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Why does Illidan commit suicide?

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Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
In wc3 the death animation of Illidan/Demon Hunter clearly shows he stabs himself in the stomach to end it, why is that?

I guess we need a lore guy here..

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Illidan does not in Heroes of the Storm?

I am guessing in WC3 it is an animation Easter Egg. Just like the one stand animation of the Blade Master sees him floating in the air and the death animation of the Dread Lord sees him bursting into a cloud of bats (Dracula style).
He does float, just confirmed that there is a gap between him and the ground. Do I really need to bring a screenshot?

Once again, this is Blademaster and not Hellscream. Hellscream just sits down, the Blademaster floats.

A screenshot would help. It would definitively settle the matter.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Since WC3 lacks the tools to do it easily I used SC2 to take the following image. Of note is that the normal "ported" Blademaster actually lacks the animation (it plays normal stand instead, probably an error resulting in the same animation being ported twice instead of two unique animations) . The HD Blademaster however does correctly have the animation which is what I show in the image.

This is not a SC2 only thing. I repeat that I am only using SC2 because it has WC3 assets and allows me to play with the models in the editor with respect to the terrain and camera angles (cut scene editor). Otherwise it is very messy to prove what the animation does as third party model viewers are "iffy" and WC3 would need a lot of scripting for an in-game shot.

This animation was used in Joe's Quest campaign in WC3 about 10 years ago as part of one of the cinematic which is where I first remember seeing it.

This image shows the Blademaster playing the stand animation. Feet touching ground as one expects.

This image shows the Blademaster playing the "Stand cinematic" animation. Notice how you can see the base of the building under the feet signifying that he is floating above the ground (otherwise if he was touching the terrain he would obscure the building behind).

Once again same results can be obtained in WC3. The above just shows it in SC2.


  • Cutscene Editor 003.jpg
    Cutscene Editor 003.jpg
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  • Cutscene Editor 002.jpg
    Cutscene Editor 002.jpg
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