No more spam for my thread lol, its on a spam diet

. If you want to post something off-topic, i require something on-topic within the post, just to keep a constructive balance within the thread.
Alright couple responses for the game
The bark textures are alittle gray, I preferably dont like them that much. I can make them high rez mapped properly, but then they add the effect of say, walking into a completely white room, not being able to tell if theirs ledges,inclines, etc because im not using a texture thats made for say that models purpose. They'll be edited later when the gameplay has been edited.
Doodads, im currently using the destructable plant from the models section for basic plant you see scattered in the real game. Rocks and jars I will make myself, but I have never made a death animation before and will have to do a quick read on how they work. EX: blowing up a rock makes a animation of smaller pieces flying off, I dont know how i would get rid of the main rock model and then add in the smaller pieces flying off.
Lastly, do you have any main skills in the world editor? I work alone mostly, so I've had to spread out my learning over modelling,skinning,rigging,animating,triggering. My terraining is horrible so I might see if Gilles wants to work on my terrain again for me

. He's still waiting for me to release my other beta map ><.