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[Trigger] Why doesnt this work?

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Level 3
Aug 24, 2007
Why doesn't this trigger work?

Time-Every 5 Seconds of game time.

Conditions Or-Any (Conditions) are true
Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 52
Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 03
Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 28
Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 36
Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 15
Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 34
Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 18
Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 47

Action- Create 1 Treant for (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) start location) facing default building facing degrees.

Sludge pickers are what you choose the thing with, everybody gets one at the start.
Level 8
Jul 23, 2005
  • Time-Every 5 Seconds of game time.
  • Conditions Or-Any (Conditions) are true
  • Conditions
  • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 52
  • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 03
  • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 28
  • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 36
  • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 15
  • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 34
  • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 18
  • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 47
  • Action- Create 1 Treant for (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) start location) facing default building facing degrees.
Here's your trigger tags then.

And following what famous said should do it.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
  • Events
    • Time-Every 5 Seconds of game time.
  • Conditions
    • Or-Any (Conditions) are true
      • Conditions
        • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 52
        • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 03
        • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 28
        • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 36
        • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 15
        • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 34
        • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 18
        • Treant<gen> contains Sludge Picker 47
  • Actions
    • Create 1 Treant for (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) start location) facing default building facing degrees.
these are trigger tags.
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