First, this is my first melee map ever. Eventhough I'm not happy with it, I upload it for a mod & public review. So any critic is welcomed.
For the map: 1x1 melee map with narrow way /yes, it's indeed a 1 route map, but later in the game you can alter it/ and trees blocking half of your routes. However, the wood resources are not enough even for 1x1 map, so this map can prove quite fun and hard to play, especially in multiplayer. There are 4 gold mines and hard creeps in the middle, so time may pass before your first raid on the enemy base. Enjoy & Comment
* Fixed /hopefully/ the item drop balance
* Fixed the starting locations
* Fixed the creep locations due they were too close to the starting locations
* Removed the too strong creeps in the middle
* Added a Fountain of Live in the middle and replaced the other two with Merc. Camps
* Fixed terrain bugs
* Made the tile variation a bit better
Hope it's better now.
highpass, woodland, wood, woody, wind, windy, barrens, one, on, 1, 1x1, 2, two