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Level 2
Jun 1, 2008

I have set up a small forum HERE so its easier to discuss ideas.

Some details about the map first off.
9-10 humans max
1 Zombie(computer)
1 Human(computer)
1 Military(computer)

The map is Multi leveled this includes Standard cityscape, inside buildings and subway(possibly more)

As the player you start off in the middle of a zombie invasion trying to survive you start in your home unarmed you can usualy find a weapon to defend yourself with be it a knife, baseball bat or a chainsaw.
The objective is to survive for 30 minutes.
Twists: there is a counter for pickup copter but it crashes some supplies can be obtained, the copter is set for 15 mins but you need to wait for the 2nd copter at 30 mins 2 escape.

The city is sealed off by walls guarded by armed forces that will shot if you get 2 close.

Currently recruiting:
Advanced AI triggerer.
Spell/Unit triggerer.
Idea man
(To help me build off my ideas)
For details about what will need to be done please read all information provided to get a better understanding.

AI information below

Zombie AI:
Zombies roam around aimlessly if a human enters their sight range 'infront of them' zombies will be attracted to them if a zombie that spots a human is near another zombie the other zombies will also be alerted to the humans and so on in a limited range. If a human uses a loud weapon like a gun for a chainsaw there would be a larger alert area for zombies. Zombies are attracted to any loud sounds/moving objects this includes flares grenades and smoke grenades.
Smoke grenades if thrown attract zombies but act as a form of sight block and if inside humans can move alot closer if they dont use any loud weapons or have a running chainsaw/radio.
a radio communication may also alert zombies.

Human AI:
Humans will be scattered around the map usually in groups fighting for survival, Humans will either join up with you following your around only shooting if u shot, stay where they are, possibly ask you for help to save somebody get some supplies, give you some supplies or they will turn on you and try to kill you. There will also be a random group of humans varying in size that will wonder around town gathering people, supplies and weapons. These groups will either just ignore you lend you supplies or attack you usually attack so its advised to stay away from them.

Military AI:
They simply guard the guard the outer walls of the city with a small roaming strike force in the city they shot anything they see moving living or undead.

Ability information below

The main spell is called Interact this ability will do many different function depending on what you click it onto.
Interact will talk to a human, Inspect a shelf for supplies, move an object?.
Other spells are weapon usage such as reload, don't engage(will not attack a target till toggled to engage)
First aid(healing, to be worked on)
Military Training(attacking, to be worked on)
Cardio(Sprinting, to be worked on)
Technician(repairing/making, to be worked on)

Skill system
Need Ideas for a skill system that allows for replay value possibly a save/load system.
The skills themselves will add another level to game play for example someone with a high enough Cardio will be able to run to a special area where there is supplies or something to do there.

Quests will also be a major part of the game with some humans asking for help in exchange for supplies etc.
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Level 2
Jan 12, 2009
i can help you with everything. Just PM or visitor message me, i can code systems also. And i LOVE terraining so hit me up.
Level 2
Jun 1, 2008
Ahh sweet thanks it will prob be awhile before and triggering etc starts as I need yo work on the terrain.
But thanks for showing interest really appreciate it!
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