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Zelda 64

What would you mind playing with and where?

  • Im happy with 3 dungeons and playing as link/kokiri/goron/zora.

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Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Yea I figured out what I could try to do with the temples. I could possibly, since the dungeon is one model, have the say the first dungeon in one spot. I walk through it with all the doodads in their spots,, complete the area,etc, and when im done i get ported out. Then a trigger deletes the model, all the doodads that were their and then loads the new dungeon model. The hard part would be creating all the floating doodads at certain heights plus doodad blockers with triggers.

Would have to like put the whole dungeon down, figure out how high the doodads are so I can walk on them correctly then delete everything and load all the information into a trigger. If it would be possible it would only be like 30secs of lag and I could have all 3 dungeons/7temples load in the same area lol

Im going to put off work now till tommorow, things to include in the next version:
The biting plants (deku baba's)
Floor 2 fully walkable
Respawnable plants that drop items
Respawnable rocks that drop items
The basic attack system using abilities (keyboard shortcut)

Im working on getting link in still, have to animate him and all that.

(fixed typos, i was up 2 days straight)
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Level 9
Apr 14, 2007
dude, thats an awsome idea for the temple thingy. But still, lol, iwanna work on this map, i loved all the zelda games, and stil ldo. I cant even count how many times ive beaten ocarina of time and majoras mask, i know those 2 by heart, fully. anyhooooo, i cant wait till next version is released!
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
No more spam for my thread lol, its on a spam diet :p. If you want to post something off-topic, i require something on-topic within the post, just to keep a constructive balance within the thread.

Alright couple responses for the game

The bark textures are alittle gray, I preferably dont like them that much. I can make them high rez mapped properly, but then they add the effect of say, walking into a completely white room, not being able to tell if theirs ledges,inclines, etc because im not using a texture thats made for say that models purpose. They'll be edited later when the gameplay has been edited.

Doodads, im currently using the destructable plant from the models section for basic plant you see scattered in the real game. Rocks and jars I will make myself, but I have never made a death animation before and will have to do a quick read on how they work. EX: blowing up a rock makes a animation of smaller pieces flying off, I dont know how i would get rid of the main rock model and then add in the smaller pieces flying off.

Lastly, do you have any main skills in the world editor? I work alone mostly, so I've had to spread out my learning over modelling,skinning,rigging,animating,triggering. My terraining is horrible so I might see if Gilles wants to work on my terrain again for me :). He's still waiting for me to release my other beta map ><.
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
That will require physics, which my experience I wont even bother trying ;\. I would like to have it, though I would like afew kinds of physics in the game along with bouncing a deku nut off my shield.

It could be main simpler then the real game and just have so when the nut gets close to your char on the facing side, it bounces straight back and could kill the shooter. If it comes close from behind your character though it would do damage to you and not bounce back in return. Something as simple as that could probably be done with a trigger to create the illusion that it is bouncing back, which is what I have to fall on lol. Ill see if any advanced triggers can contribute later.

Ive got the biting deku plants, the bouncing shrub guys, the big spider and little spider token mob, the hatchlings, and the Oogama itself. When their all done with the rest of the deku tree ill concentrate on some type of physics.

When everything is completed up to finishing the deku dungeon boss, then that will probably be the end of released updates until the master sword is reached.
Level 9
Apr 14, 2007
hmmmm, those mini games would be fun. anyway, again about the temple setup. i think you should make the terrain for the map first, and make all the small arears and whatnot. (this will be a good idea) make some of the map cutoff by boundaries, as a temple area. Put regions to that area from where the temples WOULD be if the map would be big enough, and make triggers to alter the terrain to how you want it to be. i hope you understood what i meant.

woot, post 230!
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Thats my main problem being not able to fit everything in the map. The Dungeons will take up approximately 1/7 of the map if they consist roughly the same size as the first one.

I've got the world map up and I would have to say I can easily make the everything on it, but that excludes all temples and dungeons. If it is possible to create a doodad at a set height like a floating platform in a region with a trigger, then with alot of time, I can just place out the dungeon, put all the regions in their designated spots, record what doodad goes in what region, erase all doodads and run the trigger to create all the doodads.
--maybe I should include a loading barr trigger haha--

I created a model yesterday and testing it ingame with stand and attack animations and it worked very nice, so it wont be much longer till beta is complete. My rough estimate, 1 1/2 to 2 weeks.
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Ill move it over when its ready. I dont think they would accept it until its in a beta phase.

Quick info, ive been animating my deku plants but have been having troubles :\, 1 plants animation is fine for now but im getting stuck with the one that lunges, just cant get the right timings down so its not all jumpy or someplaces to fast or slow

Anyway, ive been workin nonstop day-nite figuring this stuff out and im very far behind in my classes :p, so I wont be updating for a day or two until my homeworks caught up. I should just try and find a animator with some experience/free time :p.
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Ill probably have to resort to that trick If I cant fit everything in. Now if I can fit say only 7 temples in. Well that leaves 3, so maybe when everyones young I will only have 3 dungeons loaded, then when time passes, ill unload the 3 dungeons and load the 5 temples. That would make space and you could re-visit the temples/dungeons for the appropriate time.

Something like this, if possible, would increase development time by a month probably.

Im going to start working on finishing the deku dungeon now.
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Updated the new version now, didnt have much time to work on it over the weekend being out of town but current updates are

Beta abilitys
Slash-testable with deku baba's
Shield-atainable picking up a shield*testable with deku baba's

You can test them out on my deku baba's I made but I havent fixed their animations or skinned them yet, plus no death animation so they'll stick around for awhile after dead lol. Ill try to fix it this week along with afew more models and other things.
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Damage works just fine for me, are you using the slash ability? In this game, their will be no (turn auto attack on while you make a sandwich lol). To make it easy, just right click up to a plant like you were normally going to attack but hit the slash ability to kill the plant.

The slash ability does 1 dmg, and deku baba's have 1 hp so it should kill it in 1 shot, just get close enough, like right clicking should bring u in perfect range

Also, when attacking, your defend ability is removed while swinging, so you cant be invincible while attacking.

(edit) I Uploaded my version that is currently working for me. Im playing as first player if that matters. Send me a msg if its not wokring, if your playing as link or as a kokiri or any other details.
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Level 9
Apr 14, 2007
okay, im disappointed with the new versions release. first off, you can;'t enetr the dungeon anymore because pathing blockers are there, and nothing really was added. the dungeon is really really REALLY glitchy, because when i walk around the outside, it sends up in the air in certain spots, and i can never ever et back down, and theres no revive trigger.

after playing again, i removed 4 pathing blockers so ican go inside temple, made links health 10hp, and gets revived, but i couldnt figure out why i kept going in the air. i hope you fix these things.

anyways, map is still great, and when it completely finished, this should be at least in the top 10 of all battle.net games lol, seriosuly!

Link; said:
Link:God damnit Navi, stop talking! Shut up for once! I mean come on now, every step I take all I hear is ding ding ding, and then you talk about bullshit. You know what... *5 minutes later* BANG! Heh...heh...heh...finally, peace and quiet.
Navi: I'm still alive! Ahahahaha!
Link: God, i'm too old for this shit...

Lol, i made it more exciting. but who remmebrs in the zelda games when navi never shut the hell up during gameplay? i do.
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
It very rushed, sorry about that. Everything should be ok cept the hps, ill raise them to 6. The hearts in town will heal you, in next version, 2 hp. 2hp=1 heart. Now for the dungeon. Type Deku Dungeon and Deku Village to get in and out. I found out that if I have the entrance completely blocked, your guy behaves better while walking into a wall inside, so I use a teleport command, I thought I added it into the quests to read but I didnt add it right.

Also, Im going to model the deku tree itself where the deku tree is and make it teleport you into the entrance of the deku dungeon when entering the deku tree's mouth. You wont have to worry about walking outside the dungeon and having your cam changed.

Next version release will be friday and ill make sure to make it a good one.

(Oh i remember navi's constant bothering lol, I have to go through it all over again for my map :p)

If you have something you would like to see ingame the most, thats earlier on, I can put that on top of my to-do list.
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Level 13
Sep 24, 2007
soo you should make link have like a million hp so he can never die normaly and make it so you have hearts in the uper right hand somehow and make it whenever you are hit it take awya formt here it was always like
*link look at this*
not right now im fighting a boss
then it keeps on saying that and then you look and then boom ur dead
Level 9
Apr 14, 2007
hmmm, what i would like to see...how about...lol, idk, a temporary miniboss, like uhh, that dude that shoots fire and has those teleporing floor tiles or whatever, somehting like that. no wait...IRON KNUCKLES!!!!!!!!!! THOSE ARE MY FAVORITE MINIBOSS TO FIGHT, OMG DUDE THEY'RE SO MUCH FUN TO KILL!!!!!!!!!
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Lol we'll have to see gallin ;). For now, idk what ill be doing for this mod. Im looking to how long its taken to get whats done now, which is like about 1month and im startin to wonder how long it would take alone to finish this on my scope. Im probably half way in total of gettin the kokiri area done and then its probably going to be the same thing over again for the next dungeon.

Now all this time ive been trying to setup my system to fit more zeldas playing style so when thats finished I guess it would take 1month per dungeon. That would mean roughly 9months, with 7 temples left and 2 dungeons not including ganons fights.

It takes so long per dungeon since I model the dungeon from scratch to the closest I can get. Then I need to set it up to make it walkable from the inside, along with monsters to populate it, that involes scratch modeling, skinnin, rigging, animating. The time involved adds up rather quick.

I might have to see if I can recruit some people to help with this or I might jus finish the Kokiri Village+Dungeon and call it good. A different view on what rpgs could be maybe ).
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Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

You're making the whole Deku Tree dungeon a model? That's sick.
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Haha what is with this lefty only and earring in the right ear? I thought this was a mod not a fashion statement ;). Imma work on a structure tonight, probably basement floors of the deku dungeon and ill give a progress report tommorow.
Level 13
Sep 24, 2007
Link Is A Lefty

NOTICE THE SWORD IN THE LEFT HAND IN THIS PICTURE he is a lefty so make him a lefty
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