraft III Alternate: Retelling the Warcraft III Story with Swapped Races

Warcraft III Alternate
Retelling the Warcraft III Story with Swapped Races

Alternate version of the original campaigns, with swapped races
Play the original Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne campaigns from
another race's perspective in an alternate, non-canon reality.
All players are race-swapped, including your allies and your enemies!
Play on Warcraft 3 version
Or Reforged (SD)

Inspired by Brood War Alternate.
Features: All Chapters and Interludes are included. Some Cinematics are remade in-game.
Dialogue changed to fit the swaps. Character names are kept the same, but their hero class is changed.
Same map concept, but with different available units as well as different enemies.
Switched tilesets. For example, Northrend is replaced by Ashenvale.


Finished campaign list:

Warcraft III: Reign of Shadows


Planned campaign list:


Warcraft III: The Verdant Throne

Tauren Campaign: Terror of the Earth Mother
Crimsonlord Campaign: Curse of the Crimsonlords
Nightborne Campaign: Legacy of the Kaldorei


Click here to check out the full pack.

Playtesters: Daffa, Nicks, WGPavell, Macielos, Merlockqueen, PringleRingle, nchp2002, cleavinghammer
Advisers: Daffa, Nicks, Renata, Saelendious, UEDCommander
Patrons: Soapy Kim/머훈 (15 mo), alienbob (1 mo)
Coffee Buyers: Daffa
YouTube Showcasers: Daffa, WGPavell, Bomilcar Raivokas, Sil8ntArrowZ, Jayborino, Aswel

I've started using ElevenLabs to create AI voices for the characters in my campaigns. By using this service, I have made Path of the Kaldorei fully-voiced. However, the free plan is quite limiting in both the amount of voices I can use, and the amount of lines I can generate per month. If you're willing to support me, I will use my earnings to pay for this service, which will help me provide a more immersive experience by making fully-voiced campaigns possible!

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8flW32H3ocaTlU3bf14BEw
Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!
If you want to support this project, you can help me by becoming my patron on Patreon.
Alternatively, you can donate through BuyMeACoffee: Xetanth87 is creating race-swapped Alternate Warcraft III Campaigns
YoutubeChannel.png DiscordServer.png brand_asset@2x.png BuyMeACoffee.png
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i think it will be a good idea but please change the name of the characters
Would require a lot of effort changing the names in every cinematic, voice line and transmission, and it is pretty pointless. Having the same names lets you understand who these characters are replacing. Names that don't fit are altered like from Muradin Bronzebeard (Mountain King) and Uther the Lightbringer (Paladin) to just Muradin (Crypt Lord) and Uther the Blightbringer (Lich).
Any ETA on Path of the Kaldorei?
Missions 1-6 are done gameplay-wise (playable), but require difficulty/gameplay tests, cinematic changes, changing texts on transmissions and quests.
Mission 7: I just changed the tileset and heroes (so if you play it right now, it's NE Arthas and NE KT with Undead army vs Human Dalaran with Dalaran Ruins tileset)
Mission 8: Not touched at all.
Mission 9: I want to create an additional mission that lets you play as Archimonde and you will have a spell that creates Sand Castles of enemy buildings like in the cinematic. I created the Sand Castle System, but I can start working on mission 9 only after Mission 8 is finished, since it uses the same map and I want continuity between the missions. So if I change something later on mission 8 I will have to change it on mission 9 as well.


Here are Archimonde's Sand Castles. I used non-alternate Archimonde and Human Buildings as to not spoil what Archimonde looks like in the campaign.

New features:
High Elves are replaced by a new Undead faction with new units and buildings (the only unit they share with the Lordaeron Undead is the Banshee, they also have Frost Wyrms but in this campaign they replace Dragonhawk Riders and the Lordaeron Undead don't have them)
Goblin Zeppelins are replaced by a new mode of transport
In the alternate version of "Blackrock & Roll Too!", each enemy has a unique hero and unique units based on a theme. No two bases share a unit type.

One of the biggest problems is that Mission 4 might be too difficult. From every 2 Dragonhawk Riders being replaced by a Frost Wyrm which slows your forces when you want to get the Crystals to there not being a good replacement for Crypt Fiends to the new Air Transport being a bit hard to get used to.
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@Celerion (Deleted comment about Archimonde Spellpack)
They look cool. I love the one that throws enemies into the air. I usually create my own spells, but these look really cool, and I'll try to use some of them. And I will make them purple to match the new void theme for the Burning Legion.
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Level 4
Aug 1, 2020
@Celerion (Deleted comment about Archimonde Spellpack)
They look cool. I love the one that throws enemies into the air. I usually create my own spells, but these look really cool, and I'll try to use some of them. And I will make them purple to match the new void theme for the Burning Legion.
Yeah it's cool, but It's not the one I want to show you tho so that's why I deleted it. I was searching for this Dark Portal V1,05 and mixed up with the Archimonde spell pack. I think that spell similar to what you're making right now and hopefully will work as your future reference
Alpha version of the Night Elf Campaign: Path of the Kaldorei.
Contains missions 1-7 and interludes. (7 has very few changes from the original, though).
Cinematics and text are not finished, I only require gameplay or design feedback. Saying that "Kel'thuzad still calls Arthas a Death Knight" isn't really helpful, as I know I need to change those. I only changed the important cinematics and voice lines. Some old ones are still in there and will be removed by the time the campaign is released.

The important gameplay things are:
1) Mission difficulty should be a bit harder than the default campaign, not too difficult and not too easy
2) Spawned units match their races. It's a problem if you are given Meat Wagons instead of Glaive Throwers. Or Ghouls instead of Archers.
3) The AI works correctly.
4) Switched tilesets don't have unchanged elements. If I change the map from Fall to Summer there should be no Orange Tree on the map.
5) Items, xp and abilities are loaded properly. Especially the urn and the moon crystals.
6) If on mission x I have this research Available, I should have it on every following mission. The same goes for units.

As for design, I will accept constructive criticism and look forward to new ideas.

Everything in this campaign is subject to change and does not reflect the finished product.

  • Chapter 1: New loading screen description
  • Chapter 5: Playable Sylvanas is now level 2 and can gain one level.
  • Chapter 6: Quick fix for Gnomish Launcher Crash.
  • Chapter 7: Now has correct races.

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!


  • War3Alternate2 - Night Elf.w3n
    13.8 MB · Views: 208
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Level 3
May 11, 2019
Hi there, glad to see that your project has grown to such an extent. I tested Path of the Kaldorei and i have a few words to say about it, with the mention that i played it on normal difficulty.

Chapter 1:
-I like the use of the ancient guardian here, i think one of the strongest points of your alt campaigns will be the gameplay solutions for certain parts in missions where normally you would have other units that work well in solving quests.
-difficulty wise i would say it's fair with not having any heal for your units, a little harder overall than the original
-for the optional quest we need to think what can we change because i don't think resurrecting at a graveyard suits the elves well, maybe a grove where the magical energies are high and you can get a few treants as reward rather than elves

Chapter 2:
-i don't think you need the wisp at the beginning of the mission, as long as you get enough wood for starting your base or more wisps at that part i think it's fine
-i liked the custom ghouls, this made every hero kill much more distinctive, as for attack waves maybe add one more ghoul although you don't get defensive building so in a way it's fine how it is, the level 8 golem south of your base was much harder originally where he would wreck through your ghouls, maybe add a special ability to the siege golem
-nice secret hero ;)
-the necromancer hero before Uther i think had a bug where after killing his units he would stop attacking and only cast heal
-for the Uther battle i would suggest casting a raise dead at the beginning, maybe with invulnerable 45 seconds in regards to divine shield cast be Uther originally which would make the battle longer

Chapter 3:
-i agree with having druid of the claw now, useful heal from now on
-interesting choice in enemy units, maybe add 1 more skeleton grunt in every base and especially in the base before Sylvanas's, that one was too easy

Chapter 4:
-hippogriffs are a nice gameplay solution against frost wyrm, you don't have lots of encounters like this in the original game, maybe the last night elf mission, also in attack waves i think there should be regular units from time to time, just like in the original
-i really enjoyed the gnomish arbiter, it reminded me of protoss strats
-the keys and urn items worked great, no bugs

Chapter 5:
-once again, very nice gameplay solution with the druids of the talon
-it's nice having Sylvanas as a hero in your army although the huntress is perhaps the least useful unit in the campaign, at least in this mission

Chapter 6:
-interesting hero solution for Kel'thuzad, we now have 2 melee heroes with powerful ultimates and with agility specialization, maybe some things can be changed here
-chimaeras have arrived, unfortunately massing chimaeras is easy win here, maybe have more ensnare for the enemy or only getting one powerful chimaera for this mission, flying archers is a nice addition for your units but i think it's much better suited for the last mission, also bear form here is overkill, i didn't even use it, overall this mission becomes too easy compared to the original
-in chapter 1 you get the spirit owl scout, i think it should also appear here
-the level limit for heroes here should be 7, i think it is 8

Chapter 7:
-the same thing applies here with the chimaeras, you can just mass them and kill the dreadlords with ease
-the dryad is a good choice here, maybe have it even in chapter 6, but the mountain giant, although suited for this type of missions, i think should be switched with bear form because it's a better match for the abominations, maybe also push the mountain giant to the last mission
-also no attack waves here

Overall, i really enjoyed the terrain update, the custom units, the ai was fine with those exceptions. Thank you very much for your work and good luck in your endeavors.
Hi there, glad to see that your project has grown to such an extent. I tested Path of the Kaldorei and i have a few words to say about it, with the mention that i played it on normal difficulty.

Chapter 1:
-I like the use of the ancient guardian here, i think one of the strongest points of your alt campaigns will be the gameplay solutions for certain parts in missions where normally you would have other units that work well in solving quests.
-difficulty wise i would say it's fair with not having any heal for your units, a little harder overall than the original
-for the optional quest we need to think what can we change because i don't think resurrecting at a graveyard suits the elves well, maybe a grove where the magical energies are high and you can get a few treants as reward rather than elves

Chapter 2:
-i don't think you need the wisp at the beginning of the mission, as long as you get enough wood for starting your base or more wisps at that part i think it's fine
-i liked the custom ghouls, this made every hero kill much more distinctive, as for attack waves maybe add one more ghoul although you don't get defensive building so in a way it's fine how it is, the level 8 golem south of your base was much harder originally where he would wreck through your ghouls, maybe add a special ability to the siege golem
-nice secret hero ;)
-the necromancer hero before Uther i think had a bug where after killing his units he would stop attacking and only cast heal
-for the Uther battle i would suggest casting a raise dead at the beginning, maybe with invulnerable 45 seconds in regards to divine shield cast be Uther originally which would make the battle longer

Chapter 3:
-i agree with having druid of the claw now, useful heal from now on
-interesting choice in enemy units, maybe add 1 more skeleton grunt in every base and especially in the base before Sylvanas's, that one was too easy

Chapter 4:
-hippogriffs are a nice gameplay solution against frost wyrm, you don't have lots of encounters like this in the original game, maybe the last night elf mission, also in attack waves i think there should be regular units from time to time, just like in the original
-i really enjoyed the gnomish arbiter, it reminded me of protoss strats
-the keys and urn items worked great, no bugs

Chapter 5:
-once again, very nice gameplay solution with the druids of the talon
-it's nice having Sylvanas as a hero in your army although the huntress is perhaps the least useful unit in the campaign, at least in this mission

Chapter 6:
-interesting hero solution for Kel'thuzad, we now have 2 melee heroes with powerful ultimates and with agility specialization, maybe some things can be changed here
-chimaeras have arrived, unfortunately massing chimaeras is easy win here, maybe have more ensnare for the enemy or only getting one powerful chimaera for this mission, flying archers is a nice addition for your units but i think it's much better suited for the last mission, also bear form here is overkill, i didn't even use it, overall this mission becomes too easy compared to the original
-in chapter 1 you get the spirit owl scout, i think it should also appear here
-the level limit for heroes here should be 7, i think it is 8

Chapter 7:
-the same thing applies here with the chimaeras, you can just mass them and kill the dreadlords with ease
-the dryad is a good choice here, maybe have it even in chapter 6, but the mountain giant, although suited for this type of missions, i think should be switched with bear form because it's a better match for the abominations, maybe also push the mountain giant to the last mission
-also no attack waves here

Overall, i really enjoyed the terrain update, the custom units, the ai was fine with those exceptions. Thank you very much for your work and good luck in your endeavors.
Ch1: The Druid you meet before getting the owl says that some Warriors are hidden in a Grove. Arthas doesn't raise them, it's just that the voice line was still there.
Ch2: The wisp is not for lumber, but for Detonate. On Hard Difficulty, you need to use Detonate to get rid of Curse or Frenzy. Uther also heals himself with each kill, including those made with his abilities, so that's similar to his divine shield.
Ch3: It is a bit easy, I'll make it more difficult.
Ch4: Enemies are supposed to attack you with arbiters, but for some reason they no longer do, I'll have to check that out.
Ch6: I think not having Owl makes the mission more difficult. Also, you are not supposed to have bears here. Bears will be unlocked in the second Dalaran Mission.
Ch7: Mountain Giants are unlocked here since it's an attack mission, and you can use their War Clubs. This mission only contains unit swaps, so the AI is still the original human one meaning the enemies don't know what to do with their undead units. They also have no upgrades. All Crypt Fiends will have Web unlocked.
Ch8: Here Bear Form is unlocked
Ch9: Here Dryads are unlocked (Arthas/KT never gets them)

Faerie Dragons will probably be Expansion units
New Alpha Release for the Night Elf Campaign!
Arthas Design Changes:
  • Arthas' skin and icon look more like his Death Knight design (pale skin, white hair)
  • Frostmourne and Felsong no longer clip into Arthas' arms
  • Arthas now holds Frostmourne correctly in his death and dissipate animations
Campaign Changes:
  • Chapters 7 and 8 are now playable. If you played the other alpha, you can go right into Chapter 7
  • Chapter 4: AI now trains Arbiters on lower difficulties correctly
  • Upgrades have been granted to enemies who were too easy to beat
  • A lot of conversations have been implemented
  • A lot of problems have been fixed

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!


  • War3Alternate2 - Night Elf.w3n
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Level 3
May 11, 2019
New Alpha Release for the Night Elf Campaign!
Arthas Design Changes:
  • Arthas' skin and icon look more like his Death Knight design (pale skin, white hair)
  • Frostmourne and Felsong no longer clip into Arthas' arms
  • Arthas now holds Frostmourne correctly in his death and dissipate animations
Campaign Changes:
  • Chapters 7 and 8 are now playable. If you played the other alpha, you can go right into Chapter 7
  • Chapter 4: AI now trains Arbiters on lower difficulties correctly
  • Upgrades have been granted to enemies who were too easy to beat
  • A lot of conversations have been implemented
  • A lot of problems have been fixed

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!
I tested Chapter 8 on normal and i have to say, it does feel a little more difficult than original, the ai does attack your new gold mine, is smarter and i also liked the custom crypt fiends and the umbra unit. Good job!
I tested Chapter 8 on normal and i have to say, it does feel a little more difficult than original, the ai does attack your new gold mine, is smarter and i also liked the custom crypt fiends and the umbra unit. Good job!
Since obsidian statues replelace tanks I had to buff the dwarf/nerubain faction. Also I did nothing about the gold mine.AI scripts only let you choose the units. The AI does what it wants. :)
I am sad to announce that this project will go into a hiatus. Over the past months I've worked almost continuously on this project and I have to take a much-needed break. I've had a lot of fun creating these campaigns and seeing people's reactions and speculations to it, and I hope I will be able to continue it some day.
First Mission Pack of the Alliance Campaign: Colonization of Kalimdor.
Contains missions 1-3 and the first cinematic. (everything else is unfinished).
First 3 missions are finished entirely. Anything that sticks out should be reported.

The important gameplay things are:
1) Mission difficulty should be a bit harder than the default campaign, not too difficult and not too easy
2) Spawned units match their races. It's a problem if you are given Grunts instead of Footmen. Or Demolishers instead of Mortar Teams.
3) The AI works correctly.
4) Switched tilesets don't have unchanged elements. If I change the map from Fall to Summer there should be no Orange Tree on the map.
5) Items, xp and abilities are loaded properly. Especially for Cairne.
6) If on mission x I have this research Available, I should have it on every following mission. The same goes for units.

As for design, I will accept constructive criticism and look forward to new ideas.

Everything in this campaign is subject to change and does not reflect the finished product.

There is also a huge Easter Egg in the first mission, that can be used to alter a major element that lasts the whole campaign.

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!

Look to the bottom of the thread for the latest versions!
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Second Mission Pack of the Alliance Campaign: Colonization of Kalimdor.
Contains mission 4 and the second cinematic. (everything after that is unfinished).
First 4 missions are finished entirely. Anything that sticks out should be reported.

The important gameplay things are:
1) Mission difficulty should be a bit harder than the default campaign, not too difficult and not too easy
2) Spawned units match their races. It's a problem if you are given Grunts instead of Footmen. Or Demolishers instead of Mortar Teams.
3) The AI works correctly.
4) Switched tilesets don't have unchanged elements. If I change the map from Fall to Summer there should be no Orange Tree on the map.
5) Items, xp and abilities are loaded properly. Especially for Cairne.
6) If on mission x I have this research Available, I should have it on every following mission. The same goes for units.

As for design, I will accept constructive criticism and look forward to new ideas.

Everything in this campaign is subject to change and does not reflect the finished product.

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!


  • War3Alternate3 - Alliance.w3n
    39.4 MB · Views: 150
Level 6
May 14, 2016
Second Mission Pack of the Alliance Campaign: Colonization of Kalimdor.
Contains mission 4 and the second cinematic. (everything after that is unfinished).
First 4 missions are finished entirely. Anything that sticks out should be reported.

The important gameplay things are:
1) Mission difficulty should be a bit harder than the default campaign, not too difficult and not too easy
2) Spawned units match their races. It's a problem if you are given Grunts instead of Footmen. Or Demolishers instead of Mortar Teams.
3) The AI works correctly.
4) Switched tilesets don't have unchanged elements. If I change the map from Fall to Summer there should be no Orange Tree on the map.
5) Items, xp and abilities are loaded properly. Especially for Cairne.
6) If on mission x I have this research Available, I should have it on every following mission. The same goes for units.

As for design, I will accept constructive criticism and look forward to new ideas.

Everything in this campaign is subject to change and does not reflect the finished product.

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!
I had much more fun in the first mission of Colozination of Kalimdor than I did in your other alternate campaigns. And I don't mean this in a bad way. Loved the "Savages" and the custom units. I'm going to wait until it's finished as I don't want to be left hanging after the 4th mission, haha.

I think what you're doing here is underrated as it might look that everyone seems to overlook the fact that you have to adjust and edit cinematic voicelines and overall content (changing the terrain, changing units, overall adjusting triggers and units, etc) to fit the current universe you're re-creating.
Undead Arthas is now so lovable.
Is it 1.27 compatible?(you say it should be played with the latest version but I do not know if it means it is incompatible with previous versions)
It's not compatible. I use some features that are only in the latest versions, so even if you get it to work there will be unexpected problems. Your best bet is to get a second Warcraft III installation with the latest version (1.31.1) if you want to keep your 1.27 version.
I had much more fun in the first mission of Colozination of Kalimdor than I did in your other alternate campaigns. And I don't mean this in a bad way. Loved the "Savages" and the custom units. I'm going to wait until it's finished as I don't want to be left hanging after the 4th mission, haha.

I think what you're doing here is underrated as it might look that everyone seems to overlook the fact that you have to adjust and edit cinematic voicelines and overall content (changing the terrain, changing units, overall adjusting triggers and units, etc) to fit the current universe you're re-creating.
Thanks a lot! While it's true that I don't do the maps from scratch, I spend a lot of time on the actual units and dialogues. I constantly do sound editing including soundsets and cinematic dialogues, texture editing, model editing and icon editing. The hardest parts are dialogues and triggers. Speaking of triggers there are a lot of maps that have tens of triggers that say "Spawn 1 Grunt" or "If a Grunt enters this region do this..." and I need to manually change each and every single one to Footman when I create an alternate version. Aside from creating an alternate campaign, I also have a couple of other focuses:
  • Adding hints to teach players things that they might not know if they only play the campaign casually
  • Allowing the player to use unused units from Melee or units that only the enemy has access to in the campaigns
  • Allowing the player and the enemies to use units from the Beta or Alpha of Warcraft III
I've started adding more custom units because people complained that there was no unique tech-tree choices. My original intention was to keep everything as vanilla as possible since I thought the races were well-rounded and the only actual new units that I'll add will be for the new races.

I think you'll really enjoy this campaign. I think you should play mission 2 since it's pretty straight-forward, and it doesn't spoil anything about what's to come in the future. Mission 2 doesn't add any new units, but will let you play with Savages more.
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Third Mission Pack of the Alliance Campaign: Colonization of Kalimdor.
Contains missions 5 and 6. (everything after that is unfinished).
First 6 missions are finished entirely. Anything that sticks out should be reported.

Interesting changes:
Thrall's model now has fiery effects when casting spells instead of the normal Archmage arcane effects
Completely new race playable in one of the missions
New units
New abilities
Some units and abilities have been reworked
New voice lines for new units
Modified voice lines for old units
Lots of bug and mistake fixes

The important gameplay things are:
1) Mission difficulty should be a bit harder than the default campaign, not too difficult and not too easy
2) Spawned units match their races. It's a problem if you are given Grunts instead of Footmen. Or Demolishers instead of Mortar Teams.
3) The AI works correctly.
4) Switched tilesets don't have unchanged elements. If I change the map from Fall to Summer there should be no Orange Tree on the map.
5) Items, xp and abilities are loaded properly. Especially for Cairne.
6) If on mission x I have this research Available, I should have it on every following mission. The same goes for units.

As for design, I will accept constructive criticism and look forward to new ideas.

Everything in this campaign is subject to change and does not reflect the finished product.

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!


  • War3Alternate3 - Alliance.w3n
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(Update) Third Mission Pack of the Alliance Campaign: Colonization of Kalimdor.
Contains missions 5 and 6. (everything after that is unfinished).
First 6 missions are finished entirely. Anything that sticks out should be reported.

A lot of changes to units that appear in these chapters (mostly balance changes and bug fixes).
More work done on some chapters, including missions 7, 8 and 9 (though they are still unfinished).
Difficulty is shown at the beginning of each chapter.

Everything in this campaign is subject to change and does not reflect the finished product.

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!


  • War3Alternate3 - Alliance.w3n
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(New) Fourth Mission Pack of the Alliance Campaign: Colonization of Kalimdor will now be split into individual missions.
Missions 7 released. (everything after that is unfinished).
First 7 missions are finished entirely. Anything that sticks out should be reported.

Minor balance changes for earlier chapters included.

Everything in this campaign is subject to change and does not reflect the finished product.

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!


  • War3Alternate3 - Alliance.w3n
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(New) Chapter 8 of the Alliance Campaign: Colonization of Kalimdor has been finished!
Bonus chapter is still unfinished.
First 8 missions are finished entirely. Anything that sticks out should be reported.

Minor balance changes and fixes included.

Everything in this campaign is subject to change and does not reflect the finished product.

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!


  • War3Alternate3 - Alliance.w3n
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(New) Chapter 9 (Bonus Chapter) of the Alliance Campaign: Colonization of Kalimdor has been finished!
All missions are finished entirely. Anything that sticks out should be reported.
You can also watch my walkthrough of the chapter here: Alliance Bonus Chapter Walkthrough

Minor balance changes and fixes included.
New preview image and campaign screen.
Some items changed on Chapter 7.
Lowered the limit in Chapter 8 from 400 to 350. The leaderboard's count is now colored red, making it more visible.
Removed assets that have not been used in the campaign.

Everything in this campaign is subject to change and does not reflect the finished product.

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!


  • War3Alternate3 - Alliance.w3n
    48.8 MB · Views: 129
Horde Campaign: Spirituality's End. FULL VERSION HERE!
Contains all chapters. All chapters are unlocked, except for chapter 8 which gets unlocked once chapter 7 is beaten.

Anything that sticks out should be reported.


The important gameplay things are:
1) Mission difficulty should be a bit harder than the default campaign, not too difficult and not too easy
2) Spawned units match their races. It's a problem if you are given Archers instead of Headhunters. Or Glaive Throwers instead of Demolishers.
3) The AI works correctly.
4) Switched tilesets don't have unchanged elements. If I change the map from Fall to Summer there should be no Orange Tree on the map.
5) Items, xp and abilities are loaded properly.
6) If on mission x I have this research Available, I should have it on every following mission. The same goes for units.
7) Voodoo Lounge abilities work correctly and are balanced with the other options.

As for design, I will accept constructive criticism and look forward to new ideas.

Everything in this campaign is subject to change and does not reflect the finished product.

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!

Download the latest version using this button:

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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I was pretty hyped about the idea of playing from another perspective
I was hoping for more than taking the existing chapters and just swapping the races.

For example, instead of having undead arthas and uther play out the human missions, it would be more interesting (to me at least) to play from kel'thuzad's perspective as he spreads the grain and such, this could be done in a pretty clever way such as something like this: Thievery Campaign (Levels 1 - 6) and mix in some more standard missions where you slow down arthas and it could end by kelthuzad waiting for arthas in order to be killed. Obviously needs to be fleshed out and thought about more, I am just saying what I hoped for by reading the title.

The ACTUAL idea is still amusing, I think the ceiling is higher though.

edit: turns out someone were lightyears ahead of me: The Plague of Lordaeron
I was pretty hyped about the idea of playing from another perspective
I was hoping for more than taking the existing chapters and just swapping the races.

For example, instead of having undead arthas and uther play out the human missions, it would be more interesting (to me at least) to play from kel'thuzad's perspective as he spreads the grain and such, this could be done in a pretty clever way such as something like this: Thievery Campaign (Levels 1 - 6) and mix in some more standard missions where you slow down arthas and it could end by kelthuzad waiting for arthas in order to be killed. Obviously needs to be fleshed out and thought about more, I am just saying what I hoped for by reading the title.

The ACTUAL idea is still amusing, I think the ceiling is higher though.

edit: turns out someone were lightyears ahead of me: The Plague of Lordaeron
Well, this has nothing to do with my campaigns. If I ever got back to making a campaign from scratch, it would probably be Beyond the Dark Portal, but I am quite busy nowadays, so I am not able to make campaigns with maps from scratch. Also, the idea with playing as Kel'Thuzad doesn't really make sense since Arthas' forces (and the rescuable Footmen) are the first human forces to have an encounter with the Cult of the Damned, meaning until "Ravages of the Plague", the cult only had preparations to make, but no actual battles. If you want to make a campaign like this, go ahead, it's just not for me. I know The Plague of Lordaeron is a thing, but it is very hard to fit it into canon. I think a more interesting idea would be a reversed campaign, where you play each chapter from the perspective of the enemy, so in the Human campaign you would play as Blackrock Orcs and Undead, and you would play each mission in reverse: defending your position in Strahnbrad, wiping Uther's base, defending the warehouse etc. But this is something someone else can make. I will continue making Alternate until Legacy of the Kaldorei, and then we will see what the future holds.
While playing my campaigns, people encountered this bug that resets their difficulty from Normal to Hard. This is a problem that appears in all custom campaigns. For a while, I didn't understand why it didn't happen in my playthroughs with my original profile, but it happened when I played as "WorldEdit". The reason is that, when you hit 'Continue', the game selects the difficulty from the Official Campaigns, instead of the one you chose for the Custom Campaign. I have found a solution (thanks to piscythe from Jayborino's Discord Server) you can fix this is by going into the Official Campaign menu and selecting the same difficulty as the one you select for the Custom Campaign. This way, you will always have the same difficulty.

Custom Campaign difficulty affects maps played from the Custom Campaign menu.
Official Campaign difficulty affects maps played after other maps, after hitting the "Continue" button.
So it's best to set them to the same difficulty, before playing any Custom Campaign, not just my campaigns.

I've also released a tutorial video:
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Level 3
May 30, 2018
I can't wait to see if you really did Book of Guldan as I guessed
(New) Chapter 3 of the Horde Campaign: Spirituality's End has been finished!
From now on, each chapter will be released separately.
First 3 missions are finished entirely. Every chapter is unlocked, but the other ones aren't finished.
Anything that sticks out should be reported.
I want to know what you think of the difficulty of the chapter. Is it too easy? Is it too hard? Or is it all right?

You can give feedback on the project's Discord Server: Join the Warcraft III Alternate Discord Server!

(Update) Quick fix to disable Wind Riders.


  • War3Alternate4 - Horde.w3n
    30.9 MB · Views: 343
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