If the OP is having memory issues on his HDD or SSD, I suggest downloading:
So that he/she can easily see where space can be free'd.
I suggest that if the OP has a significant amount of memory wasted on uninstall kb packages, to remove them if it's at utmost importance to gain space.
Otherwise don't because you won't be abled to de-install the updates you've already installed (which I don't think will be a big issue to many of us but oh well...).
you can easily save a few GB's by doing this.
It's very common for users with low memory on SSD's to do this.
Here is a reference to what I'm talking about:
Insightful information on the subject at hand
This message was directed towards users who are having space issues in windows.
- Referencing invalid player numbers (not within 1-16)
- Out of bounds locations, e.g. a knockback system pushing a unit off the map
- Memory leaks
I'd like to add:
- referencing null vars.
- operation limits.
- thread crashes.
(potential triggering crash causes ofcourse)
Remember that it's not always trigger related, sometimes specific archive files can become corrupt too.
(object editor data, import editor data, terrain data, doodad placement data, unit placement data, shadow data you name it..)
Usually the Fatal error gives an indication on where to search for by displaying a hex offset.
If the OP could display a screenshot of the actual message and is not affraid to show us his map, it's easier to figure out the main cause.