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Wild Things(Better!)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Wild Thing's

Two female students wealthy, popular Cindy and poor dweller Angela accuse John Galt, of rape.

5 minutes

Plot type:
Extensive plot twists


AT&T LABS (TTS voices),The Godfather Soundtrack (Music),Find Sounds.com(Sound Effects).
This is a better version (its longer)


Wild Things(Better!) (Map)

19:49, 10th Jan 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 8
Mar 17, 2009
Well a few things i have to say about that:
-Story is kind of switching alot^^; so its good but not to special
-The voices where a good idea, but sometimes the emotions are missing
-you should add a trigger that alows the watcher to quit the cinematic(like Esc)

All in all i liked it :)

-Yep the story switches alot! I did my best to make it Understanding.
-Text To Speech is a under development Project in AT&T... But i like it!
-You are right! But there is always Alt-F4 and the EXIT...;)

Thank you very much :) :grin:

Actually, deleting it still breaks the rules if you upload it again, so fail.

I didnt upload it again!! i drastically improved it! :/

How can you just ignore the fact that you break the rules -_-

Actually it is different! It is not the same as before!... Plus the name is different! it is 2 minutes longer then before....:/

It is rule violation to multi-upload.
Use the Update button to make updates!

Indead it is! but i did not multy upload!!!
Last edited:
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
You are breaking the rules...
Actually it is different! It is not the same as before!... Plus the name is different! it is 2 minutes longer then before....:/
Different name? I don't think so, the others were called "Wild Things" (exactly like that), if you think adding "(Better!)" makes the name different, you're wrong.
That's like saying "MyMap V1.00" has a different name than "MyMap V2.00".

I didnt upload it again!! i drastically improved it! :/
O, you didn't upload it again? What's this? An "Update"?

Actually, deleting it still breaks the rules if you upload it again, so fail.


Use the Update button to make updates!
And if you cannot use the update-button, that means I don't want you to update it (I know, I'm not the easiest guy around).

I have rated this according to importance.
Obviously, triggers don't really matter a lot if the story and terrain are absolutely brilliant.

Triggers: very bad: waits instead of timers, leaks, inefficient. (1/5)
Terrain: blizzard cliffs for walls, do I have to say more? (2/15)
Story: I couldn't really tell what kind of story it was supposed to be, half of the cinematic existed out of "X minutes later", some plot changes were pretty predictable (John Galt's dead for example), the entire plot looked like some kind of cheap detective show with a few flaws (4/20)
Use of imports: TTS doesn't have emotions... not good, only the judge's voice was avarage for the first few words, the sound effects weren't bad though. (3/10)
Atmosphere (camera, filters, typo's, ...): the camera was very static, there was no good transition between camera movements (if the camera was moving), most of the time the camera movement existed out of 1 camera going to the other and back again.
There were a lot of annoying grammatical mistakes, especially the overdone comma, which you placed when it was absolutely not necessary.
The dream filter did fit in with the plot (2/10)

Total: 12/60 = 1/5 (20%)
And I've been pretty nice now...
Level 8
Mar 17, 2009
You are breaking the rules...

Different name? I don't think so, the others were called "Wild Things" (exactly like that), if you think adding "(Better!)" makes the name different, you're wrong.
That's like saying "MyMap V1.00" has a different name than "MyMap V2.00".

I said PLUS i used a different name. Ok scrach that But it is different! And i anyway deleted the other maps!!! I didnt know that when a map gets rejected then you must update it! I thought you must re upload it!

O, you didn't upload it again? What's this? An "Update"?

Its very different my other versions!

And if you cannot use the update-button, that means I don't want you to update it (I know, I'm not the easiest guy around).

Really i dont understand why are you so aggressive with me!

I have rated this according to importance.
Obviously, triggers don't really matter a lot if the story and terrain are absolutely brilliant.

Triggers: very bad: waits instead of timers, leaks, inefficient. (1/5)
Terrain: blizzard cliffs for walls, do I have to say more? (2/15)
Story: I couldn't really tell what kind of story it was supposed to be, half of the cinematic existed out of "X minutes later", some plot changes were pretty predictable (John Galt's dead for example), the entire plot looked like some kind of cheap detective show with a few flaws (4/20)
Use of imports: TTS doesn't have emotions... not good, only the judge's voice was avarage for the first few words, the sound effects weren't bad though. (3/10)
Atmosphere (camera, filters, typo's, ...): the camera was very static, there was no good transition between camera movements (if the camera was moving), most of the time the camera movement existed out of 1 camera going to the other and back again.
There were a lot of annoying grammatical mistakes, especially the overdone comma, which you placed when it was absolutely not necessary.
The dream filter did fit in with the plot (2/10)

Total: 12/60 = 1/5 (20%)
And I've been pretty nice now...

Thank you for rating.
OK about the triggers. I am not a pro in World Editor!
about the Terrain. I didnt want to use inported terrain!
about the Story! Well you need to understand that Wild things is a movie! its not easy making it into warcraft 3 cinematic! (4/20) Is highly under-rated!
about the Use of imports. Thanks for the sound effects! But really, i dont have a microphone! atleast i had sounds!
about the Atmosphere (camera, filters, typo's, ...). You are right about the camera. You are right about the grammatical mistakes (but not so many). The komas were there because the TTS didnt sound good with out them!
Total: 12/60 = 1/5 (20%)
And I've been pretty nice now... ??? Come on! dont you think thats under-rated?? you are so evil !! :( lol

What if i say to you. That i plan a update??? Do you think thats a good idea?
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Yay, long comment... please read everything.

I said PLUS i used a different name. Ok scrach that But it is different! And i anyway deleted the other maps!!! I didnt know that when a map gets rejected then you must update it! I thought you must re upload it!
No, re-uploading is a very rare case (when someone quits warcraft 3 and someone else takes over his project for example, the one who quit warcraft can't update it, so the one who received the project can re-upload the map, so he can update it).
Something you probably didn't know: you can only soft-delete your maps, meaning it will be invisible for everyone but the map moderators and yourself.
I can still download the map, comment it, even undelete it, so the map is still in our database... (only people who have full permission over the maps section, such as map moderators can actually delete a map).
Its very different my other versions!
Yes, but multi-uploading actually means "uploading multiple versions of the map", it doesn't matter if it's completely different or not, you have to update it, not re-upload.
We don't want to have the same map more than once in our database, instead: we only want to have 1 version in it, the new one.
OK about the triggers. I am not a pro in World Editor!
about the Terrain. I didnt want to use inported terrain!
about the Story! Well you need to understand that Wild things is a movie! its not easy making it into warcraft 3 cinematic! (4/20) Is highly under-rated!
about the Use of imports. Thanks for the sound effects! But really, i dont have a microphone! atleast i had sounds!
about the Atmosphere (camera, filters, typo's, ...). You are right about the camera. You are right about the grammatical mistakes (but not so many). The komas were there because the TTS didnt sound good with out them!
  • You don't really look like a pro at the world editor, you don't have to be one either... an avarage person could do a lot better.
  • Importing tiles isn't what I meant: you could've used more dalaran (ruins) tiles to make it look better and used actual walls instead of blizzard cliffs - cliffs aren't supposed to be used like this (I hope).
  • Never heard or seen the movie, but that isn't supposed to matter... there are a lot of LotR-cinematics, no matter how awesome LotR is, if those cinematics are bad, I reject them.
    The plot doesn't seem very movie-like, it's more (as I have said before) a flawed detective show.
  • I understand that you don't have a mic, you don't need one either - you can ask people who do have one (and have a good accent), or you could use no sounds at all (though there is loss in sound effects in that case).
  • As far as I know, you don't need to show the comma's in-game... it won't change the sound or anything, so you can leave them out.

Really i dont understand why are you so aggressive with me!


Come on! dont you think thats under-rated?? you are so evil !! :( lol
No, really... I'm not being aggressive to you, you haven't seen any of my evil comments yet o_O

What if i say to you. That i plan a update??? Do you think thats a good idea?
I would give you the advise to create a project that is extremely difficult...
An RPG would be a good idea, but not "ye olde rpg", you need to have ideas that make you think, such as class changes, buying abilities, a new class choose method, a few items systems (class-bound, level-bound, rarity, ...).
Let your brain work for once (it didn't seem to work when creating this map) and just go for it.

Did you know that you only make progress by doing hard things? If you're an avarage guitar player and you keep playing avarage songs, you'll never get good, but if you play hard songs, you will get better.
It's the same for pretty much everything: when I started on my ORPG, I knew... basically nothing about mapping, only the very basics (around your level), because of that map, I learned how to code efficiently, how to remove leaks, what's important, what's not, how to judge yourself, etc...

The problem here is that, once the map is "done" (or when you're tired of it), you will realise it is crappy.
You know that everything you've done at the start isn't good and can be done in a better way, so you basically need to redo everything (and sometimes you do that and realise it could've been done even better afterwards), so it's a waste of time concerning the map itself.
Your mapping skills will improve quite a lot though...

If you do this, don't upload it!