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Why Diablo III Sucks

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Woah, you really need a giant ass to pull that argument out of it. Not saying it is big, but shitty. Internet connection requirement is a great idea when it comes to registering - as a way to combat piracy. However, D3 has a singleplayer option that REQUIRES YOU TO BE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET. All the time while you play. That is completely retarded. And I don't know why Blizzard is butthurt about piracy, like they aren't making millions, it is enough of a limitation that you can't play a pirated game online.

Playing singleplayer in itself is completely retarded. You can simply host your own games on the internet, and then use those characters anytime you WANT to do something online. I had 3 single player characters in D2 and I have 6 accounts filled with characters on Bnet. Why would anyone ever want to create a singleplayer character?

This doesn't have to be true, and some countries have such shitty internet you can't imagine.

And Blizzard isn't catering to those countries.

I can't believe people think it is okay to have to be connected to the internet to play a SINGLEPLAYER ASPECT of the game. It is not the industry that is the problem, it is morons who support this. Soon they will have us chipped with the data of which games we have purchased, and as soon as we try to open a game we haven't, it will send 'pain' signals to the brain. And then people are going to support their argument with 'IT IS A GREAT PROTECTION AGAINST PIRACY".

You expect me to not play a fantastically fun game because it will spoil the industry? I would hardly consider myself a moron because I bought the game. And buying a game doesn't mean I "support" the features of the game. And tbh I wouldn't play it without a connection to the internet, because everything I have in that game is online. And the example you use of electrostatic shocks to our brains is completely ludicrous.

Great for you, but most people play with random other people they have never met and they don't really socialize.

I find it hard to believe. Your own experiences aren't the experiences of everyone globally.

Or, you mean, those people will never admit it and try not to act needy?

Of course there are people who depend on MMO's to socialize with people but that is a staggering minority such social retardation is present in any populace imaginable. The MMO's are simply their tool of trying to communicate. It's the same as them being a recluse, except they actually get more communication with other people then they might have.

And i can tell you... it's easy to bypass.
I played one of their games which costed i think $40 for free over the internet with other people due to a loophole in security that existed, not sure if it exists anymore.

There have been tons of loopholes with Steam and Valve games. The most destructive was one that allowed people to get every game on Steam for free. However Valve keeps its ear to the ground and as soon as it learns of such exploits it swiftly fixes them. I doubt the loophole you were talking about still exists.

And diablo mobs and items are dynamically generated, clearing a map is never the same also, never, it's always a unique experience.

And that was part of the appeal for me playing the first one. It was a crazy concept at the time.

I'd also like to take a second to remind everyone to keep it civil. There is no need to use profanity in this thread.
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
There have been tons of loopholes with Steam and Valve games. The most destructive was one that allowed people to get every game on Steam for free. However Valve keeps its ear to the ground and as soon as it learns of such exploits it swiftly fixes them. I doubt the loophole you were talking about still exists.

Still it's so easy to get a cracked steam game it's not even funny. The hack team just needs to hack the steam.dll and the game exe file most of the times.

Diablo III is a different story, i tested the cracked server files and i knew it that i will get money to buy the game faster than it will take me to wait for a functioning emulated server.

And Blizzard isn't catering to those countries.
I am from the same country as HT =\

However... i have a relatively cheap 10 Mbit cable line... so i have no issues with the always online part.


I play my diablo games with my bro or my RL friends, no one else :s
Not sure if that helps this discussion at all.
Playing singleplayer in itself is completely retarded.
...I have no arguments against this, because people who say things like this are usually hopeless.
You can simply host your own games on the internet, and then use those characters anytime you WANT to do something online. I had 3 single player characters in D2 and I have 6 accounts filled with characters on Bnet. Why would anyone ever want to create a singleplayer character?
I won't bother explaining, either.

And Blizzard isn't catering to those countries.
That is irrelevant, I was commenting on what YOU think. Blizzard is a capitalistic corporation, people don't have to be jerks.

You expect me to not play a fantastically fun game because it will spoil the industry?
I would hardly consider myself a moron because I bought the game. And buying a game doesn't mean I "support" the features of the game.
Woah, you are really brainwashed. It is the same with governments. They convince you that by going their way you don't support them, but you do, to your fullest extent.
And tbh I wouldn't play it without a connection to the internet, because everything I have in that game is online. And the example you use of electrostatic shocks to our brains is completely ludicrous.
It is an exaggeration, of course, but what I was saying is, that if we keep allowing the game industry to keep taking privacy away, they could do such things as well.

I find it hard to believe. Your own experiences aren't the experiences of everyone globally.
Not my experience, since I don't play multiplayer games.

Of course there are people who depend on MMO's to socialize with people but that is a staggering minority such social retardation is present in any populace imaginable. The MMO's are simply their tool of trying to communicate. It's the same as them being a recluse, except they actually get more communication with other people then they might have.

It is on the rise.

I'd also like to take a second to remind everyone to keep it civil. There is no need to use profanity in this thread.

Yes, it is just that certain kinds of people make my blood boil.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Iron Maiden is the single most useful curse in Hell
Hmmm... Mathematics time!

Monsters in Diablo II hell hit for about 100 to 200 damage blood lord which used frenzy.
With enough + skills iron maiden could deal 1000% damage reflection. That means each attack from then only dealt 1000-2000 damage back. They had 18000 HP minimum which meant that would take a massive 9 to 18 attacks to kill them.

Hmm guess you were.... Oh DAMN forgot the Hell mode physical resistance... As everything has physical resistance (and in this case 66%) that comes to 27 to 54 hits from them to kill themselves.

Sound reasonable? Well you are forgetting it only works on MELEE physical attacks. Thus all those range and casters will take no damage at all from iron maiden.

Let us compare it to Amplified damage. This curse lowers enemy physical resistance by 100% allowing your skeletons to deal an extra entire damage worth of damage to them. Skeletons hit for 1000 damage if properly built. This means each hit will deal 1000 extra damage from your skeletons if you cast amplified damage while iron maiden meant that each hit enemy monsters made only dealt under 1000 damage back to them. Combined with the fact you will have an army of 16+ skeletons AND revives that hit for 1000s as well and you see how usless iron maiden is compared to amplified damage. Life tap atleast makes your army semi immortal and decrepify does good allround debuffing. Lower resistance could allow a team of Sorcress to deal hundreds of thousands more damage a second.

Skeletal mages cause way fewer server crashes then revives do :p
On the contary. They caused way more as their projectiles cost as much as another revive melee revive. I used to crash the server with mages alone let alone even pulling skeletons or revives out. Infact why even bother as the servers crash if you play as a single smiter alone with no followers using a torch.

I have to compliment Diablo III about server stability. Even if it can become unplayable with lag at times, you can do whatever you want and the servers will never crash. Enough action to flood the screen with numbers and lower frame rate to single digits? No problem.

In Diablo II you had to remove your torch when engauging Diablo in Pandmonium. Worse still is that if you had more than 1 of the prime evils on you the game nearly instnatly crashed. The only way to do the event was to keep player numbers low and kill them 1 at a time. Only 1 player could fight as any more would crash the servers.

Get mace mastery, skill bash high. Whirlwind is broken and doesn't work anymore (doesn't phase through enemies, and DPS was lowered to retard point) so don't skill. You have to take a proper blend of shouts, and don't skill anything in the find potion/item branch. Leap/leap attack are also pretty useless.
Still takes 50 times longer to kill stuff than a javazon that deals 100K-200K a hit against bosses and atleast 8-16K multiple times to many enemies an attack.
Hmmm... Mathematics time!

Monsters in Diablo II hell hit for about 100 to 200 damage blood lord which used frenzy.
With enough + skills iron maiden could deal 1000% damage reflection. That means each attack from then only dealt 1000-2000 damage back. They had 18000 HP minimum which meant that would take a massive 9 to 18 attacks to kill them.

Hmm guess you were.... Oh DAMN forgot the Hell mode physical resistance... As everything has physical resistance (and in this case 66%) that comes to 27 to 54 hits from them to kill themselves.

Sound reasonable? Well you are forgetting it only works on MELEE physical attacks. Thus all those range and casters will take no damage at all from iron maiden.

Let us compare it to Amplified damage. This curse lowers enemy physical resistance by 100% allowing your skeletons to deal an extra entire damage worth of damage to them. Skeletons hit for 1000 damage if properly built. This means each hit will deal 1000 extra damage from your skeletons if you cast amplified damage while iron maiden meant that each hit enemy monsters made only dealt under 1000 damage back to them. Combined with the fact you will have an army of 16+ skeletons AND revives that hit for 1000s as well and you see how usless iron maiden is compared to amplified damage. Life tap atleast makes your army semi immortal and decrepify does good allround debuffing. Lower resistance could allow a team of Sorcress to deal hundreds of thousands more damage a second.

GOd damnit math go away. Maybe you're right on this one.

On the contary. They caused way more as their projectiles cost as much as another revive melee revive. I used to crash the server with mages alone let alone even pulling skeletons or revives out. Infact why even bother as the servers crash if you play as a single smiter alone with no followers using a torch.

I have to compliment Diablo III about server stability. Even if it can become unplayable with lag at times, you can do whatever you want and the servers will never crash. Enough action to flood the screen with numbers and lower frame rate to single digits? No problem.

In Diablo II you had to remove your torch when engauging Diablo in Pandmonium. Worse still is that if you had more than 1 of the prime evils on you the game nearly instnatly crashed. The only way to do the event was to keep player numbers low and kill them 1 at a time. Only 1 player could fight as any more would crash the servers.

Where are you from? If torches crash your game from the firestorm thats pretty lulz. I play US West and never have those kindof ridiculous server breaks. Only time I time out is when my internet hiccups or when fighting very large numbers of enemies. I've experienced no difference between heroes w/ summonables and not.

Still takes 50 times longer to kill stuff than a javazon that deals 100K-200K a hit against bosses and atleast 8-16K multiple times to many enemies an attack.

The reason you play a barbarian isn't to become a huge dps. You play barbarian to tank and provide your group with incredibly useful shouts. With the nerfing of whirlwind the barbarian has no effective aoe skill, and is pretty much reduced to absorbing all incoming damage + focusing toughies. He is still playable, but he's drastically weakened since the patch that destroyed whirlwind.
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
The reason you play a barbarian isn't to become a huge dps. You play barbarian to tank and provide your group with incredibly useful shouts.

I thought paladins were the tanks with their holy shields and their auras and aggro skills.

Playing a barbarian as a tank just because he has shout is meh.
I have a friend who can pass hell solo with his dual wield frenzy barbarian, and that is some crazy dps on his char =\

Only immortal king soul cage missing to complete the set :s

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
GOd damnit math go away. Maybe you're right on this one.
I forgot to mention that iron maiden has to be skilled to be effective (all 20 points) while other curses are effective enough with just 1 point and letting +skill do rest.

Where are you from? If torches crash your game from the firestorm thats pretty lulz.
EU. Commonly caused by smiters as they proc like 2-5 waves at the same time. As smiters are the cheapest build that can do Pandimonium event you can see why they were used.

You play barbarian to tank
Except barbarians cannot tank at all compared to palidins...

With a palidin you can easilly get 75% block (maximum block) with minimum invested dexterity. What is even better is they block the most efficient of all classes with Holy Shield on, blocking a hit every 2-1 fames. Barbarians and other classes can only block 1 hit every 10 or more frames. Combined with palidins having high defense through holy shield and powerful all resistance class specific shields and you take even fewer hits and less damage.

Yes shouts are useful but no where near as much for dealing damage as a palidan. You cannot even say he is good for deam teams as his shouts eat up 3 buff slots (which could be offensive auras).

I have a friend who can pass hell solo with his dual wield frenzy barbarian, and that is some crazy dps on his char =\
If you are using ruin word gear such as BotD phase blades with Fortitide armor you will obviously deal stupid damage. However I never was that rich.
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